Bibliography of Anglo-Norman Primary Sources

An annotated bibliography, organized alphabetically per AND siglum/abbreviation, of all known Anglo-Norman primary sources available to the AND. Press on a letter to view the sources beginning with the letter.

References are given to Ruth J. Dean and Maureen B.M Boulton, Anglo-Norman Literature: A Guide to Texts and Manuscripts, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 3, London, 1999, and links to the DEAF open on the Complément bibliographique of the Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français website.


Latin and A-N documents from a variety of sources
Stanley B. Chrimes and Alfred L. Brown, Select Documents of English Constitutional History, 1307-1485, London, 1961.
Dean: —
Notes: Reproduces Ann Lond, Anon Chr1, Cron Lond1, Foedera1, Rot Parl1, Stats and TNA.

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Cal Anc Pet

Selected petitions from The National Archives relating to Wales
William Rees, Calendar of Ancient Petitions Relating to Wales, Board of Celtic Studies, History and Law series 28, Cardiff, 1975.
Dean: —
Notes: Provides modern English translations, with excerpts from the original documents.

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Cal Rel Scot

Joseph Bain, Grant G. Simpson and James D. Galbraith, Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland Preserved in the Public Record Office and the British Library, 5 vols, Edinburgh 1881-88 and 1986 (vol. 5).
Dean: —
Notes: Volume 1: 1108-1272; Volume 2: 1272-1307; Volume 3: 1307-57; Volume 4: 1357-1509; Volume 5: supplement.

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A-N calendar material in Worcester, Cathedral Libr., Q.61
Henry J. Chaytor, ‘An Anglo-Norman Calendar’, Modern Language Review 2 (1906-07), 211-22.

(I) Lé merveiles estre (p. 211); Dean: 371.
(II) Lunarie de Salemon, a.k.a. Sommarye de Salemon (pp. 212-22); Dean: 366; For variant MSS, see Rom 32 (O.5.32) (III), Pronostics (VI) and Future (VI).

s.xiii2/3; xiii2 (MS)
DEAF: LunaireWoC
Notes: Previously Cal.

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400 charters mainly in Latin (BL Add. Charters 16580-16980), concerning the Calverley family of Calverley (West Yorkshire)
William P. Baildon and Samuel Margerison, The Calverley Charters, vol. 1, Thoresby Society Publications 6, Leeds, 1904.
Dean: —
Notes: The A-N charters are 110 (p. 94) [1334]; 115 (pp. 97-98) [1336]; 116 (p. 98) [1336]; 120 (p. 100) [1314]; 157 (pp. 123-24) [1347]; 172 (pp. 133-34) [before 1335]; 184 (p. 143) [1312]; 187 (pp. 144-45) [1318]; 198 (pp. 150) [1323]; 226 (p. 173) [1366]; 227 (p. 173) [1362]; 230 (p. 175) [1320]; 242 (pp. 182-83) [1336]; 276 (p. 202) [1383]; 280 (p. 204) [1388]; 281 (p. 205) [1398]; and 305 (pp. 223-24) [1398].

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Camb Ps

The Cambridge Psalter, interlinear prose translation of the Hebraic version of the Vulgate
Francisque Michel, Le Livre des Psaumes, Paris, 1876.

(I) The Cambridge Psalter, based on Cambridge, Trinity College R.17.1 (a.k.a. the Eadwine Psalter, from Christ Church, Canterbury) (s.xii1; 1155-60 (MS)), with variants from Paris, BN, lat. 8846, i.e. MS 'B' (s.xii4/4) (pp. 1-261); Dean: 448.
(II) Further canticles and liturgical pieces from the Eadwine Psalter (pp. 263-93); Dean: 457; see also Bribes (IX) and Oxf Ps1 (II and III).

DEAF: PsCambrM
Notes: Provides the Latin text as well.
For facsimile editions of the MSS, see M.R. James, The Canterbury Psalter, London, 1935 and J. Bromwich, B. Colgrave et al., The Paris Psalter, Early English Manuscripts in Facsimile 8, Copenhagen, 1958.

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Three A-N Documents from the Archives of Kendal
David Trotter, ‘L’anglo-normand à la campagne’, in Comptes-rendus de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Paris, juin 2012, 2012, II (avril-juin), 1113-31 (pp. 1118-21).
Dean: —
Details: WD D/MD 17 (pp. 1118-19) (1384?); WD/D/MD 3 (pp. 1119-20) (1370); and Levens MSS Box A, 58 (pp. 1120-21) (1335).

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Cantelowe Accs

A-N lexis in John Balmayn’s merchant records with Tuscany
Megan Tiddeman, The Cantalowe Accounts: Multilingual Merchant Records from Tuscany, 1450-51, Records of Social and Economic History, New Series 64, Oxford, 2022.
Dean: —
Notes: The accounts are written in Middle English, Italian and Latin, interspersed throughout with Anglo-Norman vocabulary.

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Cardiff Records

Miscellanea of the Exchequer: four A-N documents
IN: John Hobson Matthews, Cardiff Records, Being Materials for a History of the County Borough from the Earliest Times, 6 vols, Cardiff, 1898-1911, vol. 4, pp. 57-61.
Dean: —
Notes: Text D (pp. 57-58) is used in AND2 instead of Dafydd ap Gwilym.

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Two A-N documents
Henry G. Richardson and George Osborne Sayles, ‘The Parliament of Carlisle, 1307: Some New Documents’, English Historical Review 53 (1938), 425-37 (esp. pp. 433-37).
Dean: —
Details: Contains two A-N documents, one from BL Add. 10374 and another from Parliamentary and Council Proceedings (Chancery) 3/18. The footnotes provide variants from the Vetus Codex (i.e ‘V.C.’).

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Cases en Ley

Yearbooks of the 40th to 50th regnal years of Edward III
R. Brooke, A. Fitzherbert, N. Statham, Les Reports del Cases en Ley que furent argués à quadragesimo ad quiquagesimum annum de très haut et puissant prince roy Edward le Tierce. Ore novelment imprimés, corrigés, et amendés, avec les notations et referenecs al Brook, Fitzherbert et Statham, London, 1679.
Dean: —

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Casus Plac

William Huse Dunham, Casus Placitorum and Reports of Cases in the King’s Courts, 1272-1278, Selden Society 69, London, 1952.

