Bibliography of Anglo-Norman Primary Sources

An annotated bibliography, organized alphabetically per AND siglum/abbreviation, of all known Anglo-Norman primary sources available to the AND. Press on a letter to view the sources beginning with the letter.

References are given to Ruth J. Dean and Maureen B.M Boulton, Anglo-Norman Literature: A Guide to Texts and Manuscripts, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 3, London, 1999, and links to the DEAF open on the Complément bibliographique of the Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français website.


Adolf Tobler and Erhard Lommatzsch, Altfranzösisches Wörterbuch, Berlin, 1925-36, Wiesbaden, 1954-2002.

Search AND Citations

Tables Lune

Two astrological texts (BL, Cotton Cleopatra B.IX)
IN: Tony Hunt, ‘Deliciae Clericorum: Intellectual and Scientific Pursuits in Two Dorset Monasteries’, Medium Ævum 56 (1987), 159-82 (Appendix B, pp. 173-175).
s.xiii2 (MS)
Dean: 362
Notes: Replaced by Future (IX).

Search AND Citations

Tarsilla and Malchus

Fragments of two exampla in an incomplete A-N moral treatise (Cambridge, University Library, Add. 3303 (C) 2
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Fragments des manuscrits français: VI Fragment d’un poème sur la théologie morale, composé en Angleterre’, Romania 35 (1906), 63-67.
s.xivin (MS)
Dean: 640
Details: Preserves the ending of the first exemplum (about Tarsilla and her two sisters) and the beginning of the second one (about Malchus).

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Terre en terre

A-N translation of the Middle English poem Erthe upon Erthe
IN: Hilda M. R. Murray, The Middle English Poem ‘Erthe Upon Erthe’, Printed from Twenty-Four Manuscripts, Early English Text Society O.S. 141, Oxford, 1911, pp. 43-45.
Dean: —
Details: Preserved on the back of a roll in The National Archives, Exr K.R. Proceedings, Bdle 1, old no. 845/21, and in a nineteenth-century transcript (BL, Addit. 25478).
Notes: Also provides the Middle English and Latin versions of the poem.
For a more recent edition, see Marjorie Harrington, ‘A Trilingual Version of Erthe upon Erthe in the National Archives of the United Kingdom, E 175/11/16, Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History 19 (2016), 197-215.

Search AND Citations

Terre Sarazins Amp

Amplified version of La Terre des Sarazins
Brent A. Pitts, ‘La Terre des Sarazins: The Amplified Version’, Crusades 17 (2018), 131-69.
1330-40; 1360-70 (MS)
DEAF: JVignayMirTerreP
Dean: 332
Details: Based on Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 761 (i.e. MS ‘B’), with variants from an earlier Continental manuscript (i.e. MS ‘R’, 1332-38).
Notes: For excerpts, see Relatio Tripartita 127-29 and Rom 37 (XIX).

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Terre Sarazins Sum

Summary version of La Terre des Sarazins
Brent A. Pitts, 'La Terre des Sarazins: The Summary Version', Medium Aevum 84 (2015), 297-325.
1219-21; s.xivin (base MS)
Dean: 332
Details: Based on Cambridge, University Library, Gg. 6.28 (i.e. MS 'U'), with variant readings from Cambridge, St John's College I 11 (i.e. MS 'J', s.xiii-xiv) and selected variants from BL, Harley 2253 (i.e. MS 'H', c.1335) and Oxford, Merton College 180 (s.xiv).
Notes: Previously Terre Sarazins.
For a separate edition of MS 'H', see  Harley Complete (XXXVII)
Excerpts of the base MS were previously published in Rom 15 (Gg.6.28) (V) and (VI). For excerpts of a different redaction (not included in this edition), see Rom 37 (XIX) and Relatio Tripartita.

Search AND Citations

Test Ebor

Wills registered at York
Lewis Baker and James Raine, Testamenta Eboracensia, or Wills Registered at York, Illustrative of the History, Manners, Language, Statistics. etc. of the Province of York, 3 vols, Surtees Society 4, 30 and 45, London, 1836, 1855 and 1864.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Textes Scientifiques

Two A-N treatises (one on keeping horses, the other on making dyes) in Vatican City, Bibl. Apost. Vatic., Barb. lat. 12
IN: Robert-Henri Gagné-dit-Bellavance, Quelques textes scientifiques en dialecte anglo-normand dans le Codex Barberinianus latin, unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Laval, Québec, 1969, 55-67.

