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soignante (c.1165)

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The form songnante is a cross reference to the following entry:

soignante (c.1165)

sognante,  soignant,  soinante,  soinnante,  songnante;  suignante,  suinante,  suingnante,  suinnante  
  FEW:  *sunni 17,273b Gdf:  soignant 7,439c GdfC: TL: soignant 9,760 DEAF:  soign (soignante)  DMF:  soignante  TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:  soignanta 3113a


femaleconcubine, woman who cohabits with a man outside of marriage
( c.1165; MS: s.xiii2 )  Si il laissast pur sa suinant Que d’espuse n’eust enfant  marie Lais 54.323
( s.xii2; MS: s.xii3/3 )  Dis e uit femmes out e seisante suinnantes  Liv Reis1 147
( s.xiii2/4; MS: s.xivin )   Quant s'espuse ne pot aveir, Soignante quert a soun volair  Corset ANTS 178
( 1266-1300; MS: c.1300 )  Cleopatra [...], qu’il (=Caesar) tint a songnante  Waterford busby 126.R48.5


See also:

assoignante  soign  soignantage  soignanterie  soignantie  soignement  soigner  soigneurousement  soignous  soignousement 
This is an AND2 Phase 5 (R-S) entry. © 2018-21 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.