Bibliography of Anglo-Norman Primary Sources

An annotated bibliography, organized alphabetically per AND siglum/abbreviation, of all known Anglo-Norman primary sources available to the AND. Press on a letter to view the sources beginning with the letter.

References are given to Ruth J. Dean and Maureen B.M Boulton, Anglo-Norman Literature: A Guide to Texts and Manuscripts, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 3, London, 1999, and links to the DEAF open on the Complément bibliographique of the Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français website.

Ragemon le Bon

Ragemon le Bon
IN: Arthur Långfors, Un Jeu de société du moyen âge: ‘Ragemon le Bon’, inspirateur d’un sermon en vers, Annales Academiae Scientiarium Fennicae B 15.2, Helsinki, 1920, pp. 17-29 (pp. 17-24).
c.1200; 1272-82 (MS)
DEAF: RagemonL
Dean: 222 (I)

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Ragemon Parody

Parody of Ragemon le Bon, with pious intent
IN: Arthur Långfors, Un Jeu de société du moyen âge: ‘Ragemon le Bon’, inspirateur d’un sermon en vers , Annales Academiae Scientiarium Fennicae B 15.2, Helsinki, 1920, pp. 17-29 (pp. 25-29).
c.1200; 1200-75 (MS)
DEAF: SermComL
Dean: 222 (II)
Notes: See also Rom 32 (B.14.39-40) (VI) and (X).

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Ramsey Abbey Cart

A-N documents with reference to Ramsey Abbey
William Henry Hart and Ponsonby A. Lyons, Cartularium monasterii de Rameseia, 3 vols, Rolls Series 79, London, 1884-93.
1330-45 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: Mainly in Latin, with A-N documents on pp. i 77-79, 217-18 and iii 107-08.

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Ramsey Abbey Chron

A-N correspondence with abbot Sautre
W. Dunn Macray, Chronicon Abbatiae Rameseiensis: a saec. x. usque ad an. circiter 1200: in quatuor partibus, Rolls Series 83, London, 1886.
1300-03 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: Mainly in Latin, with A-N documents on pp. 371 and 383-85.

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Ransom David Bruce

A-N document from The National Archives
C. Johnson, ‘Negotiations for the Ransom of David Bruce in 1349’, English Historical Review36 (1921), 57-58.
Dean: —

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Art de Kalender, by Rauf de Lindham (a.k.a Ralph of Lenham)
MSS: Glasgow, Univ. Libr., Hunter 467 (Q.9.13), with variants from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 399 (i.e. MS ‘B’; c.1300) and Cambridge, Univ. Libr., Gg.1.1 (i.e. MS ‘C’; 1307-25).
1256; s.xivm (base MS)
DEAF: CompRalf
Dean: 342
Notes: Replaced in AND1 from M onwards and in AND2 with rauf ants.

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Art de Kalender, by Rauf de Lindham (a.k.a Ralph of Lenham)
Tony Hunt, Rauf de Linham, Kalender, ANTS Plain Texts Series 1, London, 1983.
1256; c.1300 (base MS)
DEAF: CompRalfH
Dean: 342
Details: Based on Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 399 (i.e. MS ‘O’), with selected variants from Cambridge, Univ. Libr., Gg.1.1 (i.e. MS ‘C’, 1307-25) and Glasgow, University Library, Hunter 467 (i.e. MS ‘G’, s.xivm).
Notes: For a separate edition of the first 47 and final 49 lines of MS ‘C’, see Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (III).

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Art de Kalender, by Rauf de Lindham (a.k.a Ralph of Lenham)
Östen Södergård, ‘Art de Kalender’ par Rauf de Lenham. Poème anglo-normand de l’année 1256, Stockholm, 1989.
1256; c.1300 (base MS)
DEAF: CompRalfS
Dean: 342
Details: Based on Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 399 (i.e. MS ‘O’), with selected variants from Cambridge, Univ. Libr., Gg.1.1 (i.e. MS ‘C’, 1307-25) and Glasgow, University Library, Hunter 467 (i.e. MS ‘G’, s.xivm).
Notes: Provides rejected readings.

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Rawl Lyric

Amy, Tenetz vous joyous
IN: Peter Dronke, ‘The Rawlinson Lyrics’, Notes and Queries 206 (1961), 245-46 (p. 245).
s.xiv1 (MS)
Dean: 131
Notes: One A-N composition among M.E. lyrics on a flyleaf in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson D.913.

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Moot Books and other A-N documents
Samuel E. Thorne and J. H. Baker, Readings and Moots at the Inns of Court, 2 vols, Selden Society 71 and 105, London, 1952 and 1990.
DEAF: ThorneRead
Dean: —
Notes: Entirely in A-N.

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Rebellion Lancaster

A-N document from The National Archives
G. A. Holmes, ‘Rebellion of the Earl of Lancaster, 1328-9’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 28 (1955), 84-89 (pp. 88-89).
Dean: —
Details: TNA, Chancery, Parliament and Council, 6/13.

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Rec méd

Medical recipes in Madrid, Escorial I.III.7
L. Wiese, ‘Recettes médicales en français’, Mélanges de linguistique et de littérature offerts à M. A. Jeanroy, Paris, 1928, pp. 663-71.
DEAF: RecMédEscW
Dean: —
Notes: Removed from AND, as this is a Norman text.

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Rec méd2

Fragment of the Physique Rimee
Tony Hunt, ‘Recettes médicales en vers français d’après le manuscrit O.8.27 de Trinity College, Cambridge’, Romania 106 (1985), 57-83.
s.xiii2 (base MS)
Dean: 416
Details: Based on Cambridge, Trinity College, O.8.27, with variants from Cambridge, Trinity College, O.1.20 (i.e. MS ‘O’, s.xiiim).
Notes: MS ‘O’ (which is more complete) has been published separately in Pop Med (II), where the base MS of Rec méd2 is included in the variants as MS ‘T’.
However, ll. 1-192 and a considerable number of variants do not appear in Pop Med.

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A-N medical texts
Tony Hunt and Michael Benskin, Three Receptaria from Medieval England: The Languages of Medicine in the Fourteenth Century, Medium Aevum Monographs, New Series 21, Oxford, 2001.

(I) The Rawlinson Compendium; Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson C.814); s.xiv1 (MS) (pp. 1-83); DEAF: RecMédRawlH; Dean: -.
(II) The first and second Corpus Compendium; Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 388, ff. 1ra-48vb; c.1325 (MS) (pp. 85-192); DEAF: RecMédCCH; Dean: 408; for excerpts of a different MS, see Rom 37 (I).

Notes: (II) was previously edited (more completely) in Five Med MSS (I). It provides recipes in Latin and A-N, but ff. 36ra-48vb are almost exclusively in M-E.

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Recs Sloane

Facsimile edition of A-N receipts in BL, Sloane 1118 and 1313
IN: Linda Ehrsam Voigts, ‘The “Sloane Group”: Related Scientific and Medical Manuscripts from the Fifteenth Century in the Sloane Collection’, The British Library Journal 16 (1990), 26-57 (pp. 38-39).
s.xv (MSS)
Dean: 439

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Recs Yale

A-N receipts in New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library, 492
IN: Jacques Techener, Description raisonnée d'une collection choisie d'anciens manuscrits de documents historiques et de chartes, Paris, 1862, p. 27.
s.xivin (MS)
Dean: 439

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Red Bk

A-N material in the Liber rubeus de scaccario
Hubert Hall, Red Book of the Exchequer, vol. 3, Rolls Series 1896.
1266-1355 (A-N material)
DEAF: RedBookH
Dean: —
Notes: Vol. 1 (pp. 2-445),  Vol. 2 (pp. 451-806), Vol. 3 (pp. 807-1069); All A-N material is in volume 3.

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Redgrave Hall

Three A-N Letters
Diarmaid MacCulloch, Letters From Redgrave Hall: The Bacon Family, 1340-1744, Suffolk Records Society 50, Woodbridge, 2007.
Dean: —

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Reg Charl

A-N material in the Latin Register of Lewis Charlton
Joseph H. Parry, Registrum Ludowici de Charltone, Episcopi Herefordensis, A.D. 1361-1370, Canterbury and York Society 14, London, 1914.
1363-67 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: A-N on pp. 10, 13-14, 28-29, and 45-46.

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Reg Chich

A-N material in the Latin Register of Henry Chichele
Ernest F. Jacob, The Register of Henry Chichele, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1414-1443, 4 vols, Canterbury and York Society, London, 1917-47.
DEAF: RegChichJ
Dean: —
Notes: A-N in vol. 1: pp. 80; vol. 2: pp. 7-9, 14-18, 44, 63-66, 71-73, 94-96, 145-49, 191-94, 294-95, 342-44, 382-86, 457-59, and 472-74; vol. 3: pp. 283-84, 406-07, and 414-16;  and vol. 4: pp. 6-7 and 111.

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Reg Crabhouse

A-N material in the Crabhouse nunnery register (BL, Addit. 4733)
Mary Bateson, ‘The Register of Crabhouse Nunnery’, Archaeologia 11 (1892), 1-71.
Dean: —
Notes: For an excerpt from the first 2 folios, see Vernac Lit (XXXVI).

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Reg Ed III

A-N documents from The National Archives
Friedrich Bock, ‘An Unknown Register of the Reign of Edward III’, English Historical Review 45 (1930), 353-72 (esp. pp. 367-69 and 372).
1354-56 (pp. 367-69) and 1339 (p. 372)
Dean: —
Notes: Some material was previously printed in Foedera1.

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Reg Episc Glasgu

A-N material in the Latin Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis
Cosmo Innes, Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis: Munimenta ecclesie metropolitane Glasguensis a sede restaurata seculo ineunte XII ad reformatam religionem, 2 vols, Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1843.
Dean: —
Notes: Latin material with vernacular vocabulary.

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Reg Fees

A-N from the Register of Fees, Terriers, Extents, etc.
See henley2 (V).