(I) Marscaucie de chevaus (pp. 55-60); DEAF: MarscaucieChevG; Dean: —; for excerpts from a variant MS see Rom 35 (IX); see also Marscaucie.
(II) Paints and dyes (pp. 61-67); DEAF: CouleursVatG; Dean: 387; for an edition of fols 126a-28a (using the later foliation 127a-29a), see Colur mulez.

s.xiii1; c.1300 (MS)

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thaon Body and Soul

Debate between Body and Soul, attributed to Philippe de Thaon
IN: Hermann Varnhagen, Das altfranzösische Gedicht, Un samedi par nuit, Erlanger Beiträge zur englischen Philologie 1, Erlangen and Leipzig, 1889, pp. 115-94.
s.xii2/4; xiii (MSS)
DEAF: DébCorpsSamCV; DébCorpsSamHV; DébCorpsSamPV
Dean: 692
Details: Parallel edition of BL, Cotton Julius A.VII (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiiiin) and BL, Harley 5234 (i.e. MS ‘H’, s.xiiim).
Notes: The edition also contains two continental redactions.

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Thomas Lancaster

Three A-N documents
IN: J. R. Maddicott, Thomas of Lancaster, 1307-1322: A Study in the Reign of Edward II, Oxford, 1970, pp. 335-38.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Three Chronicles

Three short prose chronicles in A-N
Peter T. Ricketts, Three Anglo-Norman Chronicles, Anglo-Norman Text Society, Plain Texts Series 16, Manchester, 2011.

(I) Chronicle of Wigmore Abbey (Herefordshire), Chicago, University Library, 224; s.xiv1 (?); xivex (MS) (pp. 5-19); DEAF: ChronWigmoreR; Dean: 64; updated and corrected version of Wigmore by the same editor.
(II) Delapré Chronicle, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dugdale 18; 1237-40; 1662 (MS) (pp. 20-27); DEAF: ChronDelapréR; Dean: 62; replaces Delapré Chron.
(III) Scottish Chronicle, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson D.329; c.1300; s.xiv2/3 (MS) (pp. 28-36); DEAF: LReisScotR; Dean: 28.


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Three Maries

The Three Maries
MS: BL, Egerton 613, f.29v.
s.xiiim (MS)
DEAF: TroisMariesAnne
Dean: 490
Details: Transcription provided by Geert De Wilde, available here.

Search AND Citations

Throne Scot

A-N documents from a variety of sources
E. L. G. Stones and Grant G. Simpson, Edward I and the Throne of Scotland 1290-1296, An Edition of the Record Sources for the Great Cause, 2 vols, Oxford, 1977-78, vol. 2 (1978).
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


Miracle of Saint Theophile (BL, Royal 20 B.XIV)
Hilding Kjellman, Une version anglo-normande inédite du ‘Miracle de saint Théophile’, Studier i Modern Språkvetenskap 5, Uppsala, 1914.
c.1240; c.1300 (MS)
DEAF: MirAgn2ThéophK
Dean: 559
Notes: Second miracle in Miracles of the Virgin (omitted in Mir N-D).

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A-N glosses to a great variety of texts
Tony Hunt, Teaching and Learning Latin in Thirteenth-Century England, 3 vols, Cambridge, 1991.
DEAF: HuntTeach
Dean: —
Details: Provides vernacular glosses to a large number of Latin MSS, including the Auctores and the Liber Catonianus (ii 3-12), grammars (ii 15-34), Adam of Petit Pont’s De Utensilibus (ii 37-62), Alexander Nequam’s De Nominibus Utensilium (ii 65-122), John of Garland’s Dictionarius (ii 125-56) and John of Garland’s Unus Omnium (ii 159-73).
Notes: Replaces AND1’s Gloss Glas, Gloss Utensilium and Utensilibus.

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The National Archives, London, formerly known as the Public Record Office
Dean: —
Notes: Previously pro.

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Tobit ANB

The Book of Tobit in the Anglo-Norman Bible (BL, Royal 1.C.iii)
Brent A. Pitts, ‘The Anglo-Norman Bible Book of Tobit: A Critical Edition (London, British Library Royal 1 C III, FOLS. 312R-315V)’, Medieval Studies 82 (2020), 1-77.
s.xiv1; xivm (MS)
DEAF: BibleAgnTbP
Dean: 469
Details: Provides variant readings from Paris, BN, fran. 1 (i.e. MS ‘P’) and the Vulgate version.
Notes: See also Bible Royal and Bible hackett (MSS ‘A’ and ‘D’).

