Bibliography of Anglo-Norman Primary Sources
An annotated bibliography, organized alphabetically per AND siglum/abbreviation, of all known Anglo-Norman primary sources available to the AND. Press on a letter to view the sources beginning with the letter.
References are given to Ruth J. Dean and Maureen B.M Boulton, Anglo-Norman Literature: A Guide to Texts and Manuscripts, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 3, London, 1999, and links to the DEAF open on the Complément bibliographique of the Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français website.
d'arci Shorter Works
Reginald C.D. Perman, ‘Henri d’Arci: the Shorter Works’, in Elizabeth A. Francis, Studies in Medieval French presented to Alfred Ewert, Oxford, 1961, pp. 279-321.
Notes: See Antecrist, S Thaïs, and Vis S Paul alex.
Dafydd ap Gwilym
Two A-N extracts from the records of the country borough of Cardiff
IN: Theodor M. Chotzen, Recherches sur la poésie de Dafydd ap Gwilym, barde gallois du XIVe siècle, Amsterdam, 1927, p. 110.
Dean: —
Details: Replaced by Cardiff Records 57-58.
Reginal Trevor Davies, Documents Illustrating the History of Civilization in Medieval England, 1066-1500, London, 1926.
Dean: —
Notes: Included in AND1 bibliography, but does not contain A-N material.
K. Baldinger, F. Möhren, T. Städtler, et al., Dictionnaire étymologique de l'ancien français, Tübingen and Québec, 1971-.
Dean: —
Dean Lit
Overview of A-N literature
Ruth J. Dean, with the collaboration of Maureen B. M. Boulton, Anglo-Norman Literature: A Guide of Texts and Manuscripts, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 3, London, 1999.
DEAF: Dean
Dean: —
Notes: Provides opening lines of all texts, as well as complete transcriptions of shorter texts.
The AND cites from this source where no other edition is available.
Dean Tract
De heraudie, in a formulary compiled at St. Albans (Cambridge, University Library Ee.4.20)
Ruth J. Dean, ‘An Early Treatise on Heraldry in Anglo-Norman’, in Urban T. Holmes, Romance Studies in Memory of Edward Billings Ham, California State College Publications 2, Hayward, 1967, pp. 21-29.
s.xivm; xivex (MS)
DEAF: HeraudieD
Dean: 390
Notes: Previously Her.
Death Gloucester
A-N document (The National Archives, Ancient Petitions 7611)
R. L. Atkinson, ‘Richard II and the Death of the Duke of Gloucester’, English Historical Review 38 (1923), 563-64.
Dean: —
Defence Orleton
Two A-N documents from Hereford Cathedral Muniments
Roy M. Haines, ‘A Defence Brief for Bishop Adam de Orleton’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 50 (1977), 232-42 (esp. pp. 240-42).
Dean: —
Delapré Chron
Short chronicle written by a nun of Delapré, near Northampton
Noel Denholm-Young, ‘An early thirteenth-century Anglo-Norman MS.’, Bodleian Quarterly Record 6 (1929-31), 225-30.
1237; 1670 (MS)
Dean: 62
Details: Dugdale’s seventeenth-century transcription of a lost thirteenth-century MS.
Notes: Provides extracts from the first part and most of the second part.
Replaced by Three Chronicles (II).
A-N captions to illustrations in the Taymouth Hours (BL, Yates Thompson 13)
Linda Brownrigg, ‘The Taymouth Hours’, in Peter Beal and Jeremy Griffiths, English Manuscript Studies 1, Oxford, 1989, pp. 222-41 (pp. 238-39).
1325-35 (MS)
Dean: 248
One A-N charter, from the records of the corporation of Denbigh
John Williams, The Mediaevel History of Denbighshire: Records of Denbigh and its Lordship, Bearing upon the General History of the County of Denbigh since the Conquest of Wales, vol. 1, Wrexham, 1860, 119-24.
Dean: —
Notes: Also published in Archaeologia Cambrensis, Third Series 1 (1855), pp. 184-90.
One A-N document from Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 59
IN: George Osborne Sayles, ‘The Deposition of Richard II: Three Lancastrian Narratives’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 54 (1981), 257-70 (pp. 267-70).