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Reg Fraunceys

Two A-N documents
Margaret E. Briston and Timothy M. Halliday, The Pilsgate Manor of the Sacrist of Peterborough Abbey: Part B of the Register of George Fraunceys, sacrist, c.1404, Northamptonshire Record Society 43, Northampton, 2009.
1226 and 1383 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: Mainly in Latin, with A-N on pp. 10-11 (1226) and 213-14 (1383).

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Reg Ghent

A-N material in the Latin Registers of Simon of Ghent
C. T. Flower and M. C. B. Dawes, Registrum Simonis de Gandavo Diocesis Saresbiriensis, A.D. 1297-1315, 2 vols, Canterbury and York Society 40-41, Oxford, 1934.
1310-11 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: Mainly in Latin, with A-N on pp. 361-62 and 392-95.

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Reg Kellawe

A-N material in the Latin Register of Richard de Kellawe
Thomas D. Hardy, Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense, The Register of Richard de Kellawe, Lord Palatine and Bishop of Durham, 1311-1316, 4 vols, Rolls Series 62 (London, 1873-78).
Dean: —
Notes: Previously Durham2.

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Reg Kirkby

Seven A-N documents
R. L. Storey, The Register of John Kirkby, Bishop of Carlisle, 1332-1352, and the Register of John Ross, Bishop of Carlisle, 1325-32, 2 vols, Canterbury and York Society 79 and 81, Woodbridge, 1993-95.
1330-40 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: A-N in vol. 2, pp. 23, 28, 31-34, and 65-66.

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Reg Martival

A-N material in the Latin Register of Roger Martival
Kathleen Edwards, C. R. Elrington, Susan Reynolds and Dorothy Owen, The Registers of Roger Martival, Bishop of Salisbury 1315-1330, 5 vols, The Canterbury and York Society 55, 57-59 and 68, Oxford, 1959-75.
Dean: —
Notes: Mainly in Latin, but A-N in vol. 1, pp. 233-34 [1321]; vol. 2, pp. 84-86 [1316], 376-79 [1321] 379-80 [1322]; vol. 3, pp. 97-98 [1322], 136-38 [1324], 143-46 [1324], and 187-88 [1326].

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Reg Peckham

A-N material in the Latin Register of John Peckham
Charles T. Martin, Registrum Epistolarum Fratris Johannis Peckham, Archepiscopi Cantuariensis, 3 vols, Rolls Series, London, 1882-85.
1279-1289 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: A-N documents in vol. 1: pp. 72 (1279), 109-12 (1280), 119, 153, 169-70 (1281), 178-79, 180-85, 361-62 (1282), 388-89, 392g (1280), and 392m (1282);
vol. 2: pp.  488-90 (1282), 523-24 (1283), 538, 547-48, 553-55, 567-68, 619-20, 689-90 (1284), 726-27, and 749 (1283);
and vol. 3: pp. 776-78 (1284), 819, 851-52, 961-62 (1289), and 968-70.
Modern English translations in vol. 1: pp. 392n-392x; vol. 2: pp. 759-70; and vol. 3: pp. 991-96.
Many, if not all are reprinted with corrections in Lett AF.

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Reg Shrewsbury

A-N material in the register of Ralph of Shrewsbury
Thomas Scott Holmes, The Register of Ralph of Shrewsbury, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1329-1363, From the Original in the Registry at Wells, Somersets Record Society 9, London, 1896.
Dean: —
Notes: A-N items are nos. 12, 25, 93, 125, 131, 464, 516, 540, 693, 737, 793, 1245, and 1278.

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Reg St. August

A-N material in the Latin Register of St. Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury
G. J. Turner and H. E. Salter, The Register of St. Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury, Commonly Called ‘The Black Book’, vol. 2, London, 1924.
1257-1384 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: A-N on pp. 510-12 (1285), 522-25 (1376), 571 (1383-84) and 607 (1257).

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Reg Sudbury

A-N material in the Latin register of Simon of Sudbury
R. C. Fowler, Registrum Simonis de Sudbiria, Diocesis Londoniensis A.D. 1362-1375, 2 vols, Oxford, 1927-38, vol. 1 (1927).
1368-74 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: A-N on pp. 1-4 (1371), 6 (1371), 28 (1368), and 206-07 (1374).

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Reg Trillek

A-N material in the Latin Register of John de Trillek
Joseph Henry Parry, Registrum Johannis de Trillek, Episcopi Herefordensis, A.D. MCCCXLIV-MCCCLXI, Canterbury And York Society 8, London, 1912.
1344-54 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: A-N on pp. 5, 15, 17, 133-35, 185-89, 224-25, 242, 262-64, 267-68, 275-76, 280-83, 291-92, 298-99, and 343-44.

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Reg Woodford and Crowland

Three A-N documents in the White Book of Peterborough
Sandra Raban and Claire de Trafford, The White Book of Peterborough: The Registers of Abbot William of Woodford, 1295-99, and Abbot Godfrey of Crowland, 1299-1321, Publications of the Northamptonshire Record Society 41, Northampton, 2001.
1295-1308 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: Mainly in Latin, but A-N on pp. 27, 186 and 231.

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Reg Woodlock

Fifteen A-N letters and documents
A. W. Goodman, Registrum Henrici Woodlock, Diocesis Wintoniensis A.D. 1305-1316, 2 vols, Canterbury and York Society 43-44, Oxford, 1940-41.
Dean: —
Notes: A-N on pp. 10 (1305), 11 (1305), 72 (1305), 73 (1305), 519-23 (1309), 530-33 (1311), 691 (1310), 692 (no date), 705 (no date), 707 (no date), 709-10 (1307), 710 (no date), 758-62 (1316), 983 (1316), 983-84 (no date).

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Regesta regum A-N

Anglo-Norman words in early Latin charters from Britain and Normandy
H. W. C. Davis, Charles Johnson, H. A. Cronne and R. H. C. Davis, Regesta regum anglo-normannorum, 4 vols, Oxford, 1913-69.
Dean: —

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Two A-N sermons
Walter Suchier, Zwei altfranzösische Reimpredigten, mit Benutzung der Ausgabe Hermann Suchiers, Halle, 1949.

(I) Grant mal fist Adam; s.xii2/4 (Norman text); based on Paris, BN, franç. 19525 (i.e MS ‘A’, s.xiiiex) (pp. 19-120); DEAF: GrantMalS2; Dean: 598; with variants from Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 435 (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xiii1); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 34 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiiim); and BL, Egerton 2710 (i.e. MS ‘D’, s.xiiim).
(II) Deu le omnipotent; s.xiiex; based on BL, Arundel 292 (i.e. MS ‘A’, s.xiiim) (pp. 124-44); DEAF: DeuOmniS2; Dean: 599; with variants from Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 405 (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xiv1/4); and BL, Harley 4971 (i.e MS ‘C’, s.xiii2).

Notes: (I) is probably a Norman composition, surviving in A-N MSS.
The uneven pages in this edition provide a reconstructed version of (I), not used in the AND.

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Reis Britt1

Le Livere de Reis De Brittanie (LRB)
IN: John Glover, Le Livere de Reis De Brittanie e Le Livere de Reis de Engletere, Rolls Series, London, 1865, pp. 2-31. 
DEAF: BrutusG; ReiEnglG
Dean: 13
Details: The Prologue (pp. 2-8) is based on Cambridge, Trinity College, R.14.7 (i.e. MS ‘A’ in Reis Britt foltys; 1307-15), with variants from Oxford, Bodl. Libr., Tanner 195 (10021), ff.129a-138a (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xiv1/4) whereas the main text (pp. 8-30) is based on a number of other MSS.
Notes: Previously Reis Britt.
For a separate edition of the version in Cambridge, University Libr. Ee.1.1, see Early Prose History ll. 160-394.
AND2 uses this edition only for the Prologue (pp. 2-8); for the rest of the text, see Reis Britt2.

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Reis Britt2

Le livere de Reis de Britannie (LRB)
John Koch, ‘Li Rei de Engleterre. Ein anglo-normannischer Geschichtsauszug’, Festschrift zu dem fünfzigjährigen Jubiläum des Dorotheenstädtischen Realgymnasiums zu Berlin, Berlin, 1886.
1216-25; s.xiiim (MS)
DEAF: ReiEnglK
Dean: 13
Details: Based on BL, Cotton Caligula A.IX (i.e. MS ‘F’ in Reis Britt foltys), with variants from Cambridge, Trinity College, R.14.7 (i.e. MS ‘C’ in Reis Britt1, or MS ‘A’ in Reis Britt foltys).
Notes: Previously Reis Engl2. This edition’s unfortunate title and subsequent siglum used in AND1 and AND2 have lead to occasional confusion between LRB and LRE material.
The text corresponds with Reis Britt1 8 (line 17) and further.
For a variant in Cambridge, University Libr. Ee.1.1, see Early Prose History ll. 160-394.
For the prologue, see Reis Britt1 (pp. 1-8).

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Reis Britt foltys

Le Livere de Reis De Brittanie (LRB)
IN: Christian Foltys, Kritische Ausgabe der anglonormannische Chroniken ‘Brutus’, ‘Li Rei de Engleterre’, ‘Le Livere de Reis de Engleterre’, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Berlin, 1962, pp. 45-114.
DEAF: BrutusF; ReiEnglF
Dean: 13
Details: Parallel edition of  Cambridge, Trinity College, R.14.7 (i.e. MS ‘A’, s.xivin); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Tanner 195 (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xivin); Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 53 (i.e. MS ‘C’, ca. 1310); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 115 (i.e. MS ‘D’, ca. 1320); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Selden Supra 74 (i.e. MS ‘E’, s.xiii2); BL, Cotton Caligula A.IX (i.e. MS ‘F’); BL Cotton Galba E.III (i.e. MS 'H', 1274-75);  BL, Royal 20.C.VI (i.e. MS ‘G’, s.xiii4/4); TNA, E. 164/24 (i.e. MS ‘I’, ca. 1300); and Cambridge, Mass. USA, Harvard Law School, 1 (i.e. MS ‘K’, 1296-97) in the variants only.
Notes: Brutus (pp. 45-56) forms the prologue and Li Rei de Engleterre (pp. 57-114) the main text.
For a separate edition of the version in Cambridge, University Libr. Ee.1.1, see Early Prose History ll. 160-394.

