Bibliography of Anglo-Norman Primary Sources
An annotated bibliography, organized alphabetically per AND siglum/abbreviation, of all known Anglo-Norman primary sources available to the AND. Press on a letter to view the sources beginning with the letter.
References are given to Ruth J. Dean and Maureen B.M Boulton, Anglo-Norman Literature: A Guide to Texts and Manuscripts, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 3, London, 1999, and links to the DEAF open on the Complément bibliographique of the Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français website.
A-N passages in the Hagneby Chronicle
MS: BL, Cotton Vespasian B.xi., ff. 1-61.
Dean: —
Notes: A-N on fols. 36, 37, 38 and 49.
Prose Meditation on the Life of Christ, by Thomas of Hales (Oxford, St. John’s College, 190)
M. Dominica Legge, ‘The Anglo-Norman Sermon of Thomas of Hales’, Modern Language Review 30 (1935), 212-18.
s.xiiim (text and MS)
DEAF: SermHalesL
Dean: 596
Harefield Invent
Inventory of furniture etc. in Harefield Manor (indenture dated 8 November 1341), Middlesex County Record Office, Accession 312/37
IN: Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, New Series 10, pt 3 (1951), pp. 249-51.
Dean: —
Notes: Previously Indent.
Harley Complete
Anglo-Norman material in BL, Harley 2253
Susanna Fein, David Raybin and Jan Ziolkowski, The Complete Harley 2253 Manuscript, 3 vols, TEAMS Middle English Texts Series, Michigan, 2015.
(I) Vitas Patrum (Vol. 1, pp. 19-200); Dean: 583; see also Vitas var. MS ‘H’.
(II) Saint Thaïs (vol. 1, pp. 200-08); Dean: 584; see also S Thaïs var. MS ‘H’.
(III) Herman de Valenciennes, La Passioun Nostre Seignour (vol. 1, pp. 208-312); Dean: 485.
(IV) L’Évangile de Nicodème (vol. 1, pp. 312-58); Dean: 497; see also Evang Nic Prose1 var. MS ‘C’.
(V) Epistle a Tiberie (vol. 1, pp. 358-60); Dean: 498.
(VI) Epistle a Claudie l’emperour (vol. 1, pp. 360-72); Dean: 502; see Venj2.
(VII) Legends of the Apostles (John the Evangelist, John the Baptist, Bartholomew and Peter) (vol. 1, pp. 372-423); Dean: 546; see Legendary.
(VIII) ABC a femmes (vol. 2, pp. 18-33); Dean: 201; see Harley Lyrics (I).
(IX) De l’Yver et de l’Esté (vol. 2, pp. 34-37); Dean: 146; see Harley Debates (II).
(X) Quant voy la revenue d’yver (vol. 2, pp. 58-66); Dean: 150; see Harley Lyrics (II).
(XI) Lament for Simon de Montfort (vol. 2, pp. 88-96); Dean: 84; see Pol Songs (III); for a variant MS, see Lament Montfort.
(XII) Charnel amour est folie (vol. 2, p. 96); Dean: —.
(XIII) On Friendship (vol. 2, pp. 112-16); Dean: 144; see also Harley Lyrics (III), for a variant MS see Amitié or Lyric (LI).
(XIV) Gilote et Johane (vol. 2, pp. 156-72); Dean: 193; see Harley Debates (I).
(XV) Pilgrimages in the Holy Land and Pardons of Acre (vol. 2, pp. 172-88); Dean: 336; 337; see Acre to Jerusalem2 and Acre to Jerusalem1.
(XVI) The Joys of Our Lady (vol. 2, pp. 222-24); Dean: 743; see Lyric (IV).
(XVII) Ferroy chaunsoun (vol. 2, pp. 232-34); Dean: 127; see Lyric (XLVIII).
(XVIII) Dum ludis floribus (vol. 2, pp. 234-36); Dean: 134; see Lyric (XLVII).
(XIX) Quant fu en ma juvente (vol. 2, pp. 236-44); Dean: 911; see Love of Jesus.
(XX) Marie, mere al salveour (vol. 2, pp. 244-46); Dean: 795; see Harley Lyrics (XXIV).
(XXI) Une petite parole (vol. 2, pp. 258-62); Dean: 608; see Harley Lyrics (XXVI).
(XXII) Old Testament stories from Genesis, Exodus and Numbers (vol. 3, pp. 18-78); Dean: 463; see Bible Harley.