(I) Pages from a student’s work-book in BL, Addit. 31826 (in A-N and Latin) ff. 238v, 239r and 225v, c.1299-1306 (pp. lxxxv-lxxxix).
(II) Slips of parchment in BL, Stowe 386 (in A-N and Latin), c.1299-1306 (pp. xc-xciv).
(III) Casus placitorum, a.k.a. Cas de demaundes (in A-N), c.1260; c.1285-s.xivm (MSS) (pp. 1-44).
(IV) Reports of Cases in the King’s Court (in A-N and Latin), c.1275 (pp. 45-141).

DEAF: CasusPlacD
Dean: —

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Two A-N translations of the Distichs of Cato
Edmund Stengel, Maître Elie’s Überarbeitung der ältesten französischen Übertragung von Ovid’s Ars amatoria, Ausgaben und Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der romanischen Philologie 47, Marburg, 1886.

(I) Distichs of Cato, translated by Elie of Winchester; s.xiiex; s.xiiiin (base MS); Based on Oxford, St. John’s College 178 (pp. 106-58, even pages); DEAF: CatElieS; Dean: 254; with variants from BL Harley 4388 (i.e. MS ‘H’, c.1200) and Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 405 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiv1/4). Replaced by cato elie ants.
(II) Distichs of Cato, translated by Everart; c.1200; xiiim (base MS); Based on BL, Arundel 292 (pp. 111-53, odd pages); DEAF: CatEverS; Dean: 255; with variants from Paris, BN, franç. 25407 (i.e. MS ‘P’, s.xiiiex) and further variants from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. Poetry a.1 (s.xivex) in footnotes pp. 146-53; Replaced by cato everard ants.

Notes: For the prologue of (II) in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. Poetry a.1, see Vernac Lit (XXXVII).

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Distichs of Cato, translated by Everart
MS: London, Lambeth Palace 371, ff. 123r-130r.
s.xiiex; xiiiex (MS)
DEAF: CatEver
Dean: 255
Notes: Variant MS of cato1 (II). 
Replaced by cato everard ants

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Anonymous translation of the Distichs of Cato (BL, Harley 4657)
Tony Hunt, Le Livre de Catun, ANTS Plain Texts Series 11, London, 1994.
s.xiiim; xiv1/4 (MS)
Dean: 256
Notes: With Latin text intercalated.
Previously CATO ANTS.

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cato elie ants

Distichs of Cato, translated by Elie of Winchester
IN: Tony Hunt, ‘Disticha Catonis’, Everard and Elie Wincestre, ANTS Plan Texts Series 24, Oxford, 2022, 79-106.
s.xiiex; xiii1 (base MS)
Dean: 254
Details: Based on Oxford, St John’s College 178 (i.e. MS ‘O’), with selected variants from BL, Harley 4388 (i.e. MS ‘L’, s.xiii1); Cambridge, Pembroke College 46 (i.e. MS ‘P’, s.xiiim), Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 405 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiv1/4) and Turin, Bibl. Maz. 542 (i.e. MS ‘T’, s.xiii2).
Notes: Replaces cato1 (I).

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cato everard ants

Distichs of Cato, translated by Everard
IN: Tony Hunt, ‘Disticha Catonis’, Everard and Elie Wincestre, ANTS Plan Texts Series 24, Oxford, 2022, 14-72.
s.xiiex; xiiiex (base MS)
Dean: 255
Details: Based on London, Lambeth Palace 371 (i.e. MS ‘L’), with selected variants from BL, Arundel 292 (i.e. MS ‘A’, s.xiii2); BL, Addit. 22283 (i.e. MS ‘Ad’, s.xivex); Cambridge, Pembroke College 46 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiiiex); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. misc. C.291 (i.e. MS ‘O’ (s.xv); Paris, BNF fr. 25407 (i.e. MS ‘P’, s.xiii4/4); London, Sion College L40.2/L14 (i.e. MS ‘S’, s.xiii2); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. poetry a.1 (i.e. MS ‘V’, s.xivex); and York, Minster XVI N.3 (.e. MS ‘Y’, s.xiiiex).
Notes: Replaces cato1 (II), cato2; for a separate edition of the prologue in MS 'V', see Vernac Lit (XXXXVII).

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Caution Love

Extensive excerpts (including beginning and end) from a collection of cautionary tales of love, told by a father to his son

Alfons Hilka, ‘Plagiate in altfranzösischen Dichtungen’ and ‘Die anglonormannische Kompilation didaktisch-epischen Inhalts der Hs. Bibl. nat. nouv. 7517’, Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur 47 (1925), 60-69 and 423-54.
s.xiiim (text and MS)
DEAF: CompilDidEpH
Dean: 264
Details: Pp. 60-69: ll. 177-452 and 1119-1302
Pp. 423-54: ll. 1-176, 453-1118, 1303-3420.

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Ch Guill

La Chanson de Guillaume (BL, Addit. 38663)
Duncan McMillan, La Chanson de Guillaume, 2 vols, SATF, Paris, 1949-50.
s.xiii1/4; xiiim (MS)
DEAF: ChGuillM
Dean: 82

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A-N portion of the Chamber Journal (The National Archives, K.R. 379/7)
James C. Davies, ‘The First Journal of Edward II’s Chamber’, English Historical Review 30 (1915), 662-80 (esp. pp. 673-80).
Dean: —

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Chancery Ed III

Bertie Wilkinson, The Chancery under Edward III, Manchester, 1929.
Dean: —
Notes: Contains some A-N material mainly in the footnotes and appendices.

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Chancery SC

William P. Baildon, Select Cases in Chancery, A.D. 1364 to 1471, Selden Society 10, London, 1896.
Dean: —
Notes: Previously Chancery
Contains mainly A-N documents, in parallel with M.E. translations.

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Chans Croisade

A-N copies of Continental crusade songs
IN: Joseph Bédier and Pierre Aubry, Les Chansons de Croisade, Paris, 1909.

(I) Chevalier, mult estes guariz; Erfurt, Allgemeine Bibliothek, Amploniana 8º 32; s.xii2 (MS)   (pp. 3-16); DEAF: ChansCroisB; Dean: 121.
(II) Tut li mund deyt mener joye; Cambridge, University Library, Dd.11.78;  s.xiiiex (MS) (pp. 237-45); DEAF: —; Dean: 124.1.

DEAF: BédierCrois
Notes: These Continental songs only survive in A-N copies.
Provides a Modern French translation.