Dean: —
Notes: Also published in G. O. Sayles, Scripta Diversa, London, 1982, pp. 313-30 (esp. pp. 322-26).
Song of Dermot and the Earl, a.k.a. La Geste des Engleis en Yrlande, or La conquête d’Irlande (London, Lambeth Palace, Carew 596)
Goddard H. Orpen, The Song of Dermot and the Earl, Edited with Literal Translation and Notes, Oxford, 1892.
c.1230; s. xiiiex (MS)
DEAF: ConqIrlO
Dean: 54
Notes: Previously Dermot.
Replaced in AND2 with Dermot2.
Song of Dermot and the Earl, a.k.a. La Geste des Engleis en Yrlande, or La conquête d’Irlande (London, Lambeth Palace, Carew 596)
Evelyn Mullally, The Deeds of the Normans in Ireland. ‘La Geste des Engleis en Yrlande’: A New Edition of the Chronicle Previously Known as ‘The Song of Dermot and the Earl’, Dublin, 2002.
c.1230; s. xiiiex (MS)
DEAF: ConqIrlMu
Dean: 54
A-N document from The National Archives, Anc Pet SC 8/106/5278
A. J. Taylor, ‘Notes: A Petition from Master Nicholas de Derneford to Edward I’, Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 98 (1981), 171-73.
Dean: —
Description Prose
Description of England in prose, based on Henry of Huntingdon’s Historia Anglorum
Claudio Lagomarsini, ‘The Prose Description of England: A Hitherto Unedited Anglo-Norman Text from BL, Additional MS 14252’, Medium Ævum 80 (2011), 325-35.
1206-15; s.xiii1/4 (MS)
DEAF: DescrEnglPrL
Dean: 5
Notes: For excerpts, see also Vernac Lit (I).
Description Verse
Description of England in verse, based on Henry of Huntingdon’s Historia Anglorum
Alexander Bell, ‘The Anglo-Norman Description of England: An Edition’, in Ian Short, Anglo-Norman Anniversary Essays, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 2, London, 1993, pp. 31-47.
1139-50; s.xiiex (base MS)
DEAF: DescrEnglB
Dean: 4
Details: Based on Durham, Cathedral Library, C.IV.27 (i.e. MS ‘D’, s.xiiex), with selected variants from Lincoln, Cathedral Library, 104 (i.e. MS ‘L’, s.xiiiex); BL, Addit. 32125 (i.e. MS ‘A’, s.xiii4/4); and TNA E/164/q (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xiiiex).
Notes: Previously Description.
Le lai del Desiré (Cologny-Geneva, Bibl. Bodmeriana 82)
Francisque Michel, Lais inédits des XIIe et XIIIe siècles, Paris and London, 1836.
1190-1230; c.1300 (MS)
DEAF: DesiréM
Dean: 178
Notes: Replaced in AND2 with Desiré2.
Le lai del Desiré (Cologny-Geneva, Bibl. Bodmeriana 82)
IN: Prudence M. O’Hara Tobin, Les lais anonymes des XIIe et XIIIe siècles, Publications romanes et françaises 143, Geneva, 1976, pp. 169-205.
1190-1230; c.1300 (MS)
DEAF: DesiréT
Dean: 178
Notes: The variant readings are not Anglo-Norman.
Despenser Judgement
A-N document on the final condemnation of Hugh le Despenser
G. A. Holmes, ‘Judgement on the Younger Despenser, 1326’, English Historical Review 70 (1955), 261-67.
Dean: —
Details: Based on Durham, Dean and Chapter, Loc. I, no, 35, with variants from TNA, Chancery, Parliament and Council, Roll 11 and BL, Cotton, Julius A.I.
Despenser Letter
A-N letter
W. H. Stevenson, ‘A Letter of the Younger Despenser on the Eve of the Barons’ Rebellion, 21 March 1321’, English Historical Review 12 (1897), 755-61.
Dean: —
Notes: Previously Despenser.