Search AND Citations

Touz Plere

Nul ne peot a touz plere
IN: John Koch, ‘Anglonormannische Texte im MS. Arundel 220 des Britischen Museums’, Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 54 (1934), 20-56 (pp. 45-47).
s.xiiiex; xiv1/4 (MS)
Dean: 196
Notes: Previously in Am curt.

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Tower Roll

A-N material in the Tower Roll (TNA C/47/34/16)
IN: Samuel Bentley, Excerpta Historica, or Illustrations of English History, London, 1831, pp. 405-13.

(I) Prayer attributed to Pope Innocent (p. 406); Dean: 732.
(II) Prayer to Christ, attributed to St. Edmund (pp. 407-09); Dean: 888; for variant MSS see Rom 35 (V) and Lambeth reinsch (XXXIIIb).
(III) Office for the Hours of the Cross (pp. 410-12); Dean: 966.

s.xiv1 (MS)
Notes: Also contains Latin material.

Search AND Citations

Tract Arm

Anglo-Norman in two versions of Johannes de Bado Aureo’s Latin Tractatus de armis
IN: Evan John Jones, Medieval Heraldry: Some Fourteenth-Century Heraldic Works, Cardiff, 1943, pp. 95-212.
s.xivex (pp. 95-143) and s.xv1 (pp. 144-212); s.xvm (MSS)
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Tract Orth

Tractatus Orthographiae, by ‘T. H.’ (BL, Addit. 17716)
Mildred K. Pope, ‘Tractatus Orthographiae of T. H., Parisii Studentis’, Modern Language Review 5 (1910), 185-93.
s.xiiiex; c.1425 (MS)
DEAF: OrthParP
Dean: 288
Notes: Previously Tract.
Latin treatise with A-N examples.

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Interpretation of dreams using the Psalter (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 405)
IN: Walter Suchier, ‘Altfranzösische Traumbücher’, Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur 67 (1957), 129-67 (pp. 162-63).
s.xiv1/4 (MS)
DEAF: SongeAlphCS
Dean: 385
Notes: Replaced in AND2 by Mantic Alphabets (I).

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Travellers’ Charms

A-N charm in John of Wood Eaton’s Latin customary for the Benedictine abbey of Eynsham (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 435)
Robert Easting, ‘A Neglected Pair of Charms for Monastic Travellers, in Middle English and Anglo-Norman’, Notes and Queries 246 (2001), 103-05 (esp. p. 104).
s.xiii; xivin (MS)
Dean: —

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A-N document relating to the de Miners family in Burghill
IN: Thomas Wright, ‘Treago and the Large Tumulus at St. Weonard’s’, Archaeologia Cambrensis, Third Series 1 (1855) 161-74 (p. 167).
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Treason by Words

Two A-N documents
Isobel D. Thornley, ‘Treason by Words in the Fifteenth Century’, English Historical Review 32 (1917), 556-61.
Dean: —
Notes: See also King’s Bench vii 123.

Search AND Citations

Treason Henry

Three documents concerning the treason against Henry IV in 1402
R. L. Storey, ‘Clergy and Common Law in the Reign of Henry IV’, in Roy Frank Hunnisett and John B. Post, Medieval Legal Records, Edited in Memory of C. A. F. Meekings, London, 1978, 342-408 (esp. pp. 357-59).

(I) Document (A) is Henry Forster’s formal confession in A-N, from TNA KB 27/565, Rex m.3 (pp. 357-58).
(II) Document (B) is the statement of Nicholas Louth (including a quoted M.E. letter), from TNA KB 27/565, Rex m.4d (p. 358).
(III) Document (C) is Walter Wanton’s statement, from TNA KB 27/565, Rex m.5d (pp. 358-59).

Dean: —
Notes: Previously in Meekings.

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Treasury Exchequer

A-N memoranda of the Treasury of the Exchequer
Francis Palgrave, The Antient Kalendars and Inventories of the Treasury of His Majesty’s Exchequer, together with Other Documents Illustrating the History of that Repository, 3 vols, London, 1836.
1377-1460 (vol. 2) and 1461-1544 (vol. 3)
Dean: —
Notes: Also contains Latin material.

