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turmentille (s.xiii2)

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The form tormentil is a cross reference to the following entry:

turmentille (s.xiii2)

tormentil,  tormentille;  turmentill,  turmentylle  (tormentule)  
  FEW:  tormentum 13/ii,44b Gdf:  tormentine 2 7,756b GdfC:  tormentille 10,780a TL: tormentine 2 10,423 DEAF:  tormente (tormentille)  DMF:  tormentille  TLF:  tormentille  OED:  tormentil n.  MED:  tormentil(le n.  DMLBS:  tormentilla 3454c


bot.tormentil, Potentilla tormentilla
( s.xiii2; MS: c.1400 )  Termentilla [...] gall[ice] et an[glice] tormentille  Alph 187
( s.xiii2? )  puliol real, turmentille, erbe Water  Med Pres1 138.5
( MS: s.xv1/4 )  Tormentilla: (C1) turmentylle  Plant Names 253
( MS: s.xiv2 )  Item pur faire ewe pur fevres: preignez sauge e avences, violet, tormentule e sowersthestili  A-N Med ii 249.106


See also:

turment  turmentable  turmenter  turmentine  turmentur  turmentus 
This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.