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quintefoille (s.xiiim)

The form quinfolie is a cross reference to the following entry:

quintefoille (s.xiiim)

quinfoil,  quinfoile,  quinfolie;  quinteffueille,  quintefoil,  quintefoile,  quintefoill,  quintefoyl,  quintefoyle;  quintfoil,  quintfoile,  quintfoille,  quintfoyl,  quintfulle,  quintofoil  (quintefolium)  
  FEW:  quinquefolium 2/ii,1481a Gdf: GdfC:  quintefeuille 10,462c TL: quintefueille 8,102 DEAF:  quintefueille  DMF:  quintefeuille  TLF:  quintefeuille  OED:  quinquefoil n. and a.  MED:  quintefoil(e n.  DMLBS:  quinquefolium (quintifolium) 2633c

Just like cincfoille and quinquefoille the word derives from Latin quinquefolium(with the latter preserving a more Latinate form of numeral) and basically has the same meaning. In this case, the numeral is replaced by the ordinal quintus. FEW, OED and DMLBS treat these as the same word (with the FEW merely acknowledging a ‘von quintus beeinflussten form’), but the forms are sufficiently different to warrant separate articles in the AND).


bot.cinquefoil, Potentilla reptans, plant with compound leaves consisting of five leaflets
( s.xiiim; MS: s.xiii3/4 )  Li peresils, savine et quintefoille  A-N Med ii 81.163
( s.xiii2; MS: s.xiii2 )  Ou la morele quite od la chalketrappe. Ou la quintefolium od tute la rascine perce la pere  Med Pres1 135.19
( MS: s.xv )  Filofolium: (C21) quinfoile  Plant Names 118
pharm.med.medicinal drink prepared from cinquefoil
( MS: s.xiii3/4 )  Si vous sentez ke il vous doile, Si bevez la bone quintefoile Et od let de chievre l'usez  Pop Med 196.1522
( MS: c.1300 )  Pur la meneisun: Beive sanguinere e plantaine e quintefoyle ou milfoile  Pop Med 304.51
decor.bot.cinquefoil, artistic depiction of five leaves or petals
( 1423 )  Item, .j. quintfoille d'or, fait de baleis, garniz d'un diamand et .v. perles  Rot Parl1 iv 219.187
herald.bot.cinquefoil, stylized depiction of five leaves or petals
( c.1253; MS: 1586 )  W. de Fauconberg, noir od un quintefoill d'argent et les avoz (l. anoz) d'argent entour  Glover/Cooke 201
( 1300; MS: s.xiv1 )  En asure quintfullez trois Portoit de fin or esmeré  Eight Rolls 102.54
( s.xivm; MS: s.xivex )  Ore vous dirray des foiles et dé flours queux sount en armes: trifoile, qarfoile, quintofoil, cistefoil  Dean Tract 106
( MS: s.xv3/4 )  [...] le dessusdit noble chevalier qui porte en ses armes ung escu dont le champ est d'azur a trois quinteffueilles d'or et ung croissant d'argent [...]  Douce 271 42r


See also:

cincfoille  fuille1  quinquefoille  quint1 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.