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Chanson Ed II

The Lament of Edward II (Warminster, Longleat House, Marquess of Bath’s Libr. 26)
Paul Studer, ‘An Anglo-Norman Poem by Eward II, King of England’, Modern Language Review 16 (1921), 34-36.
1327; s.xiv2/4 (MSS)
Dean: 87
Notes: Replaced in AND2 with Lament Ed II.

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Two A-N lyrics from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson, G.22
IN: Luciano Formisano, ‘Le Chansonnier anglo-français du MS. Rawlinson G.22 de la Bodléienne’, in Ian Short, Anglo-Norman Anniversary Essays, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 2, London, 1993, pp. 135-47 (pp. 144-46).

(I) ... E sun chant ai entendu (i.e. ‘A’); Dean: 106.
(II) Mult s’aprisme li termines (i.e. ‘B’); Dean: 107.

c. 1225 (MS)
Notes: Provides variants from earlier editions by Stainer (i.e. ‘St’) and Spanke (i.e. ‘Sp’).

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Chansons Pieuses

A-N material in Dublin, Trinity College 432
IN: Holger Petersen, ‘Deux chansons pieuses inconnues’, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 13 (1911), 12-25.

(I) Jesu deboneire e fraunc (pp. 14-15); Dean: 975.
(II) Quant le russinol se cesse (pp. 17-23); Dean: 919.
(III) Quant le duz tens renovele (pp. 23-25); Dean: 806.

s.xiiim (MS)

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Chant Chanz

Interpretation of the Song of Songs, based on a late twelfth-century commentary by William of Newburgh (Oxford, Bodl. Rawl. Poetry 234)
Tony Hunt, Le Chant des Chanz, ANTS 61-62, London, 2004.
s.xiii1/4; xiiiex (MS)
DEAF: CantKiVotH
Dean: 461
Notes: See also Vernac Lit (XXVI).

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Roger de Stangrave’s Li Charboclois d'armes du conquest precious de la Terre Saint de promission (BL Cotton Otho D.v ff. 1-15)
IN: Jacques Paviot, Projets de croisade (v. 1290-v. 1330), Documents relatifs à l'histoire des croisades 20, Paris, 2008, pp. 293-387.
1332; s.xivex (MS)
DEAF: CharbocloisP
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Charges Despensers1

A-N document (Durham, Dean and Chapter Muniments, Locellus I, no. 61)
Michael Prestwich, ‘The Charges Against the Despensers, 1321’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 58 (1985), 95-100 (pp. 97-100).
Dean: —
Notes: Provides variants from the two similar documents in Charges Despensers2. For the official enrolled version, see Stats i 182-84.

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Charges Despensers2

Two A-N documents in Canterbury MSS
B. Wilkinson, ‘The Sherburn indenture and the Attack on the Despensers, 1321’, English Historical Review 63 (1948), 15 and 23-27.
Dean: —
Notes: For a similar document on this event, see Charges Despensers1. For the official enrolled version, see Stats i 182-84.

Search AND Citations

Chart St Mary's

Chartularies of St. Mary’s Abbey, Dublin
John T. Gilbert, Chartularies of St. Mary’s Abbey, Dublin: with the Register of its House at Dunbrody, and Annals of Ireland, Rolls Series 80, London, 1884-85, 2 vols.
s.xv3/4 (pp. xvi-xix) and 1341 (p. 384)
Dean: —
Notes: Mainly in Latin, with A-N documents on pp. xvi-xix and 384.

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Chart St Pat

A Fragment of the Charter of St. Patrick (West Pennard (Som.), fragment)
Robin Flower, ‘A Glastonbury Fragment from West Pennard’, Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset 17 (1923), 204-17.
s.xiiiex (MS)
Dean: 552

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Chast Amour

Le chasteau d’amour, by Robert Grosseteste
Jessie Murray, Le château d’amour de Robert Grosseteste, évêque de Lincoln, Paris, 1918.
DEAF: GrossetChastM
Dean: 622
Details: Critical Edition, based on BL, Egerton 846B (i.e. MS ‘E’, s.xiv1); BL, Harley 1121 (i.e. MS ‘H’, c.1300); BL, Harley 3860 (i.e. MS ‘A’, s.xiii2); BL, Royal 20 B.XIV (i.e. MS ‘R’, c.1300); London, Lambeth Palace, 522 (i.e. MS ‘M’, c.1300); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 399 (i.e. MS ‘B’, 1300); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 652 (i.e. MS ‘O’, s.xiiiex); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 132 (i.e. MS ‘D’, s.xiii3/4); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud. Misc. 471 (i.e. MS ‘L’, c.1300); Oxford, Corpus Christi College, 232 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiiim); and Paris, BN, franç. 902 (i.e. MS ‘P’, s.xiii2).
Notes: Previously Chast.
For variant reading of the prologue in Princeton University Library, Taylor Medieval MS 1, see Vernac Lit (V).
For excerpts from MS 'M', see Lambeth reinsch (I)
For a Modern English translation, see Maureen B.M. Boulton, Piety and Persecution in the French Texts of England, The French of England Translation Series 6, Tempe 2013, pp. 61-89.

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Chastoiement Pere1

Chastoiement d’un pere a son fils, translated from the Disciplina clericalis
IN: Alfons Hilka and Werner Söderhjelm, Petri Alfonsi, Disciplina Clericalis III: Französische Versbearbeitungen, Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 49.4, Helsingfors, 1922, pp. 79-138.
DEAF: ChastPereBH
Dean: 263
Details: Critical edition, based on New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Libr. 395 (i.e. MS ‘C’, c.1275); Paris, BN franç. 19152 (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xiiiex); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86 (i.e. MS ‘D’, 1272-82); BL, Harley 4388 (i.e. MS ‘H’, c.1200); and Rouen, Bibl. Munic. 1423 (i.e. MS ‘R’, s.xiv1/4).
Notes: For excerpts from MS ‘D’, see Fabliaux (V)-(X) and Digby (XX).

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Chastoiement Pere2

Chastoiement d’un pere a son fils, translated from the Disciplina clericalis
IN: Alfons Hilka and Werner Söderhjelm, Petri Alfonsi, Disciplina Clericalis III: Französische Versbearbeitungen, Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 49.4, Helsingfors, 1922, pp. 139-58.
s.xiiiin; xiiim (MS)
DEAF: ChastPereBhH
Dean: 263
Details: Separate edition of BL, Harley 527 (i.e. MS ‘h’).
Notes: Includes the fabliau (pp. 146-47) published separately (from the same MS) as Fabliaux (XI).