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Reis Engl1

Le Livere de Reis de Engletere (LRE), together with the Wroxham/Norwich continuation (pp. 302-20) and the Sempringham continuation (pp. 322-55)
IN: John Glover, Le Livere de Reis De Brittanie e Le Livere de Reis de Engletere, Rolls Series, London, 1865, pp. 32-354. 
s.xiii4/4 (pp. 32-301), 1307 (pp. 302-20) and 1327 (pp. 322-55)
DEAF: LReisEnglG
Dean: 23; 26; 27
Details: Based on Cambridge, Trinity College, R.14.7 (1307-15 for pp. 32-320 and s.xivm for pp. 322-55), with variants from Vatican City, Bibl. Apost. Vatic., Barberini lat. 3528 (s.xivin and xivm).
Notes: Previously Reis Engl.
AND1 and AND2 used the siglum Reis Engl2 erroneously to refer to Reis Britt2.

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Reis Engl foltys

Le Livere de Reis de Engletere (LRE), together with and intercalation on the reign of Richard I (pp. 188-207), the Norwich continuation (pp. 220-25) and the Sempringham continuation (pp. 226-35)
IN: Christian Foltys, Kritische Ausgabe der anglonormannische Chroniken ‘Brutus’, ‘Li Rei de Engleterre’, ‘Le Livere de Reis de Engleterre’, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Berlin, 1962, pp. 116-235.
s.xiv (MSS)
DEAF: LReisEnglF
Dean: 23; 26; 27
Details: Based on Vatican City, Bibl. Apost. Vatic., Barberini lat. 3528 (which also includes the Sempringham continuation), with variants from Cambridge, Trinity College, R.14.7 (which also includes the Norwich continuation).
The intercalation on the reign of Richard I (pp. 188-207) provides variants from BL Cotton Cleopatra D.VII (i.e. MS ‘S’, xvin) and Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson D.329 (i.e. MS ‘T’, s.xiv).

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Rel Ant

A-N verse and glosses
IN: Thomas Wright and James Orchard Halliwell, Reliquiae Antiquae: Scraps from Ancient manuscripts, Illustrating Chiefly Early English Literature and the English Language, 2 vols, London, 1841-43 (reprint New York 1966).

(I) Botanical vocabulary; s.xiii3/3 (MS) (i 36-38); Dean: 312; see Triling Harley.
(II) Song for Jesus; s.xiiiex (MS) (i 104); Dean: 912.
(III) Tres duce Katerine, sez nostre mescine; s.xiiiex (MS) (i 106-07); Dean: 925.
(IV) La Sorys; c.1300 (MS) (i 107-08); Dean: 215; see Va Soryte.
(V) The Lady and Her Dogs; s.xivin (MS) (i 155-56); Dean: 204.
(VI) Hymn to the Virgin; s.xiv1/4 (MS) (i 200-02); Dean: 808; see Sacrilège.
(VII) Les aprises qe ly sages aprent a ces enfauntz; s.xiv (MS) (ii 117); Dean: -.
(VIII) Letabundus; s.xiii2 (MS) (ii 168-69); Dean: 147.
(IX) Le dit des femmes; s.xiii, c.1335 (MS) (ii 218-21); Dean: 197; See Harley Complete (XXV).
(X) Le blame des fames (BL Harley 2253); c.1335 (MS) (ii 221-23); Dean: 202; See Harley Complete (XXVI). For excerpts from a different MS, see Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (XLI).
(XI) Alliterative proverbs by the Count of Desmond; s.xivin (MS) (ii 256); Dean: 271; See Kildare Poems (I).

DEAF: WrightRel
Notes: Contains further A-N material, which is also published elsewhere, as well as M.E. and Latin texts.

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Relatio Tripartita

A-N translation of Haymarus Monachus' Relatio tripartita ad Innocentium III de viribus Agarenorum
Tony Hunt, ‘Haymarus’s Relatio Tripartita in Anglo-Norman’, Medieval Encounters 4 (1998), 119-29.
s.xiiiex and xiv2 (MSS)
DEAF: Haymarus1H; Haymarus2H
Dean: 332
Details: Provides the full text from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 137 (pp. 121-27) (s.xiiiex) and excerpts from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 761 (pp. 127-29) (c.1365).
Notes: For the full text of Bodley 761, see Terre Sarazins Amp. For excerpts from the beginning and end of Bodley 761, see Rom 37 (XIX). For excerpts from a third MS, see Rom 15 (Gg.6.28) (V)-(VI).

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Religious Life

Prose homily on religious life (Cambridge, Trinity College, B.1.45)
Tony Hunt, ‘An Anglo-Norman Treatise on the Religious Life’, in Peter R. Monks and Douglas D. R. Owen, Medieval Codicology, Iconography, Literature and Translation: Studies for Keith Val Sinclair, Leiden, 1994, pp. 267-75.
s.xiii2; xiii2 (MS)
DEAF: ExhortationRelH
Dean: 607

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Li respit del curteis et del vilain (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Selden supra 14)
IN: Edmund Stengel, ‘Handschriftliches aus Oxford’, Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur 14 (1892), 127-60 (pp. 154-58).
s.xiii2; xiv2/4 (MS)
DEAF: RespCurtS
Dean: 258
Details: Collection of proverbs, some of which are Serlonian.

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La Seinte Resureccion
Thomas Atkinson Jenkins, John M. Manly, Mildred K. Pope and Jean G. Wright, La Seinte Resureccion from the Paris and Canterbury MSS, ANTS 4, Oxford, 1943.
(C): s.xiiim; c.1275 (MS); (P): s.xiii1/3; c.1255 (MS)
DEAF: RésSauvCJ; RésSauvPJ
Dean: 717
Details: Parallel edition of BL, Add. 45103 (i.e. MS ‘C’) and Paris, BN, franç. 902 (i.e. MS ‘P’).
Notes: Two versions of a no longer extant original, believed to have been composed c.1200.
For the prologue (in both versions), see Vernac Lit (XXIX).

Search AND Citations


Les Reules seynt Roberd, by Robert Grosseteste
See henley1 (IV).

Search AND Citations

Rich I

Chronicle of Richard I
Ronald C. Johnston, The Crusade and Death of Richard I, ANTS 17, Oxford, 1961.
s.xiii3/3; s.xivm (base MS)
DEAF: CroisRichJ
Dean: 56
Details: Based on Oxford, Bodleian Library, Fairfax 10, with variants from Cambridge, Trinity College, O.4.32 (s.xiv3/4).

Search AND Citations

Rich II

One A-N document from The National Archives E.208
IN: George Osborne Sayles, ‘Richard II in 1381 and 1399’, English Historical Review 94 (1979), 820-29 (pp. 826-27).
Dean: —
Notes: Also published in G. O. Sayles, Scripta Diversa, London, 1982, pp. 291-300 (pp. 297-98).

Search AND Citations

Rich II & Gloucester

One document from The National Archives, Ancient Petitions
Richard L. Atkinson, ‘Richard II and the Death of the Duke of Gloucester’, English Historical Review 38 (1923), 563-64.
Dean: —

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A-N document
IN: William Brown, Yorkshire Inquisitions of the Reigns of Henry III and Edward I, vol. 1, Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series 12, Leeds, 1891, pp. 273-74.
Dean: —

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Isolated riddle following a fragment of the Anglo-Norman Roman de Horn (Cambridge, Univ. Libr., Add. 4470)
IN: E. G. W. Braunholtz, ‘Cambridge Fragments of the Anglo-Norman Roman de Horn’, Modern Language Review 16 (1921), 23-33 (p. 33).
s.xiii1 (MS)
Dean: 229
Notes: Isolated variant of a passage also found in bibb ants 590-97.

Search AND Citations

Riote du monde1

A-N redactions of the Continental fabliau sometimes known as La Riote du monde
IN: J. Ulrich, ‘La riote du monde’, Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 8 (1884), 275-89.

(I) Verse redaction, BL, Harley 2253; c. 1300; c.1335 (MS) (pp. 275-79 and 289, Version I); DEAF: RioteAU; Dean: 195; see also Harley Complete (XXIII).
(II) First prose redaction, Cambridge, Trinity College, O.2.45; s.xiii3/4 (text and MS) (pp. 279-81, Version III, right column); DEAF: RioteCU; Dean: 195.1; for escerpts, see also Rom 32 (O.2.45) (VI).

Search AND Citations

Riote du monde2

Fragment of a second A-N prose redaction of the continental Riote du monde (Stratford-upon-Avon, Gild Records, Div. XII, No. 206)
G. E. Brereton, ‘La Riote du Monde: A New Fragment’, Medium Ævum 4 (1935), 95-99.
s.xiv1/3 (MS)
Dean: 195.1

Search AND Citations


Two extracts from the York Register
IN: Joseph T. Fowler, Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfred, Ripon, 4 vols, Surtees Society 74, 78, 81, 115, Durham, 1882-1908, vol. 2, pp. 95-96 and 144-45.
1327 (ii 95-96) and 1409 (ii 144-45)
Dean: —
Notes: One more A-N document (i 80-83) reproduces Rot Parl1 iv 85 (1416).

Search AND Citations

Rishanger Chron

J. O. Halliwell, The Chronicle of William de Rishanger, of the Barons’ Wars and the Miracles of Simon de Montfort, Camden Society, First Series, 15, London, 1840.
Dean: —
Notes: Mainly in Latin.

