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outrément (1190-1210)

The form outerment is a cross reference to the following entry:

outrément (1190-1210)

oltreement;  otreement,  otrément;  oultreement,  oultrément;  ousterment,  oustrément;  outerment,  outreement,  outreiement,  outriement;  ultrément;  utreement,  utreiment,  utrément,  utreyment  (ottoirment,  outrelment  YBB Ed II vii 197 uutrément  Genèse 39)  
  FEW:  ultra 14,10b Gdf:  outreement 1 5,607b GdfC: TL: outrer (outreement) 6,1443 DEAF:  outre (outreement)  DMF:  outrément  TLF: OED:  oultrely adv.  MED:  outreli adv.  DMLBS:

Rather than the adverbial form of outre (primarily an adverb, although it can be used adjectivally) this word should be interpreted as deriving from the adjectival use of the past participle of outrer1, i.e. outré. As a result, the second syllable of outrément is accented (see also DMF). Spellings like oltreement or outreement support this interpretation. However, forms such as outerment and ousterment, if genuine (i.e. not an editorial misreading of a manuscript abbreviation), favour the interpretation of the word as a tautological construction outre /outer + -ment. The OED and MED provide examples of similar constructions in English. Both forms (with or without an accent) are found in modern editions.



( 1214; MS: 1214-16 )  S'ot rendu lu dreit jugement Pur sei meisme outreément  S Greg 2598
2quantitativefully, wholly
( MS: s.xiiiex )  E de ce ke ele aveit plus de saver ke nule autre fu ele outreément dame de sai, si k'ele pout e sout e vout par la vertu del Saint Espirit governeri toz ses sens e totes ses volentez a la volenté Deu  A-N Piety 104
( 1334 )  desicom nostre Seignur le Roy est tenuz a rendre as heires dedeinz age, et en sa garde esteauntz, lour heritages ottoirment quant il vendrent a lour plein age  Rot Parl1 ii 87
( c.1420-89 )  si lé boys [...] sount coupez et outerment wasté le graunté n'avera assise  Readings i 2.n5
utterly, completely
( 1190-1210; MS: c.1300 )  E ses terres e tuz sis fiez Oltreément m'abanduna  Waldef BB 14739
( c.1275; MS: s.xiii4/4 )  A Fraunceys se myst establement, Le secle lessa utrément  S Fran ANTS 1662
( c.1371; MS: s.xv1 )  l'argent que jeo avoie versz Oxenford est oultrément despendeuz  SAMPS1 377.30
( s.xiv2; MS: c.1400 )  toutes icestez chosez qe sount avaunt ditez, trop bons y sont, mes si sovour n'eient, sicom outrément saunz fruit i sont (Latin: sed si saporem non habent, quasi penitus infructuosa sunt)  Lichfield 60.7
( 1379-80 )  enemys, lesqueux a grant multitude s'afforcent [...] d'ouster oultreément la lange engleise  Rot Parl1 iii 75
( 1405-06; MS: s.xv1 )  la dite matire par interrupcioun du dit maistre H[enry] de dite traité d'accorde estoit outrément quassé  Lett & Pet 126.75.34
excessively, unduly
( c.1270; MS: s.xiii4/4 )  Les reis lur meins estendirent As choses e as rentes utreément Des sugez torcenusement  Secr abernun 301
3above all
( 1267; MS: c.1300 )  A ceo fet a saver utreiment Ke le Canun pleinement defent Ke nul prestre face tel overe  Lum Lais ANTS 10419
tut outrément
fully, wholly
( 1260; MS: s.xiii3/3 )  si l'enqueste pase pur lui, ele recovre dowarie tot outrément  Brev Plac 77
completely, utterly
( 1260; MS: s.xiv3/3 )  Sire W. defend tut otreément ke ceo ne fu unkes le fet son ancestre  Brev Plac 164
( c.1270; MS: s.xiii4/4 )  (a pregnant woman) par une nutee tut utreément Ne senti vie ne muvement  S Rich ANTS M221
( 1390-1412; MS: s.xv1 )  le dit R. de B. fait grand dolour q'il ne lui avoit tout outrément occis et lui manace de vie  Lett & Pet 3.20
( a.1382; MS: a.1382 )  la count de Athetelle qe principalment amast le roi [...] se lessa tout outrément  Anon Chr1 2.38


See also:

outre  outrer1 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.