Dest Rome1
La Destruction de Rome, epic from the Charlemagne cycle (Hannover, Niedersächsische Landesbibl., IV.578)
Luciano Formisano, La Destructioun de Rome, ANTS Plain Texts Series 8, London, 1990.
s.xiiim; xiiiex (MS)
DEAF: DestrRomeF2
Dean: 82.1
Notes: A-N redaction of a Continental text.
For notes and a glossary to this text, see Luciano Formisano, ‘La Destructioun de Rome’, version de Hanovre, Firenze, 1981, which also provides a critical edition (not used) of the same MS.
Dest Rome2
La Destruction de Rome, epic from the Charlemagne cycle (BL, Egerton 3028)
IN: Louis Brandin, ‘La Destruction de Rome et Fierabras: MS Egerton 3028, Musée Britannique, Londres’, Romania 64 (1938), 18-100 (pp. 29-54).
s.xiiim; xivm (MS)
DEAF: DestrRomeEgB
Dean: 82.1
Notes: A-N redaction of a Continental text.
For the prologue, see also Vernac Lit (XVIII).
Deviance and Power
Selected A-N documents from the Corporation of London Records Office (Letter Book and the Plea and Memoranda Rolls)
Frank Rexroth, Deviance and Power in Late Medieval London, transl. by Pamela E. Selwyn, Cambridge, 2007.
Dean: —
Notes: A-N on pp. 319 (1338), 325-26 (1339), 333-35 (1345), 335-36 (1359), 336-37 (1366), 337 (1367), 339-40 (1352), 341-43 (1382), 343-45 (1382), 346-47 (1382), 347-49 (1382), 350 (1421), 357-58 (1418).
Dial Greg
Dialogues of St. Gregory the Great, translated by Angier (Paris, BN, franç. 24766)
Renato Orengo, ‘Le Dialogue de Saint Grégoire le Grand traduit par Angier: Introduction et édition’, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Zurich, 1969.
1212; 1212-13 (MS)
DEAF: AngDialGregO
Dean: 512
Notes: In AND1, this siglum refers to the MS.
This text is preceded by Veni Cr Greg and Or Trin.
For a glossary, see M. K. Pope, Etude sur la langue de Frère Angier, suivie d’un glossaire de ses poèmes, Paris, 1903.
Dial Greg SATF
Dialogues of St. Gregory the Great, translated by Angier (Paris, BN, franç. 24766)
Renato Orengo, Les Dialogues de Grégoire le Grand traduits par Angier, 2 vols, Societé des anciens Textes français, Paris, 2013.
1212; 1212-13 (MS)
DEAF: AngDialGregO2
Dean: 512
Notes: This text is preceded by Veni Cr satf and Or Trin satf.
Dial Jul
Le Dialogue de Saint Julien, verse translation of the Prognosticon futuri seculi of St. Julian of Toledo
Adrien Bonjour, Dialogue de Saint Julien et son disciple: Poème anglo-normand du XIIIe siècle, ANTS 8, London, 1949.
s.xiiim; c.1300 (base MS)
Dean: 628
Details: Based on BL, Royal 8 E.XVII, with variants from Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 307 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiv1) and Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawl. Poetry 241 (i.e. MS ‘O’, s.xiv1/4).
A-N glosses in John of Garland's Dictionarius
Notes: See Vernac Glosses and TLL i 191-203.
Dictionnaire hébreu
Hebrew, Latin and Anglo-Norman glossary of the Old Testament in Warminster, Longleat House, Marquess of Bath’s Library, 21
Judith Olszowy-Schlanger et al., Dictionnaire hébreu-latin-français de la Bible hébraïque de l’Abbaye de Ramsey, Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis 4, Turnhout, 2008.
s.xiii3/4 (text and MS)
DEAF: GlRamseyO
Dean: 453
Digby 86 stengel
Extracts from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86
Edmund Stengel, Codicem manu scriptum Digby 86 in Bibliotheca Bodleiana asservatum, descripsit, excerpsit, illustravit, Halle, 1871.
(I a-f) Excerpts from a treatise on sins and sacraments (pp. 1-3); Dean: 666.
(I g) Beginning and end of a formula for confession (p. 3); Dean: 659; for a variant MS, see Lambeth reinsch (XVII).