Search AND Citations

RLiR 58

A-N lexis in Wales
David A. Trotter, ‘L’anglo-français au Pays de Galles: une enquête préliminaire’, Revue de Linguistique Romane 58 (1994), 461-88.
Dean: —
Details: Brief citations from a variety of sources (some drawn from other editions).

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Ronald E. Latham, Revised Medieval Latin Word-List from British and Irish Sources, Oxford, 1965.

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Robert de Wodehouse

Two A-N letters by Robert de Wodehouse to John de Molyns (TNA, Anc. Corr. 42 133 and 133a)
IN: E. B. Fryde, Studies in Medieval Trade and Finance, London, 1983, pp. 77-78.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


Brief A-N excerpts from the Account Rolls of the Wardens of Rochester Bridge
M. Janet Becker, Rochester Bridge: 1387-1856. A History of Its Early Years, Compiled from the Wardens’ Accounts, London, 1930.
Dean: —
Notes: The A-N excerpts are mainly on pp. 9, 19, 43-45, 68-69, 73, 76, 82-84, 93, 107-08, 110-11 and 113, with p. 43 printing the full text of a document in BL, Harley 1757, f. 181.
Excerpts are discussed in Exe Bridge2.

Search AND Citations


Chanson de Roland (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 23)
Cesare Segre, La Chanson de Roland, nouvelle édition refondue, traduite de l’italien par Madeleine Tyssens, Textes littéraires français 968, Droz, 2003.
s.xii2/4 (MS)
Dean: 76
Notes: Based on the A-N manuscript (i.e. MS ‘O’), which preserves the earliest extant version of a Continental composition, with variants from Continental MSS.

Search AND Citations

Roll Edward III

Cotgrave’s Ordinary
‘A Roll of Arms Compiled in the Reign of King Edward the Third, and Apparently between the years 1337-1350’ in: Nicholas Harris Nicolas, Rolls of Arms of the Reigns of Henry III and Edward III, London, 1829, pp. 3-50.
c.1340; 1562 (MS)
Dean: 391.1

Search AND Citations

Roll Henry III

Glover’s Roll
‘A Roll of Arms Compiled in the Reign of King Henry the Third and Apparently between the Years 1240-1245’ in: Nicholas Harris Nicolas, Rolls of Arms of the Reigns of Henry III and Edward III, London, 1829, pp. 3-19.
1240-45; 1586 (MS)
Dean: 391.1
Notes: see Eight Rolls (II)

Search AND Citations

Rolls of Arms

A-N Rolls of Arms
Gerard J. Brault, Rolls of Arms: Edward I (1272-1307), 2 vols, Aspilogia 3, Woodbridge, 1997, vol. 1.

(I) Camden Roll; BL, Cotton Roll, XV.8; c.1280; provides variants of six sixteenth- and seventeenth-century MSS (pp. 172-201); DEAF: RôleCamB; previously published in Eight Rolls (IV).
(II) Falkirk Roll; London, private collection of Thomas Woodcock; 1298; provides variants of six sixteenth- and seventeenth-century MSS (pp. 404-17); DEAF: ArmFalkB; for a different MS, see Eight Rolls (VI).
(III) Galloway Roll; London, College of Arms, M.14bis; 1298 (pp. 445-68); DEAF: ArmGallowayB.
(IV) Stirling Roll; London, College of Arms, M.14bis; 1304 (pp. 483-93); DEAF: ArmStirlingB.
(V) Nativity Roll; London, private collection of Thomas Woodcock; 1307-08 (pp. 495-504); DEAF: ArmNatB; for a different MS, see Eight Rolls (VII).

DEAF: BraultRolls
Dean: 391.1

Search AND Citations

Rom 1

Un chevaler e sa dame e un clerk (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 50)
Paul Meyer, ‘Romanz de un chivaler e de sa dame e de un clerk’, Romania 1 (1872), 73-87.
s.xiii2/3; xiv4/4 (MS)
DEAF: ChevDameClercM
Dean: 189
Notes: See Fabliaux (XIII).

Search AND Citations

Rom 13

Overview of the contents of BL, Addit. 46919
Paul Meyer, ‘Notice et extraits du ms. 8336 de la Bibliothèque de sir Thomas Phillipps à Cheltenham’, Romania 13 (1884), 497-541.

(I) Extracts from Tretiz de langage, by Walter of Bibbesworth (pp. 502-03); Dean: 285; see bibb MS ‘C’; for other MSS, see bibb roth (G), bibb roth (T) and Man lang ants.
(II) First eight questions and the final one of Chastel d’amurs (pp. 504-05); Dean: 227.
(III) Introduction of La Vénerie de Twiti (pp. 505-06); Dean: 405; see twiti1.
(IV) Extract from Recettes culinaires, in M.E. with A-N glosses (p. 506).
(V) Extract from a Treatise on Falconry (p. 506); Dean: 401; see A-N Falconry (III).
(VI) First four and last quatrain of Tretys de la Passion, by Nicholas Bozon (p. 507); Dean: 688.
(VII) First two stanzas La Plainte d’amour, attributed to Nicholas Bozon (p. 508); Dean: 690; see Plainte Am, MS ‘Ph’.
(VIII) First 16 lines of Tretis de denaturesse, by Nicholas Bozon (p. 508); Dean: 145; see Lyric (XL).
(IX) First three quatrains of Ave Maria, by Nicholas Bozon (pp. 508-09); Dean: 822.
(X) First two stanzas of Prayer to the Virgin, by Nicholas Bozon (p. 509); Dean: 800.
(XI) First 18 and last 20 lines of Prayer to the Virgin (pp. 509-10); Dean: 740a; for variant MSS, see Lambeth reinsch (XIX), Rom 35 (III) and Digby (LVII).
(XII) First four stanzas and final stanza of Chante Pleure (p. 511); Dean: 605; for a variant MS, see Lambeth reinsch (LX).
(XIII) First 10 lines of Les neuf joies Nostre Dame (p. 512); Dean: 761.
(XIV) Choosing a husband (pp. 512-13); Dean: 142; see Lyric (XLVI).
(XV) First eight lines of Prayer to the Virgin (p. 513); Dean: 774.
(XVI) Extracts from Allegorical Tract (pp. 513-14); Dean: 683; see Allegory Monastic.
(XVII) Extracts from Char d’Orgueil, by Nicholas Bozon (pp. 515-18); Dean: 687; see boz Char.
(XVIII) First six lines of Vous ke me veez (p. 518); Dean: 974; see Lyric (XIII).
(XIX) First ten lines of Cuard est (p. 518); Dean: 913; for variant MSS, see Lambeth reinsch (IX) and Lyric (LII).
(XX) First 24 lines of Femmes a la pie, by Nicholas Bozon (pp. 518-19); Dean: 205; see Lyric (XLIII).
(XXI) First nine stanzas of Poem on the Annunciation, by Nicholas Bozon (p. 519); see Lyric (XXXVIII).
(XXII) First four stanzas of Desputeison de l’alme et du corps, attributed to Nicholas Bozon (p. 520); Dean: 691; for different MSS, see Alme et corps1 and Alme et corps2.
(XXIII) First six stanzas of Lament of the Virgin, by Nicholas Bozon (pp. 520-21); Dean: 956; see Plaintes Vge (II).
(XXIV) First two stanzas of The Virgin and the Cross (p. 522); Dean: 968.
(XXV)-(XXXIII) Extracts from Sermons, by Nicholas Bozon (pp. 522-27); Dean: 592; see boz Serm.
(XXXIV) Salve Regina possibly by Nicholas Bozon (p. 527); Dean: 825.
(XXXV) Complete text of Ave Maria (p. 527); Dean: 819.
(XXXVI) First ten lines of Croiz sentyme honouree (p. 527); Dean: 972.
(XXXVII) First two and last two stanzas of Jeo ay un quer mout let, by Thibaut d’Amiens (p. 529); Dean: 807; for a different MS, see Digby (XXVI).
(XXXVIII) Vocabulary of falconry and weaponry (pp. 529-30); Dean: 315; 404; see also Glan lex (MS ‘B’).
(XXXIX) First eight lines of L’ordene de chevalerie (p. 530); Dean: 706; see Ordene Cheval (II).
(XL) First four and last two stanzas of Coment le fiz Deu fu armé en la croyz (pp. 530-31); Dean: 689; see Lyric (XXXVI).
(XLI) First three stanzas of Nul ne deyt mounter en prys (p. 41); Dean: 797.
(XLII) First six and last eight lines of Prayer to the Virgin, by Walter of Bibbesworth (p. 532); Dean: 799; see bibb roth Poems (I).
(XLIII) First three and last two stanzas of De bone femme la bounté (p. 532); Dean: 199; see bibb roth Poems (II).
(XLIV) Extracts from Aplhabetical Proverbs (pp. 532-33); Dean: 272; see Prov inéd (I) (pp. 422-23).
(XLV) First 26 and final 8 lines of Roman de philosophie, by Simund de Freine (p. 533); Dean: 243; see Rom Phil.
(XLVI) First 14 lines of Lettre du prince des envieux (p. 534); Dean: 103; see Pol Songs (XIII).
(XLVII) First eight lines of Pater Noster (p. 534); Dean: 844.
(XLVIII) First nine and last eight lines of Ave seynte Marie (pp. 534-35); Dean: 740a.1.
(XLIX) Extracts from Contes Moralisés, by Nicholas Bozon (pp. 535-36); Dean: 695; see boz Cont (var.).
(L) The Ideal Sparrowhawk (p. 536); DEAF: —; Dean: 403; see also Glan lex (MS ‘B’).

s.xiv1/3 (MS)

Search AND Citations

Rom 15

Overview of the A-N contents of Cambridge, University Library MSS
Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 15 (1886), 236-357.
Notes: Describes the A-N contents of 29 Cambridge, University Library MSS, and provides excerpts.
See Rom 15 (Dd.10.31) (for pp. 241-262), Rom 15 (Ee.3.52) (for pp. 265-67), Rom 15 (Ee.6.30) (for pp. 272-73), Rom 15 (Ff.6.13) (for pp. 277-281), Rom 15 (Ff.6.15) (for pp. 281-83), Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (for pp. 283-340), Rom 15 (Gg.4.32) (for pp. 341-43), Rom 15 (Gg.6.28) (for pp. 343-48), Rom 15 (Kk.4.20) (for pp. 352-53) and Rom 15 (Mm.6.4) (for pp. 348-49).