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Chaucer Life

Documents from The National Archives
Martin M. Crow and Clair C. Olson, Chaucer Life-Records, Oxford, 1966.
Dean: —
Notes: Mainly Latin but also A-N documents, as well as Continental French and M.E. material. For A-N, see pp. 29, 34, 46-47, 54, 57, 67-68, 75-76, 84-91, 94-96, 98-100, 109, 112, 115-19, 123-24, 157-58, 162, 164-66, 168, 225, 235, 271-74, 277-78, 294, 297, 301, 304-06, 323, 337-38, 350-51, 370-71, 402, 408-09, 416-17, 425-26, 470-72, 478, 500-01, 514-15 and 530.

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Chepstow Assize Roll
IN: Thomas B. Pugh, The Marcher Lordships of South Wales, 1415-1536: Select Documents, Board of Celtic Studies, History and Law Series 20, Cardiff, 1963, pp. 49-75.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Chev Dé

Traitee del chevaler Dé (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 210)
Kenneth Urwin, ‘Le Chevaler Dé’, Revue des Langues Romanes 68 (1937), 136-61.
s.xiiiex; xivin (MS)
DEAF: ChevDieuU
Dean: 684
Notes: For excerpts, see Douce 210 bsatf (III)

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Child Jesus

The Childhood of Jesus (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 66a)
IN: Henry H. Hilton, ‘Seth’, Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 2 (1941), 41-61 (pp. 58-61, i.e. ll. 430-554).
s.xiiim (MS)
Dean: 496
Notes: This text was included in AND1 as part of Seth1.

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Translation of Roger Frugardi’s Chirurgia, attributed to Roger of Parma/Salerno, or to his pupil Guido of Arezzo (Cambridge, Trinity College, O.1.20)
D. J. A. Ross, Some Thirteenth-Century Versions of the ‘Chirurgia’ of Roger of Salerno, TCC MS. O.1.20, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, London, 1940.
DEAF: ChirRogR
Dean: 413
Notes: Replaced in AND2 with A-N Med (I) and (II).

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Indenture regarding the Castle of Chirk
C. S. John Lincolne, ‘Miscellanea’, Archaeologia Cambrensis, 4th Series, 13 (1882), 313-14.
Dean: —

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Prose treatise on Chiromancie (palm-reading)
MS: Dublin, Trinity College 441 (D.4.27), 232rb-234ra.
s.xiii2; xiv3/3 (MS)
DEAF: Chirom
Dean: 380
Notes: See Chiromancies TLM (II) Ms 'D'.

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Chiromancies tlm

Four Anglo-Norman texts on chiromancy (palm-reading)
Tony Hunt and Stefano Rapisarda, Anglo-Norman Chiromancies, Textes Littéraires du moyen âge 57, Paris, 2020.

(I) Anglo-Norman translation of Chiromantia in the Eadwine Psalter; Oxford, Balliol College 285; s.xiii (MS) (pp. 23-35); DEAF: —; Dean: —.
(II) Two Anglo-Norman translations of Chiromantia Parva, BL, Addit. 18210 (i.e. MS ‘L’, s.xiiiex) and Dublin, Trinity College 441 (i.e. MS ‘D’, s.xiv3/3) (pp. 37-61); DEAF: ChiromR; Dean: 380.
(III) Anglo-Norman translation of Dextra Viri and Sinistra Mulieris, Cambridge, Trinity College 0.3.45; s.xv1/4 (MS) (pp. 63-77); DEAF: ChiromR; Dean: 380.
(IV) Anglo-Norman translation of Palmistria Salomonis, Cambridge, Trinity College 0.2.5; s.xiv (MS) (pp. 79-87); DEAF: —; Dean: —.

s.xiii-xv (MSS)
Notes: (II) MS ‘D’ replaces Chirom and MS ‘L’ replaces Chiromanzia (III). (III) replaces Chiromanzia (I). (IV) replaces Chiromanzia (II)

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Three A-N texts on chiromancy (palm-reading)
IN: Stefano Rapisarda, Manuali medievali di chiromanzia, Biblioteca Medievale 95, Rome, 2005, 93-124.

(I) Mayn de home, mayn de femme; s.xivin (MS) (pp. 93-102); DEAF: —; Dean: 380; see Chiromancies TLM (III).
(II) Palmistria Salomonis; s.xivm (MS) (pp. 103-10); DEAF: —; Dean: —; see Chiromancies TLM (IV).
(III) Treis natureles lignes; s.xiii2 (MS) (pp. 111-24); DEAF: ChiromR; Dean: 380; see Chiromancies TLM (II), MS 'D'.

s.xiii2 - xivm (MSS)

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Joseph Rawson Lumby, Chronicon Henrici Knighton vel Cnitthon, Monachi Leycestrensis, 2 vols, London, 1889-95.
Dean: —

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Geoffrey H. Martin, Knighton’s Chronicle 1337-1396, Oxford, 1995.
Dean: —

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Chronica Majora

Chronica Majora, by Matthew Paris
Henry Richards Luard, Matthaei Parisiensis, monachi Sancti Albani, Chronica majora, 7 vols, Rolls Series 57, London, 1872-83.
s.xiii1 (?)
Dean: —
Notes: Latin text with vernacular elements.

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One A-N document
E. Fuller, ‘Cirencester Guild Merchant’, Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 18 (1893-94), 32-74 (pp. 58-63).
Dean: —

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Cist Form

Dictaminal Treatise, possibly by Thomas Sampson (seven A-N excerpts from Warminster, Longleat House, Marquess of Bath’s Libr. 37)
IN: Henry G. Richardson, ‘Cistercian Formularies’, in Herbert E. Salter et al., Formularies which Bear on the History of Oxford, vol. 2, Oxford Historical Society, New Series 5, Oxford, 1942, pp. 281-327 (pp. 315-319).
c.1340; s.xiv2 (MS)
DEAF: RichardsonCist
Dean: 320
Notes: For different excerpts from this text (same MS), see samps1 (VI).

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Thomas Cobbe’s account of receipts and payments for 1394 of the estate of the Duchess of Norfolk
MS: London, College of Arms, Arundel MS 49.
Dean: —
Notes: The MS also contains extracts from the Register of the Priory of Chacombe in Latin (29v-33v).