(XXIII) The Jongleur of Ely and the king of England (vol. 3, pp. 92-110); Dean: 195; see Riote du monde1 (I).
(XXIV) Les trois dames qui troverent un vit (vol. 3, pp. 110-14); Dean: 185; see Fabliaux (XV).
(XXV) Le Dit des femmes (vol. 3, pp. 114-20); Dean: 197; see Rel Ant (IX).
(XXVI) Le Blasme des femmes (vol. 3, pp. 120-24); Dean: 202; see Rel Ant (X).
(XXVII) Femmes a la pie (vol. 3, pp. 124-28); Dean: 205; see Harley Lyrics (XXXVIII); for a variant MS, see Lyric (XLIII).
(XXVIII) Urbain le Courtois (vol. 3, pp. 128-43); Dean: 231; for variant MSS, see Urb Court, Rom 32 (O.1.17) (I) and Courtoisie (I) and (II).
(XXIX) Trailbaston (vol. 3, pp. 144-48); Dean: 93; see Pol Songs (VII).
(XXX) Le chevalier e la corbeille (vol. 3, pp. 150-62); Dean: 186; see Fabliaux (XII).
(XXXI) Against Marriage (vol. 3, pp. 162-70); Dean: 206; see Mar gawein.
(XXXII) La gageure (vol. 3, pp. 170-74); Dean: 187; see Fabliaux (XVI).
(XXXIII) L’Ordre de bel eyse (vol. 3, pp. 194-204); Dean: 96; see Pol Songs (XII).
(XXXIV) Le chevaler qui fist les cons parler (vol. 3, pp. 204-18); Dean: 188; see Fabliaux (XIV).
(XXXV) Portrait of Jesus (vol. 3, p. 238); Dean: 488; see Portrait of Jesus.
(XXXVI) Enseignement de saint Lewis a Philip soun fitz (vol. 3, pp. 244-48); Dean: —.
(XXXVII) La terre des sarazins (vol. 3, pp. 248-54); Dean: 332; for variant MSS, see Terre Sarazins Sum (where Harley 2253 is var. MS 'H'), Rom 15 (Gg.6.28) 347; for excerpts of a different redaction, see Rom 37 (XIX) and Relatio Tripartita.
(XXXVIII) Les armes des roys (vol. 3, pp. 254-56); Dean: 390r.
(XXXIX) Quy chescun jour de bon cuer cest oreisoun dirra (vol. 3, p. 266); Dean: 949r.
(XL) Quant vous levez le matyn (vol. 3, p. 268); Dean: 952 (2); see also A-N Piety (VIII).
(XLI) Quy velt que Dieu sovyegne de ly (vol. 3, pp. 270-72); Dean: 455 (2); see also A-N Piety (VIII).
(XLII) Gloria in excelsis Deo en fraunceis (vol. 3, p. 272); Dean: 869; see also A-N Piety (VIII).
(XLIII) Prayer on the Five Joys of Our Lady (vol. 3, p. 274); Dean: 742; 751; 772; see also A-N Piety (VIII).
(XLIV) Reasons for Fasting on Friday (vol. 3, pp. 274-76); Dean: 699; see also A-N Piety (VIII).
(XLV) Quy est en tristour (vol. 3, p. 276); Dean: 948; see also A-N Piety (VIII).
(XLVI) Cely que fra ces messes chaunter (vol. 3, p. 278); Dean: 932; see also A-N Piety (VIII).
(XLVII) Prayer to the Tree Kings (vol. 3, p. 278); Dean: 941; see also A-N Piety (VIII).
(XLVIII) Quy chescun jour (vol. 3, p. 282); Dean: 950; 985; see also A-N Piety (VIII).
(XLIX) Seinte Hillere archevesque de Peyters ordina ces salmes (vol. 3, pp. 284-86); Dean: 456; see also A-N Piety (VIII).
(L) Dieu, roy de magesté (vol. 3, pp. 290-98); Dean: 95; see Pol Songs (X).
(LI) Contemplacioun de la passioun Jesu Crist (vol. 3, pp. 298-304); Dean: 958; see also A-N Piety (VIII).
c.1335 (MS)
Harley Debates
Two A-N verse debates in BL, Harley 2253
IN: M. L. Achille Jubinal, Nouveau Recueil de contes, dits, fabliaux et autres pièces inédites des XIIIe, XIVe et XVe siècles, 2 vols, Paris, 1839-42.
(I) Gilote and Johane (vol. 2, pp. 28-39); Dean: 193; see also Harley Complete (XIV).