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Treaty Rolls

Selected diplomatic documents from The National Archives
Pierre Chaplais and John Ferguson, Treaty Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office, 2 vols, London, 1955 and 1972.
1234-1325 (vol. 1) and 1337-39 (vol. 2)
DEAF: TreatyRollsC; TreatyRollsF
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


La Enseignement Trebor, by Robert de Ho
Mary-Vance Young, Les Enseignements de Robert de Ho dits Enseignements Trebor, Paris, 1901; reprint Geneva, 1978.
c.1260; 1267 (MS)
Dean: 253
Details: Based on Paris, BN, franç. 25408 (i.e. MS ‘A’), supplemented from and collated with New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library, 395 (olim Phillipps 4156) (i.e. MS ‘B’).
Notes: Borrows sections from cato1 (I).

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La Enseignement Trebor, by Robert de Ho (Cambridge, Emmanuel College 106)
Tauno F. Salminen, ‘Newly Discovered Extracts of the Enseignement Trebor in MS Emmanuel College, Cambridge, I.4.31’, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 43 (1952) 49-61.
c.1260; s.xivm (MS)
Dean: 253
Notes: Borrows sections from cato1 (I).

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Les Cronicles, by Nicholas Trevet
Alexander Rutherford, The Anglo-Norman Chronicle of Nicholas Trivet, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, London, 1932.
c.1334; s.xivm (base MS)
DEAF: ChronTrivR
Dean: 70
Details: Based on Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson B.178 (i.e. MS ‘R’), with variants from Oxford, Magdalen College, 45 (i.e. MS ‘M’, s.xivm); Cambridge, Trinity College, O.4.32 (i.e. MS ‘T’, s.xiv3/4); BL, Arundel 56 (i.e. MS ‘A’, c.1375); and Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 119 (i.e. MS ‘D’, s.xv1/4).
Notes: Previously triv.
Some readings have been corrected from transcriptions provided by Geert De Wilde and Heather Pagan.

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Brief excerpt from Les Cronicles by Nicholas Trevet (Stockholm, Kungliga Bibl., D.131a (III))
IN: George Webbe Dasent, Theophilus in Icelandic, Low German and Other Tongues, from the MSS in the Royal Library, Stockholm, London, 1845, p. 31.
c.1400 (MS)
DEAF: ChronTriv
Dean: 70

Search AND Citations


Brief excerpt from Les Cronicles by Nicholas Trevet (BL, Arundel 56)
IN: G. L. Frost, ‘Caesar and Virgil’s Magic in England’, Modern Language Notes 51 (1936), 431-33 (p. 433).
c.1375 (MS)
DEAF: ChronTriv
Dean: 70

Search AND Citations


The Life of Constance from Les Cronicles by Nicholas Trevet (BL, Arundel 56, collated with Stockholm, Kungliga Bibl., D.131a (III))
Edmund Brock, ‘The Life of Constance (the Source of Chaucer’s Man of Law’s Tale) from the Anglo-Norman Chronicle of Nicholas Trivet (after A.D. 1334)’, in F. J. Furnivall, Edmund Brock and W. A. Clouston, Originals and Analogues of some of Chaucer’s ‘Canterbury Tales’, London, 1888, pp. 1-53.
c.1375 (base MS)
DEAF: ChronTriv
Dean: 70

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Three excerpts (on St. Patrick, St. Furseu and journeys to hell and paradise) from Les Cronicles by Nicholas Trevet (Stockholm, Kungliga Bibl., D.131a (III))
IN: Georga Stephens and J. A. Ahlstrand, S. Patriks-sagan, innehållande S. Patrik och hans Järtecken, Nicolaus i S. Patriks Skärseld och Tungulus, Stockholm, 1844, pp. 66-70.
c.1400 (MS)
DEAF: ChronTriv
Dean: 70

Search AND Citations


The Life of Constance from Les Cronicles by Nicholas Trevet (Oxford, Magdelen College 45)
IN: Margaret Schlauch, ‘The Man of Law’s Tale’, in W. F. Bryan and Germaine Dempster, Sources and Analogues of Chaucer’s ‘Canterbury Tales’, Chicago, 1941, pp. 155-206 (pp. 165-81).
s.xiv (base MS)
DEAF: ChronTriv
Dean: 70

Search AND Citations

Triling Gloss

Trilingual Botanical Glossary (BL, Sloane 146)
Tony Hunt, ‘The Trilingual Glossary in MS London, BL Sloane 146 ff. 69v-72r’, English Studies 70 (1989), 289-310.
s.xiiex (MS)
Dean: 313

Search AND Citations

Triling Harley

Latin, Anglo-Norman and Middle English botanical vocabulary (BL, Harley 978)
Hans Sauer, ‘English Plant Names in the Thirteenth Century: The Trilingual Harley Vocabulary’, IN: Christine Franzen, Ashgate Critical Essays on Early English Lexicographers, Volume 2: Middle English, Farnham, 2012, 197-220.
s.xiii2/3 (MS)
Dean: 31
Notes: Reproduces Thomas Wright’s 1884 edition in Anglo-Saxon and Old English Vocabularies, cols. 554-59.
Previously also published in Rel Ant (I).