Search AND Citations

Coeur de Lion

Rotrouenge attributed to Richard I, Cœur de Lion (Bern, Burgerbibliothek, 389)
IN: Pierre Bec, La Lyrique française au moyen âge (xiie-xiiie siècles), 2 vols, Publications du Centre d’Etudes supérieures de l’Univeristé de Poitiers, Paris, 1977-78, vol. 2 (1978), pp. 124-25.
1192-94 (?); s.xiii3/3 (MS)
Dean: 123.1
Details: A Lorraine MS. Also preserved in seven further Continental MSS.

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Coff Lett

A-N Letter from The National Archives (Exch, Accts. K.R. Var. 164/11 12)
E. Pole Stuart, ‘A letter from the Constable of Bordeaux to Edward II’s Cofferer’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 10 (1932-33), 178-85 (p. 180).
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


Chartulary of the monastery of St. John the Baptist in Colchester
Stuart A. Moore, Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Johannis Baptiste de Colcestria, Roxburghe Club, London, 1897.
1353 (A-N document)
Dean: —
Notes: Mainly in Latin, with one A-N document (pp. 508-09), and an A-N glossary of Saxon words (p. 676).

Search AND Citations

Colour Treatise

Paints and dyes (BL, Cotton Titus D.XXIV)
Tony Hunt, ‘Early Anglo-Norman Receipts for Colours’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 58 (1995), 203-09.
s.xiim (text and MS)
DEAF: RecCoulTitH
Dean: 387

Search AND Citations

Colur mulez

Paints and dyes (Vatican City, Biblioteca Aposolica Vaticana, Barberiniano Latino 12)
IN: Stefano Rapisarda, ‘Chescune colur mulez’: Ricettario anglo-normanno per la preparazione dei colori (Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Barberiniano Latino 12, Quaderni del Dipartimento di Filologia Moderna 15, Catania, 2009, pp. 51-55.
s.xiii1; c.1300 (MS)
DEAF: CouleursVat
Dean: 387
Details: Edition of the text on fols 126a-28a (using the later foliation 127a-29a).
Notes: Partly replaces Textes Scientifiques (II).

Search AND Citations

Com Bench Rich II

Selected documents
L. C. Hector, ‘Reports, Writs and Records in the Common Bench in the Reign of Richard II’, in Roy Frank Hunnisett and John B. Post, Medieval Legal Records, Edited in Memory of C. A. F. Meekings, London, 1978, pp. 268-88 (esp. pp. 271, 277, 280, 283-86).
Dean: —
Notes: Previously in Meekings.

Search AND Citations


The Ten Commandments, the twelve articles of the Creed and the Seven Sacraments
MS: BL, Cotton Nero A iii, ff. 85v-89v
s.xiii; xiv1/3 (MS)
DEAF: DixCommNero
Dean: —
Notes: Transcription provided by Geert De Wilde.

Search AND Citations


The Ten Commandments, the twelve articles of the Creed and the Seven Sacraments
Raymund Wilhelm et al., ‘De diz comandemenz en la lei’, Le décalogue anglo-normand selon le manuscrit BL Cotton Nero A.III: Texte, langue et traditions, Romanische Texte des Mittelalters 1, Heidelberg, 2015.
s.xiii; xiv1/3 (MS)
DEAF: DixCommNeroW
Dean: —
Notes: Text is on pp. 227-31.

Search AND Citations


Henry III’s Complaints to the Baronial Council (BL, Cotton Tiberius B.iv)
Ernest F. Jacob, ‘The Complaints of Henry III against the Baronial Council in 1261’, English Historical Review 41 (1926), 559-71 (esp. pp. 564-71).
1261; s.xiv2 (MS)
Dean: —
Notes: See also T&S 218-38.

Search AND Citations


Comput, by Philippe de Thaon
Eduard Mall, Li Cumpoz Philipe de Thaün, Strassburg, 1873.
1119 (or 1113); s.xiiiin (base MS)
Dean: 346
Details: Critical edition, based on BL, Sloane 1580, with selected variants from Lincoln, Cathedral Library 199 (i.e. MS ‘L’, s.xii2); BL, Arundel 230 (i.e. MS ‘A’, s.xiim); BL, Cotton Nero A.V (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xii3/3); and Vatican City, Bibl. Apost. Vatic., Regin. lat. 1244 (i.e. MS ‘V’, s.xiim).
Notes: AND2 prefers Comput ants, with the exception of ll. 803-1090, which are absent from the Cotton Nero MS.
Provides a very corrected text, based not only on the variant manuscripts, but even on a heavy-handed ‘standardisation’ of the language.

Search AND Citations

Comput ANTS

Comput, by Philippe de Thaon (BL, Cotton Nero A.V)
Ian Short, Philippe de Thaon: ‘Comput’, ANTS Plain Texts Series 2, London, 1984.
1119 (or 1113); s.xii3/3 (MS)
Dean: 346
Details: Provides variants from Eduard Mall’s critical edition (pp. 50-51) and incorporates a section unique to BL, Sloane 1580 (ll. 803-1090) (s.xiiiin) in the Appendix (pp. 52-55).

Search AND Citations

Comput Fragment

Fragment of Comput, by Philippe de Thaon (Cambridge, University Library, Addit. 4166)
Thomas O’Donnell, ‘The Gloss to Philippe de Thaon’s Comput and the French of England’s Beginnings’, in Thelma Fenster and Carolyn P. Collette, The French of Medieval England: Essays in Honour of Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, Cambridge, 2017, 13-37 (esp. pp. 34-37).
1119 (or 1113): s.xii1 (MS)
DEAF: PhThComp
Dean: 346
Notes: Corresponds with lines 3443-523 of Comput ants.

Search AND Citations

Conception wace

Wace’s Conception Nostre Dame
W. R. Ashford, The Conception Nostre Dame of Wace, Chicago, 1933.
s.xii2/4; xiii2/4 (base MS)
DEAF: WaceConcA
Dean: 489
Details: Based on Tours, Bibl. Munic, 927, with variants from all other MSS.
Notes: For a separate edition of Oxford, University College, 100, see A-N Piety (V).
For a separate glossary, see Hans-Erich Keller, Étude descriptive sur le vocabulaire de Wace, Berlin, 1953.
For a Modern English translation, together with a reprint of the base text of Ashford’s edition, see Jean Blacker, Glyn S. Burgess and Amy V. Ogden, Wace, The Hagiographical Works: The ‘Conception Nostre Dame’ and the Lives of St Margaret and St Nicholas, Leiden, 2013, pp. 13-146.