(II) Summer and Winter (vol. 2, pp. 40-49); Dean: 146; see also Harley Complete (IX).
c.1335 (MS)
Harley Law Reports
Collection of Common Bench reports
MS: BL, Harley 25.
Dean: —
Details: The manuscript is arranged mainly topically but with some reports assigned to terms in 1311-12. It may be compiled by and for Roger de St Bride, an Irish law student.
Harley Lyrics
Selected A-N lyrics in BL, Harley 2253
IN: Thomas Wright, Specimens of Lyric Poetry, Composed in England in the Reign of Edward The First, London, 1842.
(I) A.B.C. a femmes (pp. 1-13); Dean: 201; see also Harley Complete (VIII).
(II) Tavern Song (pp. 13-18); Dean: 150.
(III) On Friendship (pp. 18-22); Dean: 144; see also Harley Complete (XIII); for a variant MS, see Amitié and Lyric (LI).
(IV) Marie mere al salveour (pp. 65-67); Dean: 795; see also Harley Complete (XX).
(V) Sermon against the sins (pp. 76-80); Dean: 608.
(VI) Les femmes a la pie (pp. 107-09); Dean: 205; see also Harley Complete (XXVII); for a variant MS, see Lyric (XLIII).
c. 1335 (MS)
A-N documents
Gerald L. Harriss, King, Parliament and Public Finance in Medieval England to 1369, Oxford, 1975.
s.xiv (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Details: Some A-N documents in footnotes (pp. 209, 214-15, 318-19) and in the appendices (excerpts from The Winchester Cathedral Cartulary, pp. 518-22 and TNA E407-5/115 and E101/399/13, pp. 527-30).
Notes: Similar documents in Balance Sheet.
Harrold Priory
Two A-N documents in the Records of Harrold Priory
IN: G. Herbert Fowler, Records of Harrold Priory, Bedfordshire Historical Record Society 17, Bedford, 1935, pp. 27-29 and 112-14.
1268 (pp. 27-29) and 1362 (pp. 112-14); 1417-50 (MS)
Dean: —
Haveloc bell
The Lai de Haveloc (Cologny-Geneva, Bibl. Bodmeriana 82)
IN: Alexander Bell, Le Lai d’Haveloc and Gaimar’s Haveloc Episode, Publications of the University of Manchester 171, Manchester, 1925, pp. 176-220.
s.xiiiin; xiii4/4 (base MS)
DEAF: HavelocB
Dean: 152
Details: Based on Cologny-Geneva, Bibl. Bodmeriana 82 (i.e. MS ‘P’), with some variants from London, College of Arms, Arundel XIV (i.e. MS ‘H’, s.xiv1/4).
Notes: Previously Haveloc.
The lai is based on the Haveloc episode in gaimar1 and is written in a style reminiscent of that the lais of Marie de France.
For a Modern English translation, see Judith Weiss, The Birth of Romance in England: The ‘Romance of Horn’, the ‘Folie Tristan’, the ‘Lai of Haveloc’, and ‘Amis and Amilun’, Four Twelfth-Century Romances in the French of England, The French of England Translation Series 4, Tempe, 2009, 155-169.
Haveloc GALL
The Lai de Haveloc (London, College of Arms, Arundel XIV)
IN: Glyn S. Burgess and Leslie C. Brook, The Anglo-Norman lay of Haveloc, Gallica 37, Cambridge, 2015, pp. 1-137.
s.xiiiin; xiv1/4 (base MS)
DEAF: Haveloc
Dean: 152
Details: Edits and translates London, College of Arms, Arundel XIV (i.e. MS ‘H’) (pp. 50-111), followed by a transcription of variant MS Cologny-Geneva, Bibl. Bodmeriana 82 (i.e. MS ‘P’, s. xiii4/4) (i.e. the base MS for Haveloc bell) (pp. 113-37).
Notes: The edition also contains other versions of the Haveloc story in Anglo-Norman (excerpts from Gaimar’s Estoire des Engleis (pp. 138-48), Rauf de Boun’s Le Petit Bruit (pp.151-57), the prose Brut (pp. 157-63), Pierre de Langtoft’s Chronicle (pp. 163-65), The Lignee des Bretons et des Engleis (pp. 165-66) and Sir Thomas Gray’s Scalacronica (pp. 166-76), all using older editions), Middle English and Latin, some of which are provided with a translation.
A-N documents from The National Archives E 30/1280 and 1281
Stephen P. Pistono, ‘Henry IV and John Hawley, Privateer’, The Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and Art 111 (1979), 145-63 (pp. 160-61).
