Bibliography of Anglo-Norman Primary Sources
An annotated bibliography, organized alphabetically per AND siglum/abbreviation, of all known Anglo-Norman primary sources available to the AND. Press on a letter to view the sources beginning with the letter.
References are given to Ruth J. Dean and Maureen B.M Boulton, Anglo-Norman Literature: A Guide to Texts and Manuscripts, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 3, London, 1999, and links to the DEAF open on the Complément bibliographique of the Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français website.
Ind Dagworth
Indenture with Sir Thomas Dagworth as deputy in Brittany
A. E. Prince, ‘The Strength of English Armies in the Reign of Edward III’, English Historical Review 46 (1931), 353-71 (pp. 370-71).
Dean: —
Ind Ret
Selected A-N documents from The National Archives
Norman B. Lewis, ‘Indentures of Retinue with John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, Enrolled in Chancery 1367-1399’, Camden Miscellany 22 (1964), 77-112.
Dean: —
A-N inscriptions
IN: David Howlett, Insular Inscriptions, Dublin, 2005, pp. 241-53.
(I) Elmon’s memorial at Llanarthne; s.xiiin (p. 242).
(II) Sir Johan d’Aubernoun’s epitaph at Stoke d’Abernon; 1277 or 1327 (p. 243).
(III) Excerpt from the rhymed Apocalypse by William Giffard (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Fr.e.22) (pp. 244-45); see Apoc giffard.
(IV) Excerpts from the Holkham Bible (BL, Add. 47682, olim Holkham 666) (pp. 245-52); see Bible hackett.
(V) The foundation of Bisham Abbey; 1333 (pp. 252-53).
Dean: —
The Invention of The Cross (‘Cum faitement la saincte Croiz fu trové al mund de Calvarie par Heleine la reine’)
MS: BL, Egerton 613, ff. 25r-27v.
c.1300 (MS)
Dean: —
Notes: Transcription provided by Geert De Wilde, available here.
Inventory Rich II
Jenny Stratford, Richard II and the English Royal Treasure, Woodbridge, 2012.
Dean: —
Inventory St. Albans
Inventory of the vestments, ornaments and treasures of St. Albans abbey during the reign of Henry IV
IN: Henry Thomas Riley, Annales Monasterii S. Albani a Johanne Amundesham, Monacho, ut videtur, conscripti (A.D. 1421-1440); Quibus praefigitur Chronicon Rerum Gestarum in Monasterio S. Albani (A.D. 1422-1431) A quodam auctore ignoto compilatum, Rolls Series 28, 2 vols, London, 1870-71, vol. 2, Appendix (I), pp. 322-61.
Dean: —
Notes: Vernacular words in a Latin text.
Ipomedon, by Hue de Rotelande (BL, Cotton Vespasian A.VII)
Eugen Kölbing and Eduard Koschwitz, Hue de Rotelandes ‘Ipomedon’: Ein französischer Abenteuerroman des 12. Jahrhunderts, als Anhang zu der Ausgabe der drei englischen Versionen, Breslau, 1889.
c.1185; s.xivin (MS)
Dean: 162
Notes: Replaced in AND1 from D onwards and in AND2 with Ipom bfr.
Ipom BFR
Ipomedon, by Hue de Rotelande
Anthony J. Holden, ‘Ipomedon’ Poème de Hue de Rotelande (fin du XIIe siècle), Bibliothèque française et romane B17, Paris, 1979.
c.1185; s.xiiim (MS)
Dean: 162
Details: Based on BL, Cotton Vespasian A.VII (i.e. MS ‘A’), with variants from BL, Egerton 2515 (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xivin); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawl. D.913 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiv) and Dublin, Trinity College, 523 (i.e. MS ‘D’, s.xivm).
Notes: Hue de Rotelande wrote Proth ants as a sequel to this text.
Irish Docs
A-N Laws and Usages of the City of Dublin and other documents
John T. Gilbert, Historic and Municipal Documents of Ireland, A.D. 1172-1320, Rolls Series 53, London, 1870.