(II) Beginning and end of the Letter of Hippocrates (p. 4); Dean: 406; see Pop Med 107-124.
(III) Beginning and end of The Letter of Prester John (p. 5); Dean: 338; see Pr Jean3 (II).
(IV) Beginning and end of Prayer to Jesus (pp. 5-6); Dean: 893r; see also Ave J-C.
(V) Beginning and end of Prayer on the Five Joys of BVM (pp. 6-7); Dean: 751.
(VI) Full text of a Prayer to God (p. 7); Dean: 731.
(VII) (Latin).
(VIII) Beginning of a Prayer to the BVM (p. 7); Dean: 775.
(IX) Beginning and end of Medical recipes (pp. 7-8); Dean: —.
(X) (Latin).
(XI) Beginning and end of Predictions according to Christmas (p. 8); Dean: 370; see Future (XV).
(XII) Beginning and end of Songerie (pp. 8-9); Dean: 367; see Future (I).
(XIII) Beginning of Interpretation of Dreams (p. 9); see Future (XXVII).
(XIV) (Latin).
(XV) Beginning and end of Le Medicinal des oiseus (pp. 9-10); Dean: 401; see A-N Falconry (III).
(XVI) (Latin).
(XVII) Beginning and end of Veni Creator Spiritus (p. 10); Dean: 838 (3); see Veni Cr mae (II).
(XVIII) Full text of Perilous Days in prose (p. 11); Dean: 379; see Future (XX).
(XIX) (Latin).
(XX) Beginning and end of Chastoiement d’un pere a son fils, followed by further excerpts (pp. 11-17); DEAF: —; Dean: 263; see Chastoiement Pere1 (variant MS ‘D’) and Fabliaux (V)-(X).
(XXI) Beginning and end of Raoul de Hodenc’s Le Songe d’Enfer (pp. 17-22); Dean: 180r; A-N copy of a Continental text; the variants are from a Continental MS.
(XXII) Full text of In Favour of Women (pp. 22-27); Dean: 200.
(XXIII-XXIV) (no edition).
(XXV) Full text of Le Fablel del gelous (pp. 28-30); Dean: 213.
(XXVI) Full text of Thibaut d’Amiens’s Jeo ay un quer mout let (pp. 30-35); Dean: 807; A-N copy of a Continental composition; for excerpts from a different MS, see Rom 13 (XXVII).
(XXVII) (no edition).
(XXVIII) Beginning and end of Les quatre souhés Saint Martin (pp. 36-40); Dean: 192; see Fabliaux (XVIII).
(XXIX) Full text of La vie de un vallet amerous (pp. 40-49); Dean: 214.
(XXX-LIV) (Latin, M.E. or no edition).
(LV) Beginning and end of Doctrinal Sauvage (pp. 69-72); Dean: 244; A-N copy of a Continental composition; see also Doc Sauvage MS ‘Q’.
(LVI) Full text of Sermon on Worldly Temptation by Guischart de Beauliu (pp. 72-80); Dean: 597; see guisch (MS ‘O’).
(LVII) Beginning and end of Prayer to the Virgin (p. 80); Dean: 740 (a); for variant MSS, see Lambeth reinsch (XIX), Rom 13 (XI) and Rom 35 (III).
(LVIII) Beginning and end of Prayer to the Virgin (p. 81); Dean: 740 (b); for a variant MS, see Rom 35 (IV).
(LIX) Beginning and end of Prayer to the Virgin (pp. 81-82); Dean: 740 (d); for variant MSS, see Lambeth reinsch (XIX).
(LIX) Beginning and end of Prayer to the Virgin (pp. 81-82); Dean: 740 (d); for variant MSS, see Rom 35 (IVb) and Lambeth reinsch (XIX).
(LX) Full text of Deux chevalers torz (pp. 82-83); Dean: 183.
(LXI) Beginning and end of Prayer to Jesus (pp. 83-84); Dean: 889; for the full text in a variant MS, see Lambeth reinsch (LIII).
(LXII) Full text of L’Estrif de deux dames (pp. 84-93); Dean: 194; with variants from a Continental MS (not used in AND).
(LXIII-LXXVI) (Latin, M.E. or no edition).