Dean: —
Details: Enrolment of injuries inflicted on Flemish shipping by the English between the years 1398 and 1403.
Four A-N treatises on estate management
Elizabeth Lamond, Walter of Henley’s ‘Husbandry’ Together with an Anonymous ‘Husbandry’, ‘Seneschaucie’ and Robert Grosseteste’s ‘Rules’, London, 1890.
(I) Housbondrie by Walter of Henley (a commentary on Seneschaucie); Cambridge Univ. Ee.1.1; c.1285; s.xivin (MS) (pp. 1-35); DEAF: HosebHenL; Dean: 394; for a different base MS see henley2 (II).
(II) Anonymous Husbandry; Cambridge, St. John’s College, N.13; s.xiiiex; c.1300 (MS) (pp. 60-81); DEAF: HosebAnL; Dean: 395; for a different base MS see henley2 (IV).
(III) Seneschaucie Cambridge, Univ. Libr., Mm.1.27); c.1270; s.xiiiex (MS) (pp. 83-119); DEAF: SeneschL; Dean: 393; for a different base MS see henley2 (I).
(IV) Les Reules seynt Roberd, by Robert Grosseteste; Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 98; c.1241; s.xiv1/4 (MS) (pp. 121-50); DEAF: GrossetReulesL; Dean: 392; for a different base MS see henley2 (III).
Notes: AND1 and AND2 also use the sigla Hosebond, Reules and Senesch to refer to (II), (IV) and (III).
Five A-N treatises on estate management
Dorothea Oschinsky, Walter of Henley and other Treatises on Estate Management and Accounting, Oxford, 1971.
(I) Seneschaucie; BL, Add. 32085; c.1270; s.xiv1/3 (base MS) (pp. 261-305); DEAF: SeneschO; Dean: 393; text corrected on the basis of Cambridge, University Library, Mm.1.27 (see henley1 (III) for a separate edition of this MS).
(II) Housbondrie, by Walter of Henley (a commentary on Seneschaucie); Cambridge, University Library, Dd.7.14; c.1285; c.1312 (base MS) (pp. 307-85); DEAF: HosebHenO; Dean: 394; text corrected on the basis of Cambridge, University Library, Dd.7.6; BL, Lansdowne 1176; and Cambridge, University Library, Ee.1.1 (see henley1 (I) for a separate edition of this MS).
(III) Les Reules seynt Roberd, by Robert Grosseteste; BL, Harley 1005; c.1241; s.xiiim-2 (base MS) (pp. 387-415); DEAF: HosebHenO; Dean: 392; text corrected on the basis of Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 98 (see henley1 (IV) for a separate edition of this MS).
(IV) Anonymous Husbandry; Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmole 1524; s.xiiiex; c.1300 (MS) (pp. 418-57); DEAF: HosebAnO; Dean: 395; for a separate edition of Cambridge, St. John’s College, N.13 see henley1 (II).
(V) From the Register of Fees, Terriers, Extents, etc.; BL, Egerton 3724; s.xiv2/3 (MS) (pp. 475-78); DEAF: HosebDunsterO; Dean: 395 (note).
Notes: For a version of (II) conflated with (IV) see Husb Hybrid.
Provides selected variants from other MSS.
For note 113 to (II) (p. 385), see Dean: 280.3.
Hereford Charters
Thirty-two A-N charters in the Hereford Cathedral Archives
MS: Hereford Cathedral Archives, HCA 478, HCA 525, HCA 1064, HCA 1150, HCA 1151, HCA 1335, HCA 1336, HCA 1620, HCA 1901, HCA 1902, HCA 1928, HCA 1929, HCA 1930, HCA 2111, HCA 2126, HCA 2221, HCA 2459, HCA 2540, HCA 2581, HCA 2695A, HCA 2754, HCA 2853, HCA 2908, HCA 2963, HCA 2970, HCA 3164, HCA 3188, HCA 3189, HCA 3216, HCA 3219, HCA 3245 and HCA 3249.
Dean: —
Notes: Transcriptions provided by Jennifer Gabel and Geert De Wilde.
Heresy Rich II
Three A-N letters from The National Archives
H. G. Richardson, ‘Heresy and the Lay Power under Richard II’, English Historical Review 51 (1936), 1-28 (esp. pp. 25 and 27-28).
Dean: —
Hilary Parl
Two A-N documents from Durham, Dean and Chapter Library, C IV 25
Constance M. Fraser, 'Some Durham Documents Relating to the Hilary Parliament of 1404', Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 34 (1961), 192-99 (pp. 197-99).