Search AND Citations

Rom 15 (Dd.10.31)

Overview of the A-N contents of Cambridge, University Library Dd.10.31
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 15 (1886), 236-357 (pp. 241-262).

(I) Le russinole voleit amer (pp. 242-46); Dean: 126.1.
(II) Lung tens ay de quer amé (pp. 248-49); Dean: 126.2.
(III) Tant suy a beau sojuri (pp. 249-50); Dean: 126.3.
(IV) Tant cum plus ai mis ma cure (pp. 250-51); Dean: 126.4.
(V) Grant pesca ke ne chantai (pp. 251-52); Dean: 126.5.
(VI) Longement me sui pené (pp. 252-53); Dean: 126.6.
(VII) Quant le tens se renovele (pp. 253-55); Dean: 126.7.
(VIII) First 195 lines and last 125 lines of La petite philosophie, with variants from Cambridge, University Library Gg.6.28 (s.xivin) (pp. 256-62); Dean: 325; see also Pet Phil for a variant MS.

s.xiiiex (MS)
Notes: (I)-(VII) are complete texts.

Search AND Citations

Rom 15 (Ee.3.52)

Extracts from an Old Testament translation in Cambridge, University Library Ee.3.52
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 15 (1886), 236-357 (pp. 265-67).
s.xiii; xiv2/4 (MS)
Dean: 467

Search AND Citations

Rom 15 (Ee.6.30)

First 71 lines from Everard of Gateley’s Miracles of the Virgin (Cambridge, University Library Ee.6.30)
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 15 (1886), 236-357 (pp. 272-73).
s.xiii2 (MS)
Dean: 560
Notes: For a different MS, see Mir Vge.

Search AND Citations

Rom 15 (Ff.6.13)

Overview of the A-N contents of Cambridge, University Library Ff.6.13
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 15 (1886), 236-357 (pp. 277-281).

(I) Verse Dialogue on Falconry (‘Bel oncle cher’) from BL, Harley 978 (pp. 278-79); Dean: 402; see Fauconnerie.
(II) Falconry (‘Si vostre oisel’), extracts (pp. 279-80); Dean: 400.1; see A-N Falconry (III).
(III) Falconry (‘Dreit e reison’), extracts (pp. 280-81); Dean: 400.2; see A-N Falconry (I).

s.xiiiex (MS)
Notes: See also Glan Lex (MS ‘C’).

Search AND Citations

Rom 15 (Ff.6.15)

The Trental Exemplum in Cambridge, University Library Ff.6.15
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 15 (1886), 236-357 (pp. 281-83).
s.xivin (MS)
Dean: 642

Search AND Citations

Rom 15 (Gg.1.1)

Overview of the A-N contents of Cambridge, University Library Gg.1.1
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 15 (1886), 236-357 (pp. 283-340).

(I) First and final eight lines of Urbain le courtois (p. 284); Dean: 231; see Urb Court.
(II) Eight Proverbs (p. 285); Dean: 270; see Folies 32.
(III) First 47 and final 49 lines of Art de Kalender by Rauf de Lindham (pp. 286-87); Dean: 342; This is MS ‘C’ in the variants of rauf ants.
(IV) First 96 and final 14 lines of La lumere as lais by Pierre d’Abernun of Fetcham (pp. 288-89); Dean: 630; see Lum Lais ants (MSF’).
(V) Lines 1-98 and 223-56 of The Fifteen Signs of the Day of Judgement (pp. 290-91); Dean: 639; see also Signes1, Signes2Signes4 and Signes5.
(VI) Lines 1-120, 175-92 and 949-90 of La Plainte d’amour, attributed to Nicholas Bozon (pp. 292-95); Dean: 690; see Plainte Am, MS ‘G’.
(VII) Beginning and end of Merlin’s Prophecy of the Six Kings (p. 295); Dean: 18; for a different MS, see Merlin’s Prophecy.
(VIII) (M.E. poem).
(IX) Extensive excerpts from Miroir (a.k.a. Evangiles des domnees), by Robert of Gretham (pp. 298-305); DEAF: RobGrethEvM1; Dean: 589; for different MSS, see Mirur1, Rom 32 (B.14.39-40) (V) and MÆ 56.
(X) Opening lines of seven Penitential Psalms (pp. 305-06); Dean: 450; for complete editions of first, sixth and seventh Psalm, see Lyric (XXIV), (XXV) and (XXVI).
(XI) First two stanzas of Ave Maria (p. 306); Dean: 816.
(XII) De les cinc joies Nostre Dame (pp. 307-08); Dean: 747; 748; 771.
(XIII) First 18 and final 17 lines of ‘The Assumption’, from the Roman de Dieu et de sa mere, by Herman de Valenciennes (pp. 308-09); Dean: 485; for different sections in different manuscripts, see Creation, Trois Rois and Vernac Lit (XV).
(XIV) Pseudo-Bernard De planctu virginis Marie, excerpts (pp. 310-12); Dean: 954; see Plaintes Vge (I).
(XV) (no edition).
(XVI) Beginning and end of Le Manuel des pechiez by William of Waddington (pp. 312-13); Dean: 635; for different MSS, see Man pechez, Man pechez ants and Rom 15 (Mm.6.4).
(XVII) Beginning and end of Chronicle of England by Pierre de Langtoft (p. 314); Dean: 66; see langtoft thiol2.
(XVIII) Beginning and end of L’image du monde (p. 315); Dean: -.
(XIX) Anonymous La Bonté des femmes, complete text; s.xiii (pp. 316-20); Dean: 198; see Bonté batt.
(XX) The Apostles’ Creed (pp. 321-22); Dean: 680 (2); see Lyric (XVI).
(XXI) Pater Noster, complete text (p. 322); Dean: 638 (5); see Lyric (XVIII).
(XXII) Ave Maria, complete text (p. 322); Dean: 817; see Lyric (XX).
(XXIII) Predictions According to Christmas, with variants from Oxford, Corpus Christi College, 59 (pp. 323-25); Dean: 369; see also Future (XVII) for a complete edition of the variant MS.
(XXIV) Beginning and end of the prose version of Seth (a.k.a. The Holy Rood) (pp. 326-27); Dean: 481; for another MS, see Rom 32 (O.1.17) (III).
(XXV) (Latin).
(XXVI) Excerpts from the fifty-eighth miracle of Miracles of the Virgin (pp. 328-29); Dean: 559; see Mir N-D 245-53 (var.).
(XXVII) Beginning and end of the prose Apocalypse (p. 330); Dean: 475; for variant MSS, see Apoc Prose.
(XXVIII) Beginning of Roman des sept sages (p. 330); Dean: -; see also Rom 15 (Gg.6.28) (VII).
(XXIX) Beginning and end of Physionomie (pp. 330-31); Dean: -; see also Nouvelles choses (Vb).
(XXX) Beginning and end of Birth Predictions (pp. 331-32); Dean: 374.2; see Future (XIV).
(XXXI) Beginning of Seventeen point of the Confession (p. 332); Dean: 664.
(XXXII) (Latin).
(XXXIII) (Latin).
(XXXIV) Beginning and end of Melior et Ydoine (pp. 333-34); Dean: 217; see Melior.
(XXXV) (M.E.).
(XXXVI) Excerpts from Miracles of the Childhood of Jesus (a.k.a. Les Enfaunces de Jesu Crist) (pp. 335-37); Dean: 495; see Enfances.
(XXXVII) (no edition).
(XXXVIII) First 10 lines of Elegy for Edward I (p. 338); Dean: 85; see Pol Songs (VIII).
(XXXIX) (Latin).
(XL) Opening lines of Le Livre de Sidrac (p. 339); Dean: -.
(XLI) Excerpts from Le blame des fames (p. 339); Dean: 202; for a different MS, see Rel Ant (X).
(XLII) Excerpts from formulas for confession (p. 340); Dean: 658; for different MSS, see Rom 32 (O.2.45) (II) and A-N Piety (XI).
(XLIII) Opening line of Thirty-Two Folies (p. 340); see Folies, MS ‘Ga’.
(XLIV) (Latin); Dean: 266.

1307-25 (MS)
Notes: Contains a small number of texts that are Continental in origin.

Search AND Citations

Rom 15 (Gg.4.32)

Overview of the A-N contents of Cambridge, University Library Gg.4.32
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 15 (1886), 236-357 (pp. 341-43).

(I) The Apostles’ Creed (pp. 341-42); Dean: 680 (3); see Lyric (XVII).
(II) Pater Noster (p. 342); Dean: 842; see Lyric (XVIII).
(III) Ave Maria (pp. 342-43); Dean: 818.
(IV) First 20 and last 6 lines of the Athanasian Creed (p. 343); Dean: 681.

s.xivm (MS)

Search AND Citations

Rom 15 (Gg.6.28)

Overview of the A-N contents of Cambridge, University Library Gg.6.28
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 15 (1886), 236-357 (pp. 343-48).