Search AND Citations


A-N documents
David Wilkins, Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae, 4 vols, London, 1737, vols 1-3.
1296-1340 (vol. 2); and 1352-1402 (vol. 3) (A-N documents)
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


Confession, attributed to Robert Grosseteste (Hamburg, Staats- und Universitäts-Bibliothek, cod. philol. 296)
Hermann Urtel, ‘Eine altfranzösische Beichte’, Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 33 (1909), 571-75.
s.xiii2/4 (?); xiv2
DEAF: GrossetConfU
Dean: 660

Search AND Citations

Const Docs

Eleanor C. Lodge and Gladys A. Thornton, English Constitutional Documents 1307-1485, Cambridge, 1935.
DEAF: LodgeThConst
Dean: —
Notes: Mainly material published elsewhere (Rot Parl1 etc.).

Search AND Citations


A-N in Edward Coke’s reports
IN: Alexander Savine, ‘Copyhold Cases in the Early Chancery Proceedings’, English Historical Review 17:66 (1902), 296-303 (p. 298, n. 5).
Dean: —
Notes: Coke takes this from Fitzherbert’s Abridgement, which quotes Year Book 13, Richard II.

Search AND Citations

Cor Lai

Le lai du cor, by Robert Biket
C. T. Erickson, The Anglo-Norman Text of ‘Le Lai du Cor’, ANTS 24, London, 1973.
s.xiiex; 1272-82 (MS)
Dean: 177
Notes: Previously Cor.
The A-N origin of this poem has been questioned.

Search AND Citations


A-N document relating to Cork
IN: Adolphus Ballard, British Borough Charters 1042-1216, Cambridge, 1913, pp. 28-29.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


L. Margaret Midgley, Ministers’ Accounts of the Earldom of Cornwall 1296-1297, 2 vols, Camden Society, 3rd Series 66, London, 1942-45 and 1966-68.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Coron Ch

Henry I’s Coronation Charter
Felix Liebermann, ‘Norman-French Translation of Henry I’s Coronation Charter’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, New Series 8 (1894), 46-48.
s.xiiim (text and MS)
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Coron Order

A-N version of the Liber Regalis (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 20)
IN: John Wickham Legg, Three Coronation Orders, Henry Bradshaw Society 19, London, 1900, pp. 39-49.
1327; c.1355 (MS)
DEAF: OrdoCoronCL
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Coron Order MAE

A-N version of the Liber Regalis
Daron Burrows, ‘The Anglo-Norman Coronation of Edward II’, Medium Aevum 85 (2016), 278-313.
1327; s.xivm (base MS)
DEAF: OrdoCoronC
Dean: —
Details: Based on BL, Cotton Vitellius C.XII (i.e. MS ‘A’), with variant readings from Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 20 (i.e. MS ‘B’; c.1355) and London, Westminster Abbey, Muniments 5667 (i.e. MS ‘C’; s.xivm).

Search AND Citations

Corr Lond

Selection of A-N letters preserved in Guildhall MSS
G. F. Chapple, Correspondence of the City of London 1298-1370, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, London, 1938.
DEAF: ChappleLond
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Corr Rich II

Letters issued in the name of Richard II and sent to foreign courts
Edouard Perroy, The Diplomatic Correspondence of Richard II, Camden Society, 3rd Series 48, London, 1933.
Dean: —
Notes: The A-N letters are Nos 4-5 (p. 2) (1379); 13 (pp. 9-10) (1380); 27-28 (pp. 16-17) (1381); 55-56 (pp. 34-35) (1385-86); 63 (p. 39) (1386); 66 (pp. 42-43) (1386); 93 (pp. 61-62) (1388); 129 (p. 87) (1391); 147 (pp. 99-100) (1392); 150-51 (pp. 101-03) (1392); 223 (pp. 165-66) (1395); 228 (p. 168) (1396); 233 (pp. 170-71) (1396).
A-N is the language used for letters sent to France, Flanders, Navarre, Luxemburg, Brabant, Aragon, Cyprus and Armenia. Other letters are mainly in Latin.

Search AND Citations

Corr Wales

John G. Edwards, Calendar of Ancient Correspondence concerning Wales, University of Wales Board of Celtic Studies, History and Law Series 2, Cardiff, 1935.
1257-1413 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: Synopses of documents from The National Archives with brief A-N excerpts.

Search AND Citations


Corset, by Robert of Gretham
MS: Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 210.
s.xiii2/4; xivin (MS)
DEAF: RobGrethCorsS
Dean: 590
Notes: Replaced in AND2 by Corset ants.

Search AND Citations

Corset ANTS

Corset, by Robert of Gretham (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 210)
Keith V. Sinclair, ‘Corset’ by Rober le Chapelain: A Rhymed Commentary on the Seven Sacraments, ANTS 52, London, 1995.
s.xiii2/4; xivin (MS)
DEAF: RobGrethCorsS
Dean: 590
Notes: Critical edition, with original MS readings in the footnotes.
For excerpts, see Douce 210 bsatf (V).

Search AND Citations

Cosmetic Recs

Cosmetic recipes
Jeanne Rideout Gilleland, ‘Eight Anglo-Norman Cosmetic Recipes: MS. Cambridge, Trinity College 1044’, Romania 109 (1988), 50-67.
c.1250; s.xiii3/4 (MS)
DEAF: RecCosmCamG2
Dean: 425
Notes: Fragments of this text have also been published in Rom 32 (O.1.20) (IX), Pop Med 215-16 and ZFSL 90.

Search AND Citations

Cotton Galba Docs

A-N documents relating English merchants abroad (mainly in Flanders)
E. Scott and L. Gilliodts van Severen, Le Cotton Ms. Galba B.I. Documents pour servir à l’histoire des relations entre l’Angleterre et la Flandre de 1341 à 1473, Brussels, 1896.
Dean: —
Notes: Contains ‘Inquisition on Prizes Taken by English Corsairs in Flanders, 1403-05’, pp. 477-508.

Search AND Citations

Council Oath

A-N councillor’s oath of 1307
James F. Baldwin, ‘Antiquities of the King’s Council’, English Historical Review 21 (1906), 1-20 (pp. 2-4).
Dean: —
Notes: More A-N excerpts on pp. 6-7, 16 and 18.