(LXXVII) Beginning and end of a Prayer to the BVM (p. 104); Dean: 773; for variant MSS, see Lambeth reinsch (LIXb) and MLR 13 (IV).
(LXXVIII) Incomplete version of La diffinision de amurs (pp. 104-05); Dean: 246; see Friendship.
(Appendix I) (Picard) (pp. 106-17).
(Appendix II) Full text of La besturnee by Richard (pp. 118-25); Dean: 209; critical edition based on BL, Harley 978 (i.e. MS ‘H’, s.xiii3/3) and Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86 (i.e. MS ‘D’).
(Appendix III) Full text of the incomplete hexasyllabic Vie de Saint Eustache, Oxford, St. John’s College, 183 (pp. 126-27); Dean: 543; s.xiii2 (MS).
(Appendix IV) Full text of Cuard est ke amer n’ose, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 137 (pp. 128-29); Dean: 913; see also Lambeth reinsch (IX) and Lyric (LII).
1272-82 (MS)
DEAF: StengelDigby
Notes: For a facsimile of the MS, see Judith Tschann and M. B. Parkes, Facsimile of Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Digby 86, Early English Text Society S.S. 16, Oxford, 1996.
Diplomatic Docs
Selections from The National Archives
Pierre Chaplais, Diplomatic Documents Preserved in the Public Record Office, vol. 1 (1101-1272), London, 1964.
1258-70 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Details: Predominantly Latin documents, mainly from the Ancient Correspondence (S.C.1).
Notes: The A-N documents are Nos 299 (pp. 203-06), 302 (pp. 209-11), 305 (pp. 212-14), 306 (p. 215), 307 (pp. 215-16), 308.1 (pp. 216-17), 308.5 (p. 218), 337 (pp. 235-36), 360 (p. 250), 368 (p. 255), 396 (p. 271), 419 (pp. 293-95) and 423 (pp. 296-98).
Div Mun
Divisiones mundi, attributed to Peror de Garbelei but possibly by Philippe de Thaon, translated from De Imagine mundi by Honorius of Autun, and influenced by Mappemonde of Pierre de Beauvais
Oliver H. Prior, Divisiones Mundi, Cambridge Anglo-Norman Texts 1, Cambridge 1924, pp. 34-62.
c.1300; s.xiv1/4 (MS)
DEAF: DivMondePerP
Dean: 330
Notes: For authorship, see A-N Anniversary Essays 338 etc.
Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British and Irish Sources, eds R.E. Latham et al, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1975-2013.
Doc Sauvage
A-N manuscripts of the Continental Doctrinal Sauvage by Savage d’Arras
Aimo Sakari, ‘Doctrinal Sauvage’, publié d’après tous les manuscrits, Studia Philologica Jyväskyläensia 3, Jyväskylä, 1967.
s.xiii2-xivin (MSS)
DEAF: DoctSauvS
Dean: 244
Details: The A-N MSS are Cambridge, Clare College, 27 (i.e. MS ‘K’, s.xivin); Oxford, Jesus College, 29 (i.e. MS ‘O’, s.xiii2); BL, Harley 978 (i.e. MS ‘P’, s.xiii2); and Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86 (i.e. MS ‘Q’, 1272-82). All other MSS (including the base MS) are Continental and ignored in the AND.
Notes: For the beginning and end of MS ‘Q’, see Digby (LV).
Dom Gip
Le Domesday de Gippewyz
IN: Travers Twiss, The Black Book of the Admiralty, 4 vols, Rolls Series, London, 1871-76, vol. 2, pp. 16-206.
s.xivin; xiv1/3 (MS)
Dean: —
Notes: Also provides a fifteenth-century English translation.
Domesday Book
A-N words in the Domeseday Book
MS: TNA E31/2/1
Dean: —
Notes: A searchable digital version of the manuscript is available at
Le donait soloum douce franceis de Paris, transcribed by Richard Dove, monk of Buckfast (BL, Sloane 513)
Brian Merrilees, ‘Donatus and the Teaching of French in Medieval England’, in Ian Short, Anglo-Norman Anniversary Essays, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 2, London, 1993, pp. 273-291 (pp. 285-91).
s.xv1/4 (MS)
Dean: 292
Notes: For similar Donatus texts, see Barton1 and Liber Donati.