(I) Beginning and end of Le Char d’Orgueil by Nicholas Bozon (pp. 343-46); Dean: 687; see boz Char (MS ‘C’).
(II) First 14 and last 13 lines of L’ordene de chevalerie (p. 346); Dean: 706; for the A-N redaction of this Continental poem, see Ordene Cheval.
(III) La Petite Philosophie (no edition).
(IV) Opening line of Itinerary from Acre to Jerusalem (p. 346); Dean: 335.
(V)-(VI) Excerpts from La terre des Sarazins (p. 347); Dean: 332; see also Terre Sarazins Sum and, for a different MS Harley Complete (XXXVII); for a different redaction, see Rom 37 (XIX) and Relatio Tripartita.
(VII) Beginning and end of Le Roman des sept sages (p. 348); Dean: -; see also Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (XXVIII).

s.xivin (MS)

Search AND Citations

Rom 15 (Kk.4.20)

IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 15 (1886), 236-357 (pp. 352-53).
Notes: see Four Daughters

Search AND Citations

Rom 15 (Mm.6.4)

Beginning and end of Le Manuel des pechiez by William of Waddington (Cambridge, University Library Mm.6.4)
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 15 (1886), 236-357 (pp. 348-49).
c.1400 (MS)
Dean: 635
Notes: For the prologue, see also Vernac Lit (XXIVb). For the full text see Man pechez ants and for different manuscripts see Man pechez and Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (XVI).

Search AND Citations

Rom 24

A-N glosses in two Latin MSS
See Gloss BN Lat and Gloss Harley1.

Search AND Citations

Rom 29

A-N in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson Poetry 241
See Am Dieu, Mar Diable, and Mir Vge.

Search AND Citations

Rom 32

Overview of the A-N contents of Cambridge, Trinity College
Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 32 (1903), 18-120.
Details: Describes the A-N contents of 10 Cambridge, Trinity College MSS, and provides excerpts.
Notes: See Rom 32 (B.14.39-40), Rom 32 (O.1.17), Rom 32 (O.1.20), Rom 32 (O.2.5), Rom 32 (O.2.14), Rom 32 (O.2.45), and Rom 32 (O.5.32).

Search AND Citations

Rom 32 (B.14.39-40)

Overview of the A-N contents of Cambridge, Trinity College B.14.39-40
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 32 (1903), 18-120 (pp. 20-62).

(I) Prayer to Christ (p. 23); Dean: 896.
(II) Excerpts from The Life and Miracles of St. Nicholas by Wace (pp. 24-26); Dean: 537.1; see S Nichol wace.
(III) Verse translation of Veni sancte spiritus (pp. 26-27); Dean: 839.
(IV) Prologue to the Predictions of Ezechiel (p. 28); Dean: 372.
(V) Miroir (a.k.a. Evangiles des domnees) by Robert of Gretham, excerpts from York, Minster Library, 16.K.14 (pp. 29-31); s.xiii2 (MS); and  Cambridge, Trinity College, B.14.39 (pp. 31-37); s.xiiiex (MS) (pp. 29-37); Dean: 859; for different MSS, see Mirur1, MÆ 56 and Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (IX).
(VI) Part 1 of Sermo communis (a pious parody of Ragemon le bon) (pp. 37-38); Dean: 222 (II); see Ragemon Parody.
(VII) First 39 and final 18 lines of a homiletic narrative of the Passion (pp. 38-39); Dean: 960; see Jongleurs Prologue.
(VIII) Proverbia Marie Magdalene (p. 40); Dean: 276.
(IX) First two stanzas of The Effects of the Seven Sins (pp. 40-41); Dean: 652.
(X) Part 2 of Sermo communis (a pious parody of Ragemon le bon) (pp. 41-42); Dean: 222 (II); see Ragemon Parody.
(XI) Excerpts from Femina (pp. 44-47); Dean: 286; see Fem2.
(XII) Liber Donati (pp. 48-58); Dean: 291; see also Liber Donati (MS ‘T’).
(XIII) (Latin).
(XIV) Le Mari cocu battu et content (pp. 60-62); Dean: 190; see also Man lang ants 13-16 (MS ‘Ct’).

s.xiii3/4 and xv1/4 (MSS)

Search AND Citations

Rom 32 (O.1.17)

Overview of the A-N contents of Cambridge, Trinity College O.1.17
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 32 (1903), 18-120 (pp. 68-74).

(I) Urbain le courtois, complete text (pp. 71-73); DEAF: UrbCortM; Dean: 231; for different MSS, see Courtoisie (I) (where this MS is variant MS ‘O’), Urb Court and Harley Complete (XXVIII).
(II) First 18 lines of La Plainte d’amour, attributed to Nicholas Bozon (pp. 73-74); Dean: 690; see also Plainte Am, MS ‘T’.
(III) First and last line of the prose version of Seth (a.k.a. The Holy Rood) (p. 74); Dean: 481; for a different MS, see Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (XXIV).

s.xiv4/4 (MS)

Search AND Citations

Rom 32 (O.1.20)

Overview of the A-N contents of Cambridge, Trinity College O.1.20
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 32 (1903), 18-120 (pp. 75-95).

(I) Excerpts from the Physique rimee (pp. 75-77); Dean: 416; see Pop Med 215-16.
(II) Prose medical recipes (pp. 77-78); Dean: 424.
(IIIa) Excerpts from Part 1 of a translation of Roger Frugardi’s Chirurgia (pp. 78-82); Dean: 413 (2); see A-N Med (I).
(IIIb) Excerpts from Part 1 of Letter of Hipocrates (pp. 82-83); Dean: 406; for different MSS, see Pop Med (I) and Five Med MSS (V).
(IV) Beginning and end of a collection of medical recipes (pp. 83-84); Dean: -.
(V) Excerpts from Part 2 of Letter of Hipocrates (pp. 84-85); Dean: 406; for different MSS, see Pop Med (I) and Five Med MSS (V).
(VI) Excerpts from a translation of Johannes Platearius’ Practica Brevis (pp. 85-86); Dean: 410; see A-N Med (III).
(VII) Excerpts from Le sotil enseignement Ypocras (pp. 86-87); Dean: 409; see A-N Med (IV).
(VIII) Verse translation of Liber de sinthomatibus mulierum (Trotula major) (pp. 88-90); Dean: 422; see A-N Med (V).
(IX) Beginning and end of Cosmetics (pp. 90-91); Dean: 425; see Cosmetic Recs.
(X) Excerpts from Part 2 of a translation of Roger Frugardi’s Chirurgia (pp. 91-95); Dean: 413 (2); see A-N Med (I).
(XI) Beginning and end of Treatise on Confession (p. 95); Dean: 667.

s.xiiim (MS)

Search AND Citations

Rom 32 (O.2.14)

Overview of the A-N contents of Cambridge, Trinity College O.2.14
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 32 (1903), 18-120 (pp. 102-08).

(I) Beginning and end of a homiletic narrative of the Passion (p. 103); Dean: 960.
(II) Beginning and end of Le Roman des romans (pp. 104-05); Dean: 601; see Rom rom.
(III) First seven lines of Le Bestiaire divin by Guillaume le Clerc de Normandie (p. 106); Dean: 702; see Best guill.
(IV) Excerpts from the Sermons on Joshua (pp. 106-07); Dean: 595; see Joshua Sermons (MS ‘C’).
(V) Commentary on the Psalter (pp. 107-08); Dean: 451; 452; see Psalter Comment.

s.xiiim (MS)

Search AND Citations

Rom 32 (O.2.45)

Overview of the A-N contents of Cambridge, Trinity College O.2.45
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 32 (1903), 18-120 (pp. 108-15).

(I) Selected Psalms (p. 109); Dean: 455 (1).
(Ib) Prayer to Jesus (p. 110); Dean: 735; see Prière Dorset.
(II) Beginning of formulas for confession (p. 110); Dean: 658; for different MSS, see Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (XLII) and A-N Piety (XI).
(III) Prayer to Jesus (pp. 110-11); Dean: 979.
(IIIb) First 16 lines of a Prayer to BVM (p. 111); Dean: 783.
(IV) First 18 lines of The Usurer’s Pater Noster (p. 112); Dean: 218.
(V) Beginning and end of The Userer’s Creed (pp. 112-13); Dean: 219.
(VI) Opening lines of the first prose version of La Riote du monde (p. 113); Dean: 195.1; see Riote du monde1 (II).
(VII) Four medical prescriptions (p. 113); Dean: 439.
(VIII) Selected proverbs of Serlo of Wilton (p. 114); Dean: 260; see also Prov Serl1 and Prov inéd (II).
(VIIIb) Li filz Abboby (p. 115); Dean: -.

s.xiii3/4 (MS)

Search AND Citations

Rom 32 (O.2.5)

Overview of the A-N contents of Cambridge, Trinity College O.2.5
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 32 (1903), 18-120 (pp. 95-101).

(I) Beginning and end of a treatise on Geomancy (pp. 96-97); Dean: 382; see Future (XXXI).
(II) Beginning and end of Medical Instruction (p. 98); Dean: 418; see Med Recs (IX).
(III) Beginning and end of Prognoses of Death (p. 99); Dean: 434; see Med Comp ants.
(IV) Beginning and end of Novele Chirurgerie (p. 100); Dean: 414; see Nov Chir and Nov Chir ants.
(V) First 20 lines of a treatise on menstruation (p. 101); Dean: 423; see Vernac Lit (XXXIIa).
(VI) Beginning of a treatise on the significance of the month of birth (p. 101); Dean: 374 (1); see Future (XIV).

c.1330-60 (MS)

Search AND Citations

Rom 32 (O.5.32)

Overview of the A-N contents of Cambridge, Trinity College O.5.32
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Les Manuscrits français de Cambridge’, Romania 32 (1903), 18-120 (pp. 115-18).

(I) Opening lines of Hermes Trismegistus (pp. 115-16); Dean: 327; see Quad Herm.
(II) Opening lines of Geometrie (p. 116); Dean: 328; see Practica Geometriae as well as Nouvelles choses (III).
(III) First 32 lines of Lunarie de Salemon (p. 117); Dean: 366; see also Pronostics (VI); for a different MS, see Calendar (II).
(IV) Les cinq joies Notre Dame (pp. 117-18); Dean: 772; 751; see Lyric (IXb).

s.xivm (MS)

Search AND Citations

Rom 35

Overview of the contents of Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 57
Paul Meyer, ‘Notice du ms. Bodley 57’, Romania 35 (1906), 570-82.