Search AND Citations

Trist thomas1

Tristan and Yseut, by Thomas
Joseph Bédier, Le Roman de Tristan, par Thomas: poe?me du XIIe sie?cle, 2 vols, SATF, Paris, 1902-05, vol. 1, pp. 248-50, 261-99, 314-25, 332-35 and 343-417.
1150-70; xiii (MS)
DEAF: TristThomB
Dean: 158
Notes: Previously Trist as used in AND1.

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Trist thomas2

Tristan and Yseut, by Thomas
Stewart Gregory, Thomas of Britain: ‘Tristran’, Garland Library of Medieval Literature, 78 Series A, New York and London, 1991.
DEAF: TristThomG
Dean: 158
Details: Critical edition, based on 8 fragments. Cambridge, University Library, Dd.15.12 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiiiex) (ll. 1-53); Oxford, Bodleian Library, French d.16 (i.e. MS ‘Sn’, s.xii4/4) (ll. 54-941 and 3086-3143); Turin, Accademia delle Scienze, Mazzo 812/viii/C (i.e. MS ‘T’, s.xiii1) (ll. 942-1197 and 1266-67); Strasbourg, s.n. (i.e. MS ‘Str’, s.xiii) (ll. 1198-1265); and Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce d. 6 (i.e. MS ‘D’, 1225-1300) (ll. 1269-3086).
Notes: Previously Trist as used in AND2.

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Trist thomas3

Fragments of Tristant and Yseut, by Thomas
Michael Benskin, Tony Hunt and Ian Short, ‘Un nouveau fragment du Tristan de Thomas’, Romania 113 (1992-95), 289-319.
1150-70; xiii2 (MS)
DEAF: TristThomH
Dean: 158
Details: Preserved in the binding of the cartulary of the Cistercian house of Holm Cultram.
Notes: The appendix adds an imperfect transcription of the text’s epilogue from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Fr.d.16 (s.xiiiin).

Search AND Citations

Trois Rois

Jeu des Trois Rois, extract from Roman de Dieu et de sa mere, by Herman de Valenciennes (Geneva, Bibl. publ. et univ., College Comites latentes, 182)
André de Mandach and Eva-Marie Roth, ‘Le Jeu des Trois Rois de Herman de Valenciennes: Trois cycles anglo-normands inédits du XIIe siècle’, Vox Romanica 48 (1989), 85-107.
s.xiiex (text and MS)
DEAF: HermValS
Dean: 485
Notes: See also Creation, for a different section in the same MS, and Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (XIII) and Vernac Lit (XV) for different sections in different manuscripts.

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Trois Savoirs1

Les Trois Savoirs (Princeton, University Library, Taylor Medieval MS 12)
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Notice du MS. 25970 de la Bibliothèque Phillipps’, Romania 37 (1908), 209-35 (pp. 217-21).
s.xiii; xiv2/4 (MS)
Dean: 181
Notes: Publishes extracts only.

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Trois Savoirs2

Les Trois Savoirs (Princeton (N.J.), University Library, Taylor Medieval MS. 12)
Lenora D. Wolfgang, ‘The Trois Savoirs in Phillipps Manuscript 25970’, in Norris J. Lacy and Gloria Torrini-Roblin, Continuations: Essays on Medieval French Literature and Language in Honor of John L. Grigsby, Birmingham, Ala., 1989, pp. 310-22.
s.xiii; xiv2/4 (MS)
Dean: 181
Notes: Publishes those verses omitted in Trois Savoirs1.

Search AND Citations

Trop est fol

Trop est fol ky me bayle, humorous A-N tenor to a Latin motet
IN: Peter M. Lefferts and Frank Ll. Harrison, Motets of English Provenance, Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century 15, 1980, no. 17.
s.xivm (MSS)
Dean: 109
Details: Attested in two parts in two different MSS: BL, Addit. 24198 and Oxford, New College, 362.