Two documents from BL, Cotton Cleopatra D.IX, ff. 81v-83r
George L. Haskins, ‘The Doncaster Petition, 1321’, English Historical Review 53 (1938), 478-85.
Dean: —
Donn Am
Le donnei des amants (Cologny-Geneva, Bibl. Bodmeriana 82)
Gaston Paris, 'Donnei des amants', Romania 25 (1896), 497-541.
s.xiiex (?); xiiiex (MS)
DEAF: DonneiP
Dean: 180
Notes: Heavily corrected version.
Donn Am ants
Le donnei des amants (Cologny-Geneva, Bibl. Bodmeriana 82)
Anthony J. Holden, Le Donei des amanz, ANTS Plain Texts Series 17, Oxford, 2013.
s.xiiex (?); xiiiex (MS)
DEAF: DonneiH
Dean: 180
Douce 210 bsatf
A-N material in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 210
Paul Meyer, ‘Notice du ms. Douce 210 de la Bibliothèque bodléienne à Oxford’, Bulletin de la société des anciens textes français 6 (1880), 46-84.
(I) First 30 and last 44 lines of an allegorical poem on the three estates (pp. 52-55); Dean: 625.
(II) Beginning and end of a fragment of La Petite Philosophie (pp. 52-55); Dean: 325; See Pet Phil, variant MS ‘B’.
(III) Beginning and end of a verse sermon on mortality (pp. 55-57); Dean: 610.
(IV) Excerpts from Le chevalier de Dieu (pp. 57-62); Dean: 684; see Chev Dé.
(V) Excerpts from Corset by Robert of Gretham (pp. 62-68); Dean: 590; see Corset ants.
(VI) Excerpts from Le Roman des Romans (pp. 68-71); Dean: 601; see Rom rom, variant MS ‘O’.
(VII) Opening lines of Mirour de seinte Eglyse, an A-N translation of Speculum Ecclesie of St. Edmund of Abingdon and Pontigny (p. 72); Dean: 629; for variant MSS, see Mirour Egl.
(VIII) Beginning and ending of Urbain le Courtois (Early Version) (pp. 73-74); Dean: 231; see Courtoisie (I).
(IX) Beginning and ending of a prayer to Jesus (pp. 74-75); Dean: 892.
(X)-(XII) (Latin) (pp. 75-76).
(XIII) Beginning and ending of a poem against marriage, by Gawein (pp. 76-77); Dean: 206; for a variant MS see Mar gawein.
(XIV) Beginning and ending of La Lettre de l’empereur Orgueil, probably by Nicholas Bozon (pp. 78-79); Dean: 220; see boz Lett.
(XV) (Latin) (p. 80).
(XVI) Beginning and ending of Le Roman de Philosophie, an adaptation of Boethius’s De Consolatione Philosophiae, by Simund de Freine (pp. 80-83); Dean: 243; see Rom Phil.
s.xiv1/4 (MS)
Douce 271
Treatises on heraldry and the Order of the Garter
MS: Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 271.
s.xv3/4 (MS)
Dean: —
Notes: Gleanings provided by Lisa Jefferson.
Dover Castle
Two documents from The National Archives
A. Way, ‘Accounts of the Constables of the Castle of Dovor’, Archaeological Journal 11 (1854), 381-88.
1344 and 1361
Dean: —
Notes: Previously Dover and (in AND1) Indentures.
The first document (pp. 381-83) is mainly in Latin, and the second (pp. 383-85) is in A-N.
Dover Charters
Two A-N documents in the Dover Charters
S. P. H. Stratham, Dover Charters and Other Documents in the Possession of the Corporation of Dover, London, 1902, pp. 34-36 and 120-24.
1312 and 1392 (A-N documents only)
Dean: —
Drama Chester
A-N Portmote court roll
IN: Lawrence M. Clopper, Records of Early English Drama: Chester, Manchester, 1979, pp. 7-8.
Dean: —
Notes: Provides a separate A-N glossary on pp. 541-42.