(I) First lines of La reule seint Austin (p. 571); Dean: 713; see Augustine.
(II) Prayer to the Virgin (‘Gloriuse dame’) (pp. 571-72); Dean: 772; for variant MSS, see A-N Piety (VIII), Lyric (IXa) and (IXb) and Lambeth reinsch (XXIIa).
(IIb) Prayer to the Virgin (‘Duce dame, vus requer’) (p. 572); Dean: 750.
(IIc) Prayer to God (‘Ki ces joies eici escrit’) (pp. 572-73); Dean: 862.
(III) Beginning and end of Prayer to the Virgin (‘Ave sainte Marie’) (pp. 573-74); Dean: 740 (a) and (b); for variant MSS, see Lambeth reinsch (XIX), Rom 13 (XI) and Digby (LVII).
(IV) Beginning and end of Prayer to the Virgin (‘Ma dame, pur cele’) (pp. 574-75); Dean: 740 (c); for a variant MS, see Digby (LVIII).
(IVb) Prayer to the Virgin (‘Gloriuse reine’) (p. 575); Dean: 740 (d); for variant MSS, see Digby (LIX) and Lambeth reinsch (XIX).
(IVc) Prayer to Christ (‘Pensez de duz Jesu’) (p. 575); Dean: 902.
(V) Beginning and end of Prayer to Christ, ascribed to St. Edmund (‘Duz sire Jhesu Crist’) (pp. 575-76); Dean: 888; for variant MSS, see Lambeth reinsch (XXXIIIb) and Tower Roll (II).
(VI) The Apostles Creed (p. 578); Dean: 680 (1).
(VII) Pater Noster, excerpts (pp. 578-79); Dean: 849; see Pater.
(VIII) Medical prescriptions (pp. 579-80); Dean: 439.
(IX) Excerpt from Marscaucie de Chevaus (p. 582); Dean: 399; for other MSS see also Marscaucie and Textes Scientifiques (I).

s.xiii2 (MS)

Search AND Citations

Rom 37

Overview of the contents of Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 761
Paul Meyer, ‘Notice du ms. Bodley 761 de la Bibliothèque Bodléienne’, Romania 37 (1908), 509-28.

(I) Excerpts from Secreta medicine, by Sampson (pp. 512-17); Dean: 412; for a different MS see Five Med MSS (I) 52-54 and Receptaria (II).
(II) Beginning and end of Novele chirurgie, with variants from Cambridge, Trin. College, O.2.5 (pp. 517-19); Dean: 414; see Nov Chir and Nov Chir ants.
(III) Recette pour la pierre (pp. 519-20); Dean: -.
(IV) Beginning and end of Circa instans (pp. 520-21); Dean: 411; see Pharmacopoeia.
(V)-(VIII) (Latin).
(IX) Extracts from The Twelve Waters (pp. 522-23); Dean: 417; see also Med Recs (VIII).
(X) Further medical recipes in Latin and A-N (pp. 523-24); Dean: 417.
(XI)-(XIV) (Latin).
(XV) Beginning and end of Proverbes de bon enseignement, by Nicholas Bozon (p. 525); Dean: 252; for different MSS, see boz Prov.
(XVI) Extract from Master Miles of Greece’s prophecy (pp. 525-26); Dean: 377.
(XVII) (Latin).
(XVIII) Marco Polo’s description of the islands of Angamanam and Seylam (pp. 526-27); Dean: 340.
(XIX) Beginning and end of Haymarus’s Relatio Tripartita (pp. 527-28); Dean: 332; for different MSS, see Rom 15 (Gg.6.28) (V-VI) and Relatio Tripartita.

s.xiv2 (MS)
Notes: The first three folios are not original to the MS, but include an A-N medical recipe (pp. 510-11)
Some medical material from BL, Addit. 15236 is included in the footnotes of pp. 511 and 517; see also Pop Med (III).

Search AND Citations

Rom 4

Selected A-N lyrics
Paul Meyer, ‘Mélanges de poésie anglo-normande’, Romania 4 (1875), 370-97.

(I) First stanzas of a translation of Dulcis Iesu Memoria, BL, Harley 505 (pp. 371-72); Dean: 837 (1); see Dulcis Harley (I).
(II) Missus Gabriel; BL, Royal 16 E.VIII; s.xiii2 (MS) (p. 372); Dean: 736.
(III) Ave gloriosa Duce creature, BL, Harley 978 (p. 373); Dean: 914; see Lyric (XXI).
(IV) Seint Nicholas, serf Jhesu Crist, Oxford, Trinity College 82 (p. 374); Dean: 938; see Lyric (VII).
(V) De ma dame vuil chanter, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmole 1285; s.xiii1 (MS) (p. 375); Dean: 105.
(VI) Malade sui, de joie espris, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 450 (pp. 376-78); Dean: 125.1; see Lyric (XLV).
(VII) Je m’en voys dame, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 450 (p. 378); Dean: 125.2; see Lyric (L).
(VIII) Ryme bon, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 450; s.xiv1 (MS) (pp. 379-80); Dean: 125.3.
(IX) En may quant dait, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 137 (pp. 381-82); Dean: 133; see Lyric (XLIV).
(X) Amur est une pensee, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 139 (p. 383); Dean: 247; see Lyric (XLIX).
(XI) Par ces signes, London, Lambeth Palace 371; Dean: 435; see Lyric (XXXII).
(XII) Sur les états du monde, Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 435 (pp. 388-91); Dean: 100; see Pol Songs (XI).
(XIII) Song of the church (p. 397); Dean: 90; see Pol Songs (IV).


Search AND Citations

Rom 40

Overview of the contents of BL, Sloane 1611
See Enseignement pieux and S Marg BL Sloane.

Search AND Citations

Rom Chev

Le Roman de Toute Chevalerie, by Thomas of Kent
MSS:   Durham, Cathedral Library, C.IV.27B (i.e. MS ‘D’, s. xiv2)
Paris, BN, franç. 24364 (i.e. MS ‘P’, c.1310)
Cambridge, Trinity College, O.9.34 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiiim)
DEAF: ThomKent
Dean: 165
Notes: Replaced in AND1 from D onwards and in AND2 with Rom Chev ants.

Search AND Citations

Rom Chev ANTS

Le Roman de Toute Chevalerie, by Thomas of Kent
Brian Foster, with the assistance of Ian Short, The Anglo-Norman ‘Alexander’ (‘Le Roman de Toute Chevalerie’) by Thomas of Kent, 2 vols, ANTS 29-33, London, 1976 and 1977.
s.xii3/4; xiv2 (base MS)
DEAF: ThomKentF
Dean: 165
Details: Based on Durham, Cathedral Library, C.IV.27B (i.e. MS ‘D’), with variants and additional lines from Paris, BN, franç. 24364 (i.e. MS ‘P’, c.1310); Cambridge, Trinity College, O.9.34 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiiim); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Lat. misc. b.17 (i.e. MS ‘O’, s.xivin); and BL, Add. 46701 (i.e. MS ‘L’, 1225-1300).
Notes: Corrections provided by C. Claire Isoz, Cahiers de Civilisation Mediévale 24 (1981), 72-75.
For the prologue in MS ‘P’, see Vernac Lit (XXVIII).

Search AND Citations

Rom de Rou wace

Wace’s Roman de Rou
A. J. Holden, ‘Le Roman de Rou’ de Wace, 3 vols, Paris, 1970-73, vol. 1, 161-281 and vol. 2.
Dean: 2.1
Details: While part 3 of the text (vol. 1 161-281 and vol. 2) is based on an Anglo-Norman manuscript (BL, Royal 4 C.XI; s.xiiiin), parts 1 and 2 are only extant in a Continental manuscript (Paris, BN, Duchesne 79; s.xvii copy of lost thirteenth century manuscript).
Notes: Parts 1 and 2 are only cited when they provide earliest attestations to a sense or word, and variant readings from further Continental manuscripts are avoided in the AND.
For a separate glossary, see Hans-Erich Keller, Étude descriptive sur le vocabulaire de Wace, Berlin, 1953.

Search AND Citations

Rom Fran1

André de Coutances’ Li romanz des Franceis, a.k.a Artflet (BL, Addit. 10289)
Anthony J. Holden, ‘Le Roman des franceis’, in: Études de langue et de litérature du Moyen-âge, Offertes à Félix Lecoy, Paris, 1973, pp. 213-33.
s.xii4/4; s.xiii3/3 (MS)
DEAF: AndréCoutFrH
Dean: 220.1

Search AND Citations

Rom Fran2

André de Coutances’ Li romanz des Franceis or Artflet (BL, Addit. 10289)
David Crouch, ‘The Roman des Franceis of Andrew de Coutances: Significance, Text and Translation’, IN: David Crouch and Kathleen Thompson, Normandy and its Neighbours, 900-1250: Essays for David Bates, Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe 14, Turnhout, 2011, pp. 175-98.
s.xii4/4; s.xiii3/3 (MS)
Dean: 220.1

Search AND Citations

Rom Phil

Le Roman de Philosophie, an adaptation of Boethius’s De Consolatione Philosophiae, by Simund de Freine
IN: John E. Matzke, Les Oeuvres de Simund de Freine, SATF, Paris, 1909, pp. 1-60.
s.xiiex; c.1300 (base MS)
DEAF: SimFreinePhilM
Dean: 243
Details: Based on Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 210 (i.e. MS ‘O’), with variants from BL, Addit. 46919 (i.e. MS ‘C’, c.1330); and BL, Royal 20 B.XIV (i.e. MS ‘L’, c.1300).
Notes: For excerpts, see also Douce 210 bsatf (XVI). For the prologue and excerpts in MS ‘C’, see Vernac Lit (XXXVIII) and Rom 13 (XLV)

Search AND Citations

Rom rom

Le Roman des Romans
IN: Frédéric Joseph Tanquerey, Deux poèmes moraux anglo-français: Le Roman des Romans et le Sermon en vers: Oyez, seigneurs, sermun, Paris, 1922, pp. 1-24 and 43-100.
s.xiiex; xiiim (base MS)
Dean: 601
Details: Critical edition, based on Cambridge, Trinity College, O.2.14 (i.e. MS ‘C’), with variants from BL, Royal 20 B.XIV (i.e. MS ‘L’, c.1300); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 210 (i.e. MS ‘O’, s.xiv1/4); Paris, BN, franç. 19525 (i.e. MS ‘P1’, s.xiii2); and Paris, BN, franç. 25407 (i.e. MS ‘P2’, s.xiii4/4).
Notes: Possibly a Continental composition, but only extant in A-N MSS.
For excerpts of the base MS, see also Rom 32 (O.2.14) (II), and for excerpts of MS 'O', see also Douce 210 bsatf (VI).