Search AND Citations

Councils and Synods

Frederick M. Powicke and Christopher R. Cheney, Councils and Synods with Other Documents Relating to the English Church, 2 vols, Oxford, 1964.
Dean: —
Notes: Previously C&S.
Mainly in Latin, with rare A-N.    

Search AND Citations

Court Bar

Curia Baronum, a.k.a. La Court de baron
Frederic W. Maitland and William P. Baildon, The Court Baron, Being Precedents for Use in Seignorial and Other Local Courts, together with Select Pleas from the Bishop of Ely’s Court of Littleport, Selden Society 4, London, 1891.

(I) La Court de baron; uses A-N throughout; s.xiiiex; the 3 MSS used as base are ‘A’ (pp. 20-28, 31-58), ‘X’ (pp. 28-31), ‘S’ (pp. 58-67).
(II) Modus tenendi curias (John of Longueville); uses a mixture of A-N and Latin; Cambridge, University Library, Dd. vii. 6, f.57; 1307 (text and MS) (pp. 79-92).
(III) Modus tenendi curias (St. Alban’s Formulary); uses a mixture of A-N and Latin. Cambridge, University Library, Ee. iv. 20; c.1342 (?); 1444 (MS) (pp. 93-106).
(IV) One A-N Court of Littleport document; 1316 (text and MS) (pp. 121-22).

DEAF: CourtBarM
Dean: —
Details: Based mainly on Cambridge, University Library, Ll.iv (i.e. MS ‘A’, s.xiv1/3), with variants and additional material from BL, Harley 748 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiv1/3); BL, Egerton 656 (i.e. MS ‘E’, c.1300); BL, Addit. 5762 (i.e. MS ‘N’, c.1300); BL, Lansdowne 467 (i.e. MS ‘O’, s.xiv); BL, Harley 409 (i.e. MS ‘S’, s.xiii3/3); and Cambridge, University Library, Mm.i.27 (i.e. MS ‘X’, s.xiiiex).

Search AND Citations

Courtly Virtues

A-N instruction in courtly virtues by a knight of King Arthur’s court
Keith Busby, ‘Ein bisher unbekannter anglormannischer Artustext aus dem vierzehnten Jahrhundert’, in Karl Heinz Göller, Spätmittelalterliche Artusliteratur, Paderborn, 1984, pp. 15-21.
s.xivm (MS)
Dean: 251

Search AND Citations


A-N treatises on manners and morals
H. Rosamund Parsons, ‘Anglo-Norman Books of Courtesy and Nurture’, Publications of the Modern Languages Association of America 44 (1929) 383-455.

(I) [‘(V)’] Urbain le Courtois (Early Version); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 210 (i.e. MS ‘D’); s.xiii2; xiv1/4 (MS) (pp. 397-408); DEAF: UrbCort1P; Dean: 231; with variants from Cambridge, University Library, Gg.1.1 (i.e. MS ‘G’, s.xiv1/4), Cambridge, Trinity College, O.1.17 (i.e. MS ‘O’, s.xiv4/4), Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 9 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xv2/4) and Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 39 (i.e. MS ‘F’, s.xiv1); For an edition which takes MS ‘G’ as a basis, see Urb Court. For a separate edition of MS ‘O’, see Rom 32 (O.1.17) (I). For excerpts of MS 'D', see also Douce 210 bsatf (VIII)..
(II) [‘(L)’] Urbain le Courtois (Later Version); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 425 (i.e. MS ‘U’); s.xiiiex; xiv2 (MS) (pp. 408-19); DEAF: UrbCort2P; Dean: 231; with variants from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 39 (i.e. MS ‘F’, s.xiv1), Oxford, Bodleian Library, Selden Supra 74 (i.e. MS ‘S’, s.xivin) and Cambridge, Trinity College, B.14.40 (i.e. MS ‘T’, 1415-20).
(III) [‘(E)’] Edward, anonymous treatise on courtesy; Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 425; c.1300; s.xivm (MS) (pp. 420-28); Dean: 232.
(IV) [‘(B)’] Bon Enfant; Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 425; s.xivm (MS) (pp. 428-30); Dean: 233.
(V) [‘(A)’] L’Apprise de nurture; Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 9; 1430; s.xv2/4 (MS) (pp. 432-37); Dean: 234.
(VI) [‘(P)’] Petit tretis de norture; Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 9; 1430; s.xv2/4 (MS) (pp. 437-41); Dean: 235.

DEAF: ParsonsCourt

Search AND Citations


Extract from Roman de Dieu et de sa mere, by Herman de Valenciennes (Geneva, Bibl. publ. et univ., College Comites latentes, 182)
André de Mandach, ‘The Creation of Herman de Valenciennes: An Unpublished Anglo-Norman Mystery Play of the Twelfth Century’, in Ian Short, Anniversary Essays, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 2, London, 1993, pp. 251-72 (esp. pp. 262-69).
c.1188-95; s.xiiex (MS)
DEAF: HermValS
Dean: 485
Details: Provides original MS readings (i.e. MS ‘Ch’) and selected variants from Cambridge, Pembroke College, 46 (i.e. MS ‘P’, s.xiiim, base MS for ll. 1-34); BL, Harley 222 (i.e. MS ‘L1’, 1280); and Dublin, Trinity College, 253 (D.4.13) (i.e. MS ‘D’, s.xiv).
Notes: For extracts from Cambridge, University Library, Gg.1.1, see Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (XIII) and (for a different section) Trois Rois. For the prologue in BL, Harley 222 see Vernac Lit (XV).

Search AND Citations

Credit Operations

A-N documents from The National Archives
E. B. Fryde, ‘Materials for the Study of Edward III’s Credit Operations, 1327-48’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 22 (1949), 105-38 (pp. 110 and 135).
1334-39 (A-N material)
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Criminal Law

The Articles of Trailbaston
IN: Francis Morgan Nichols, ‘Original Documents Illustrative of the Administration of the Criminal Law in the Time of Edward I’, Archaeologia 40 (1866), 89-105 (pp. 102-04).
Dean: —
Details: Based on Cambridge, University Library Dd.7.6, with variants from BL, Hargreaves 336.