DEAF: CoutDublinG
Dean: —
Notes: Documents in Latin and A-N.
Contains the A-N ‘Laws and Usages of the City of Dublin’ (pp. 240-69), which in AND2 replaces Dublin Custumal.
Isabel Letter
A-N letter (BL, Cotton Tutus B.XI 42 and 50)
J. J. N. Palmer, ‘The Background to Richard II’s Marriage to Isabel of France’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 44 (1971), 1-17 (pp. 16-17).
Dean: —
Isabella Inventory
Inventory of the possessions of Isabella of France, wife of Edward II
Walter E. Rhodes, ‘The Inventory of the Jewels and Wardrobe of Queen Isabella (1307-8)’, English Historical Review 12 (1897), 517-21.
Dean: —
Italian Merchants
One A-N document from the Rotuli Parliamentorum
IN: Charles G. Young, ‘Extracts Relative to Loans Supplied by Italian Merchants to the Kings of England in the 13th and 14th Centuries’, Archaeologia 28 (1840), 207-326.
Dean: —
Notes: Replaced in AND2 by Rot Parl1 ii 137 (except for p. 221).
Iter paris
Itinerary from London to Jerusalem by Matthew Paris
Bernardino Pitocchelli, Matthew Paris, I Plantageneti, la crociata: Studio ed edicione dell’ ‘Iter de Londinio in Terram Sanctam’, Venice, 2024.
(I) Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 26 (i.e. MS ‘A’), (pp. 121-49).
(II) BL, Royal 14.C.VII (i.e. MS ‘R’) (pp. 151-73).
(III) Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 16 (i.e. MS ‘B’) (pp. 175-84).
(IV) BL, Cotton Nero D.I (i.e. MS ‘C’) (pp. 185-93).
c.1259 (text and MSS)
Dean: 334
Notes: For a previous (incomplete) edition see London to Jerusalem.
Itin Ed I Scot1
Prose account of the expedition into Scotland of Edward I in 1296 (BL, Cotton Nero D.VI)
P. F. Tytler, ‘A Diary of the Expedition of King Edward I into Scotland, MCCXCVI’, The Bannatyne Miscellany 1.2 (1827), 265-82.
1296; s.xivex (MS)
Dean: 59
Itin Ed I Scot2
Prose account of the expedition into Scotland of Edward I in 1296 (BL, Cotton Domitian A.XVIII)
IN: Thomas Thomson, Instrumenta Publica sive processus super fidelitatibus et homagiis Scotorum domino regi Angliae factis A.D. MCCXCI-MCCXCVI, Bannatyne Club 48, Edinburgh, 1834, pp. 177-83.
1296; s.xvm (MS)
Dean: 59
Details: Provides some corrections from BL, Cotton Nero D.VI.
Itin Ed I Scot3
Prose account of the expedition into Scotland of Edward I in 1296 (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Latin 6049)
IN: Joseph Stevenson, Documents Illustrative of the History of Scotland from the Death of King Alexander the Third to the Accession of Robert Bruce 1286-1306, 2 vols, Edinburgh, 1870, vol. 2, pp. 25-32.
1296; s.xiv
Dean: 59
Itin Ed I Scot4
Prose account of the expedition into Scotland of Edward I in 1296 (BL, Addit. 32097)
Diana B. Tyson, ‘A Royal Itinerary: The Journey of Eward I to Scotland in 1296’, Nottingham Medieval Studies 45 (2001), 127-44 (pp. 137-42).
1296; s.xv (base MS)
Dean: 59
Details: Based on BL, Addit. 32097 (MS i.e. ‘L7’), with emendations from BL, Cotton Domitian A.XVIII (i.e. MS ‘L1’, s.xvm); BL, Cotton Nero D.VI (i.e. MS ‘L2’, s.xivex); BL, Addit. 29901 (i.e. MS ‘L6’, s.xv); BL, Stowe 140 (i.e. MS ‘L8’, s.xvi); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Asmole 1105 (i.e. MS ‘O4’, s.xviiex); and Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Latin 6049 (i.e. MS ‘P’).