Search AND Citations

Rom Troie

Fragments of an A-N manuscript of Benoît’s Roman de Troie (Paris, BN, franç. 1420)
Anthony Lodge, 'Fragments du Roman de Troie', Vox Romanica 39 (1980), 64-72.
s.xiii1 (MS)
Dean: 2.2n

Search AND Citations

Rom Wil1

Roman de Willame, a.k.a. Parable of the demi-ami, possibly by Nicholas Bozon
MS: Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 82, ff. 1ra-2vb.
c.1300 (?); s.xiv1 (MS)
DEAF: ChastWil
Dean: 694
Notes: Previously Rom Wil.
Replaced in AND2 with Rom Wil2.

Search AND Citations

Rom Wil2

Roman de Willame, a.k.a. Parable of the demi-ami, possibly by Nicholas Bozon (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 82)
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Fragments des manuscrits français: III Fragment d’une rédaction de la parabole du demi-ami, faite en Angleterre’, Romania 35 (1906), 22-67 (pp. 47-53).
c.1300 (?); s.xiv1 (MS)
DEAF: ChastWilM
Dean: 694

Search AND Citations

Rond, Vir & Bal

Two A-N lyrics
IN: Friedrich Gennrich, Rondeaux, Virelais und Baladen aus dem Ende des XII., dem XIII. und dem ersten Drittel des XIV. Jahrhunderts mit den überlieferten Melodien, 2 vols, Gesellschaft für romanische Literatur 43 and 47, Dresden and Göttingen, 1921 and 1927.

(I) Margot, Margot, Paris, BN, franç. 19525 (vol. 1, pp. 12-13; and vol. 2, pp. 15-16); Dean: 113.
(II) E Dame jolyve, Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 11 (11) and Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 38) (Oxford MS: vol. 1, pp. 129-31; and Cambridge MS: vol. 2, pp. 114-15); Dean: 114.

1300-75 (MSS)
Notes: (I) may be Continental in origin and (II) also exists in Continental copies.

Search AND Citations


Rossignos, by Jean of Howden
MS: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 471 ff. 1ra-111ra.
1273-82; s.xivex (MS)
DEAF: JHoudRoss
Dean: 626
Notes: Extracts published in Louise W. Stone, ‘Jean de Howden, poète anglo-normand du XIIIe siècle’, Romania 69 (1946-47), 496-519.
Replaced in AND1 and AND2 by Ross ants.

Search AND Citations


Rossignos, by Jean of Howden (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 471)
Glynn Hesketh, ‘Rossignos’ by John of Howden, ANTS 63, London, 2006.
1273-82; s.xivex (MS)
DEAF: JHoudRossH
Dean: 626

Search AND Citations

Rot Hundred

A-N in the Hundred Rolls
Rotuli Hundredorum Temp. Hen.III et Edw.I in Turr’ Lond’ et in curia receptæ Scaccarij Westm. asservati, London, 1812 and 1818, 2 vols.
Dean: —
Notes: Mainly in Latin. A-N on p. 149.

Search AND Citations

Rot Parl1

A-N documents from the Parliament Rolls of England
John Strachey et al., Rotuli Parliamentorum, ut et petitiones, et placita in Parliamento, vols 1-5, Record Commission, London, 1767-77.
1278-1327 (vol. i); 1326-77 (vol. ii); 1377-1411 (vol. iii); 1413-1437 (vol. iv); and 1439-68 (vol.
DEAF: RotParl1M
Dean: —
Notes: Reference is also made to the CD-Rom edition by C. Given-Wilson, Paul Brand et al., The Parliament Roll of Medieval England, 1275-1504, Leicester, 2005 (cited as PROME). Citations are usually checked, when available, against this edition and corrected when necessary.

Search AND Citations

Rot Parl2

A-N documents from the Rotuli parliamentorum
Henry G. Richardson and George O. Sayles, Rotuli Parliamentorum Anglie hactenus inediti, MCCLXXIX - MCCCLXXIII, Camden Society, 3rd series 51, London, 1935.
DEAF: RotParl4R
Dean: —
Notes: Provides a supplement to Rot Parl1.

Search AND Citations

Rot Scot

A-N documents from the Rotuli Scotiae
David Macpherson, John Caley and William Illingworth, Rotuli Scotiae in Turri Londonensi et Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi Asservati, 2 vols, Record Commission, London, 1814-19.
1291-1377 (vol. i) and 1377-1401 (vol. ii)
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Rotherham Brotherhood

A-N document on the foundation of the Brotherhood of the Holy Cross of Rotherham (TNA)
IN: A. F. Leach, Early Yorkshire Schools, Volume 2: Pontefract, Howden, Nothallerton, Acaster, Rotherham, Giggleswick, Sedbergh, Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series 33, 1903, pp. 101-02.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


A-N material in The Register of Daniel Rough
K. M. Elisabeth Murray, Register of Daniel Rough, Common Clerk of Romney, 1353-1380, Kent Records 16, Canterbury, 1945.
DEAF: Rough
Dean: —
Notes: Also contains Latin material.

Search AND Citations

Roy Lett Hen III

Selection of A-N letters
Walter W. Shirley, Royal and Other Historical Letters Illustrative of the Reign of Henry III, 2 vols, Rolls Series, London, 1862-66.
1249-70 (A-N documents)
DEAF: ShirleyRoyLett
Dean: —
Notes: Previously Roy Lett.
Edition of Latin material, with A-N letters in vol. 2, pp. 52-53 (1249), 129-32 (1258), 168-69 (1261), 219-21 (1262), 293-94 (1265), 298-99 (c.1265), 311 (1267), 320-22 (1268?) and 334 (1263-70).
Also provides Modern English translations in vol. 2, pp. 361-74.

Search AND Citations

Roy Lett Hen IV

Selection of A-N letters
F. C. Hingeston, Royal and Historical Letters During the Reign of Henry the Fourth, 2 vols, Rolls Series, London, 1860-64.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Roy Loan

Two A-N writs, excerpted from the episcopal registers of Roger Walden
Una C. Hannam, ‘Anglo-Norman Texts: A Royal Loan’, Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society 18 (1955), 48-55.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Roy Wills

Fifteen A-N wills by members of the royal family
John Nichols, A Collection of all the Wills, Now Known to be Extant, of the Kings and Queens of England, Princes and Princesses of Wales, and Every Branch of the Blood Royal, from the Reign of William the Conqueror to that of Henry the Seventh Exclusive, Society of Antiquaries, London, 1780.
Dean: —
Details: Elizabeth de Burgh Lady Clare (pp. 22-43; 1360), Humfrey de Bohun Ninth Earl of Hereford and Essex (pp. 44-56; 1361), Humfrey de Bohun Tenth Earl of Hereford and Essex (pp. 57-58; 1371), Edward Prince of Wales (pp. 66-77; 1376), Henry Duke of Lancaster (pp. 83-87; 1360), John Earl of Pembroke (pp. 92-95; 1376), Philippa Countess of March (pp. 98-103; 1381), Edmund Earl of March (pp. 104-117; 1382), Richard Earl of Arundel (pp. 120-44; 1396), John of Gaunt (pp. 145-76; 1399), Eleanor Bohun Duchess of Gloucester (pp. 177-86; 1399), Edmund Duke of York (pp. 187-90; 1402), Edward Duke of York (pp. 217-23; 1415), Philippa de Mohun Duchess of York (pp. 224-29; 1431), and Thomas Duke of Clarence (pp. 232-35; 1423).

Search AND Citations

Royal Witch

Inventory of valuables belonging to Queen Joan of Navarre, in the custody of Friar John Randolp, August 1419 (two documents)
Alec R. Myers, ‘The Captivity of a Royal Witch: The Household Accounts of Queen Joan of Navarre, 1419-21’, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 26 (1941-42), 82-100 (pp. 95-100).
Dean: —
Notes: The first document is mainly in M.E.

Search AND Citations

Rule and Rebel

A-N document (TNA C145/53 24)
IN: Daniel Power, ‘The ‘Loss of Normandy’ and Northamptonshire’, in Paul Dalton and David Luscombe, Rulership and Rebellion in the Anglo-Norman World, c.1066-c.1216, London, 2015, 213-30 (p. 228.n84).
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


The Book of Ruth
See Bible hackett.

Search AND Citations

Ruth ANB

Three sections from Ruth in the Anglo-Norman Bible
Brent A. Pitts, ‘The Anglo-Norman Bible’s Book of Ruth, A Critical Edition (London, British Library, ms. Royal 1 C III’, Reading Medieval Studies 44 (2018), 173-97.
s.xiv1; xivm (MS)
DEAF: BibleAgnRtP
Dean: 469
Details: Parallel edition of three sections in Ruth, from BL, Royal 1.C.III (i.e. MS ‘L’) [fols 182v, 183v-184r and 184v] and Paris, BN, fran. 1 (i.e. MS ‘P’) [fols 77v, 77r and 78v], together with the Vulgate version.
Notes: For MS ‘L’, see also Bible Royal, for MS ‘P’ see also Bible hackett.

Search AND Citations