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Anglo-Norman material in the Latin/English muniments of Thomas Tropenell
J. Silvester Davies, The Tropenell Cartulary, Being the Contents of an Old Wildshire Muniment Chest, 2 vols, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural Society, Devizes, 1908.
Dean: —
Notes: A-N material in volume 1: 317-18; volume 2: 85-86 [1341]; 95; 96-97 [1404]; 98-100 [1417]; 109; 109-10 [1306]; 110-11 [1316]; 111 [1336]; 111-12 [1341]; 116-118 [1404]; 118-19 [1318]; 134; 135; 136-37; 181-82 [1363]; 183-84 [1366]; 187-88 [1377]; 189 [1385]; 189-90 [1385]; 190-91; and 285-86 [1412].

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Truce Bishopthorpe

A-N document from The National Archives
Charles Johnson, ‘A Preliminary Draft of the Truce of Bishopthorpe 1323’, English Historical Review 35 (1920), 231-33.
Dean: —

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Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle, prose translation of the Historia Karoli Magni et Rotholandi by Willem de Briane (BL, Arundel 220)
Ian Short, The Anglo-Norman Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle of William de Briane, ANTS 25, Oxford, 1973.
1214-16; xiv1/4 (MS)
DEAF: TurpinBrianeS
Dean: 79

Search AND Citations

Twelfth-Century A-N Charter

Inquisition (The National Archives, C.146/10018)
Helen Richardson, ‘A Twelfth-Century Anglo-Norman Charter’, Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library 24 (1940), 168-72 (esp. p. 168).
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


The Art of Venery, by William Twiti (BL, addit. 46919)
Gunnar Tilander, ‘La Vénerie de Twiti’: Le plus ancien traité de chasse écrit en Angleterre, la version anglaise du même traité et ‘Craft of Venery’, Cynegetica 2, Uppsala, 1956.
s.xiv1/4; xivm (MS)
DEAF: TwitiT
Dean: 405
Details: Based on BL, addit. 46919 (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xivm). Provides variants from Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 424 (i.e. MS ‘G’, s.xiv2), i.e. the base MS of twiti2.
Notes: Previously twiti.
Also provides a M.E. version of Twiti’s text (pp. 44-50) and the M.E. The Craft of Venery (pp. 51-58).
For the introduction, see also Rom 13 (III).

Search AND Citations


The Art of Venery, by William Twiti (Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 424)
David Scott-Macnab, The Middle English Text of ‘The Art of Hunting’ by William Twiti, with a Parallel Text of the Anglo-Norman ‘L’art de venerie’ by William Twiti, Middle English Texts 40, Heidelberg, 2009.
s.xiv1/4; xiv2 (MS)
DEAF: TwitiS
Dean: 405
Details: Based on Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 424 (448) (i.e. MS ‘G’, s.xiv2). Provides variants from BL, addit. 46919 (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xivm), i.e. the base MS of twiti1.

Search AND Citations

Two Docs Wales

Two documents from The National Archives, Royal Letters (1994 and 1337)
J. E. Morris, ‘Two Documents Relating to the Conquest of Wales’, English Historical Review 19:55 (1899), 506-07.
1278 and 1282
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Tyranny Rich II

A-N document, Westminster Abbey Muniments 12228
Caroline M. Barron, ‘The Tyranny of Richard II’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 41 (1968), 1-19 (p. 18).
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


A-N material in the Tyrwardreath Psalter (BL, Addit. 44949)
Arthur Långfors, ‘Notice et extraits du manuscrit Additional 44949 du Musée Britannique’, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 49 (1948), 97-123.

(I) First 44 and list 4 lines of a prayer inspired by the Crucifix (pp. 103-05); Dean: 982; see also Crucifix Prayer.
(II) The prologue eight private prayers at mass (pp. 105-06); Dean: 723; see Mass Prayers.
(III) First 15 lines of the first prayer at mass (p. 106); Dean: 724; see Mass Prayers.
(IV) Prose prayer to Jesus (pp. 108-09); Dean: 872.
(V) First 37 and last 3 lines of a hymn on the name of Jesus (pp. 109-11); Dean: 903.
(VI) A hymn of the Annunciation (pp. 111-14); Dean: 737; lacks ll. 75-85.
(VII) First 40 and last 4 lines of a verse interpretation of the five letters of the name of BVM as the five joys of the virgin (pp. 114-16); Dean: 745.
(VIII) First 8 and last 4 lines of a hymn celebrating the five joys of the virgin (pp. 117-18); Dean: 744.

s.xiv2 (MS)

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