Drama York
Excerpts from the York Memorandum Book (York, North Yorkshire County Library, E20)
Alexandra F. Johnston and Margaret Rogerson, Records of Early English Drama: York, 2 vols, Toronto and Manchester, 1979.
1386-1412 (A-N documents)
DEAF: JohnstonRog
Dean: —
Details: Mainly Latin and M.E. documents. A-N in vol. 1, pp. 4-46 and vol. 2 pp. 617-24.
AND2 uses YMB for this text, with the exception of one document on pp. 164-66 (1492).
Arthur H. Johnson, The History of the Worshipful Company of the Drapers of London: Preceded by an Introduction on London and her Gilds up to the Close of the XVth Century, 5 vols, Oxford, 1914-22.
Dean: —
Notes: A-N documents in vol. 1, pp. 196-224, 283-332 only.
Dress and Textiles
Various excerpts in English, Latin and some Anglo-Norman
Louise M. Sylvester, Mark C. Chambers and Gale R. Owen-Crocker, Medieval Dress and Textiles in Britain: A Multilingual Sourcebook, Woodbridge, 2014.
Dean: —
Details: A random selection of excerpts from medieval texts, most of which taken from previous editions. For excerpts of new transcriptions of Anglo-Norman petitions from TNA, see pp. 240-52.
Notes: The book also translates all texts and provides a mixed Latin/Anglo-Norman/English glossary of terminology related to cloth, clothing, fahion and textiles.
Droit mar
Droit maritime de l’Angleterre
IN: Jean Marie Pardessus, Collection de lois maritimes antérieures au XVIIIe siècle, 6 vols, Paris, 1828-45, vol. 4, pp. 189-219 (esp. pp. 204-10).
1338 and 1375
Dean: —
Notes: Replaced by Blk Bk Adm pp. 44 and 132-77.
Dublin Custumal
Laws and usages of the City of Dublin
‘Gnathaimh Bhaile Atha Cliath’, in Gearóid Mac Niocaill, Na Buirgéisí XII-XIV aois, Dublin, 1964, vol. 1, pp. 3-59.
Dean: —
Notes: AND2 uses Irish Docs 240-269 instead of this edition.
Dulcis Digby
Translation of Dulcis Iesu Memoria (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 149)
S. Harrison Thomson, ‘The Dulcis Jesu memoria in Anglo-Norman and Middle French’, Medium Ævum 11 (1942), 68-76.
s.xiii2/4 (MS)
Dean: 837 (2)
Notes: Previously Dulcis1.
Printed in parallel with a Continental French translation from the fifteenth century (Poitiers 95).
Dulcis Harley
Two A-N prayers in BL, Harley 505
Elizabeth V. Mead, ‘Two Anglo-Norman Devotional Poems’, Medium Ævum 28 (1959), 87-90.
(I) Translation of Dulcis Iesu Memoria (pp. 87-89); Dean: 837 (1); for excerpts, see also Rom 4 (I).
(II) Jesu vous estes haut assis (p. 90); Dean: 887.
s.xivin (MS)
Notes: Previously Dulcis2.
Dulcis Lambeth
Quant jeo pens de Jhesu Crist (London, Lambeth Palace, 522)
R. Reinsch, ‘Gedicht von der Bedeutung des Namens Jesus’, Archiv 63 (1880), 70-71.
Dean: 908
Notes: Previously Dulcis3.
See also Lambeth reinsch (XXX).
Replaced in AND2 by Lyric (XXXIV).
A-N letter by John Walewyn to John de Hotham, from The National Archives
Frédéric J. Tanquerey, ‘The Conspiracy of Thomas Dunheved, 1327’, English Historical review 31 (1916), 119-24.
Dean: —
Canon Fowler, Extracts from the Account Rolls of the Abbey of Durham, 3 vols, Surtees Society 99, 100 and 103, London, 1898-1901.
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Notes: Documents mainly in Latin, but including vernacular words.
Dyffryn Clwyd Rolls
A-N documents in the Dyffryn Clwyd Court Rolls
The National Archives SC2/217-220
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Notes: Transcribed by O. J. Padel, A. D. M. Barrell and M. H. Brown.