Dean: —
Historia Anglicana
A-N documents included in Bartholomew de Cotton’s Historia Anglicana
IN: Henry Richards Lund, Bartholomaei de Cotton Monachi Norwicensis Historia Anglicana (449-1298), necnon ejusdem Liber de archiepiscopis et episcopis Angliae, Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi Scriptores 16, London, 1859.
1291-97; s.xivin (MS)
Dean: —
Notes: A-N documents on pp. 181-82 (variant of Foedera1 i 755) (1291); 254-56 (1294); 300-02, 303, 304-06 (1295); and 325-27, 330-34 (variant of Foedera1 i 873), and 340-43 (1297).
For the A-N of Appendix G (pp. 439-40), see TLL i 54-55.
History Scotland
A-N documents
Joseph Stevenson, Documents Illustrative of the History of Scotland from the Death of King Alexander the Third to the Accession of Robert Bruce, 2 vols, Edinburgh, 1870.
Dean: —
Notes: See Itin Ed I Scot3.
Romance of Horn, by Mestre Thomas
Mildred K. Pope and Thomas B. W. Reid, The Romance of Horn by Thomas, 2 vols, ANTS 9-10 and 12-13, London, 1955 and 1964.
Dean: 151
Details: Based on Oxford, Bodl. Libr, Douce 132 (i.e. MS ‘O’, s.xiiim) for ll. 1-96 and 4596-5250 and Cambridge, Univ. Libr., Ff.6.17 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiiiex) for ll. 97-4595. Also provides variants from BL, Harley 527 (i.e. MS ‘H’, s.xiiim) and from the fragments in Cambridge, Univ. Libr. Add. 4407 (i.e. MS ‘F1’, s.xiiiex) and 4470 (i.e. MS ‘F2’, s.xiii).
Notes: For a Modern English translation, see Judith Weiss, The Birth of Romance in England: The ‘Romance of Horn’, the ‘Folie Tristan’, the ‘Lai of Haveloc’, and ‘Amis and Amilun’, Four Twelfth-Century Romances in the French of England, The French of England Translation Series 4, Tempe, 2009, 45-137.
Hosp Chart
A-N document from the English Hospitaller cartulary
M. Gervers and B. Merrilees, 'A Twelfth-Century Hospitaller Charter in Anglo-Norman', Journal of the Society of Archivists 6 (1979), 131-35.
1130-40; 1442 (MS)
Dean: —
Hosp Rule
The Rule of the Hospitallers (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 405)
Keith V. Sinclair, The Hospitallers’ Riwle (Miracula et Regula Hospitalis Sancti Johannis Jerosolimitani), ANTS 42, London, 1984.
1181-85; s.xiv1/4 (MS)
DEAF: RègleHospCamS
Dean: 714
Notes: Previously Hosp.
Houce Partie
A-N redaction of La Houce Partie
IN: Willem Noomen and Nico van den Boogaard, Nouveau recueil complet des fabliaux, 10 vols, Assen, 1983-98, vol. 3 (1986), pp. 184-93.
c.1300; s.xivm (MS)
DEAF: HoucepN
Dean: 182
Huntingdon Inventory
A-N inventory of jewellery lost by Sir Guichard d’Angle, Earl of Huntingdon
IN: W. Paley Baildon, ‘Three Inventories: The Earl of Huntingdon, 1377; Brother John Randolf, 1419; Sir John de Boys, 1426’, Archaeologia 61 (1908), 163-76 (p. 164).
Dean: —
Notes: The article has another A-N inventory, pp. 170-73, which reproduces Rot Parl1 iv 218.
Husb Hybrid
Husbandry (Paris, BN, franç. 400)
L. Lacour, ‘Traité d’économie rurale composé en Angleterre au XIIIe siècle’, Bibliothèque de l’École des Chartes 17.4.2 (1856), 123-41 and 367-81.
s.xiv1; xivm (MS)
DEAF: HosebCompL
Dean: 394
Details: This text is a copy of parts of Walter of Henley’s Housbondrie (see henley2 (II)) conflated with parts of the anonymous Husbandry (see henley2 (IV).
The only passage unique to this text is pp. 375-81 (sections 34-42).
Notes: Previously Husbandry/walter.
Hymn to the Virgin, verse meditation based on the five Joys
MS: BL, Stowe 948, ff. 8v-16v.
s.xiv1 (MS)
Dean: 746