Search AND Citations


Selected documents, largely from The National Archives
Michael Prestwich, Documents Illustrating the Crisis of 1297-98 in England, Camden Society, 4th series 24, London, 1980.
1297 (pp. 39-179) and 1298 (pp. 179-198)
DEAF: PrestwichDoc
Dean: —
Notes: Contains Latin and A-N material.
A-N documents are 8, 10, 12-17, 19, 23-27, 29-30, 34, 37, 39-45, 49-50, 52, 54-57, 60, 66-67, 70-71, 73, 76, 78-79, 81, 85-86, 91-92, 94, 96-98, 101-05, 107-12, 114-20, 122, 124-32, 134-35, 138, 141, 143-44, 146-50, 153, 155-57, 159-63, 166-67, 169-72, 175-78, 180, 182-87, 190-91, 193-98, 200, 203, 205 and 207-08.

Search AND Citations

CRO Kendal

Cumbria Record Office, Kendal.
Dean: —
Notes: Transcriptions of WD/D/MD 9, 11, 12, 17, 23, 24, 47, 48, 57, 58 and further unlisted material provided by David Trotter.
For an edition of three of these documents, see Campagne.

Search AND Citations

Croes Nawdd1

Nineteenth-century copy of a document on the repairs of the Cross of Saint Neot
Edward Owen, ‘The Croes Nawdd’, Y Cymmrodor, The Magazine of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion 43 (1932), 2-18 (esp. pp. 13-15).
1353; s.xix (MS)
Dean: —
Details: The National Archives, Exchequer of Receipt, Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 90, 26 Edw III
Notes: Also contains brief references to other (published) material.

Search AND Citations

Croes Nawdd2

One A-N document about the ‘Croes Naid’ (The National Archives E 407/5/100)
Winifred Coombe Tennant, ‘Croes Naid’, National Library of Wales Journal 72 (1951), 102-115 (esp. pp. 110-12).
Dean: —
Notes: Also provides a Modern English translation.

Search AND Citations

Cron Lond1

Prose chronicle of England, with emphasis on London
George J. Aungier, Croniques de London, depuis l’an 44 Henry III jusqu’à l’an 17 Edward III, Camden Society 28, London, 1844.
1343-50 (text and MS)
DEAF: ChronLondA
Dean: 71
Notes: For the A-N texts in the appendices (except p. 100 ‘Il vient ... pura’), see Stud Pow and Pols Songs (V).

Search AND Citations

Cron Lond2

Prose chronicle of England, with emphasis on London
David C. Cox, A Study of the French Chronicle of London, unpublished Ph.D thesis, University of London, 1971.
1343-50 (text and MS)
DEAF: ChronLond
Dean: 71

Search AND Citations

Cross-Channel Comm

Three A-N documents from The National Archives
IN: David A. Trotter, '(Socio)linguistic Realities of Cross-Channel Communication in the Thirteenth Century,' in Janet Burton, Frédérique Lachaud et al., Thirteenth-Century England XIII, Proceedings of the Paris Conference 2009, Woodbridge, 2011, pp. 117-31 (pp. 128-30).
1280-96 (?) (p. 128) and 1300-30 (?) (pp. 129-30)
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Crown and Italian Merch

A-N documents
Adrian R. Bell and Tony K. Moore, Accounts of the English Crown with the Italian Merchant Societies, 1272-1345, List and Index Society 331, 2009.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Crucifix Prayer

A-N prayer, inspired by a painted crucifix (Cambridge, St. John’s College, G.5)
Helen E. Sandison, ‘En mon déduit a moys de may, The Original of Hoccleve's Balade to the Virgin and Christ, in Christabel F. Fiske, Vassar Medieval Studies, New Haven, 1923, pp. 233-45.
s.xiv2 (MS)
Dean: 982
Notes: For a different MS, see Tyrwar (I).

Search AND Citations

Crusade appeal

A-N crusade song
Anna, Radaelli, ‘Voil ma chançun a la gent fere oïr: An Anglo-Norman Crusade Appeal (London, BL Harley 1717, fol. 251v)’, IN: Simon Thomas Parsons and Linda M. Paterson, Literature of the Crusades, Woodbridge, 2018, 109-33.
1188; s.xiiex
Dean: 122

Search AND Citations

Culinary Colls

Two A-N collections of culinary recipes
Constance B. Hieatt and Robin F. Jones, ‘Two Anglo-Norman Culinary Collections Edited from British Library Manuscripts Additional 32085 and Royal 12.C.xii’, Speculum 61 (1986), 859-82.

(I) Culinary Recipes from BL, Addit. 32085; s.xivin (text and MS) (pp. 862-66); DEAF: RecCulViaundeH; Dean: 398 (A).
(II) Culinary recipes from BL, Royal 12 C.XII (pp. 866-68); c.1335 (MS) (pp. 866-68); DEAF: RecCulBlancH; Dean: 398 (B).


Search AND Citations

Culinary Colls Add

Culinary Recipes
MS: BL, Addit. 32085, ff. 117v-19v.
s.xiv1/3 (MS)
DEAF: RecCulViaunde
Dean: 398 (A)
Notes: Transcription provided by C. J. Drüppel.
Replaced by Culinary Colls (I).

Search AND Citations

Culinary Colls Royal

Culinary recipes from BL, Royal 12 C.XII
Paul Meyer, ‘Notice sur le ms. Old Roy. 12. C. XII du Musée britannique (Pièces diverses - Recettes culinaires)’, Bull. SATF 19 (1893), 38-56 (pp. 49-56).
s.xiv1/3 (MS)
DEAF: RecCulBlancM
Dean: 398 (B)
Notes: Replaced in AND2 by Culinary Colls (II).

Search AND Citations

Culinary Colls wolf

Culinary recipes from BL, Royal 12 C.XII
Stefanie Wolf, Lexikologische Untersuchungen und Edition eines anglonormannischen kulinarischen Textes, unpublished M.A. thesis, Heidelberg, 1988.
s.xiv1/3 (MS)
DEAF: RecCulBlancM
Dean: 398 (B)
Notes: Previously Culinary Colls (W).
Replaced in AND2 by Culinary Colls (II).

Search AND Citations

Custom Sea

A-N documents from The National Archives
IN: R. G. Marsden, Documents Relating to Law and Custom of the Sea, Volume 1 A.D. 1205-1648, Publications of the Navy Record Society 49, London, 1915.
Dean: —
Notes: A-N on pp. 28-29 (1293), 55-56 (1299), 63-64 (1326), 74-75 (1346), and 116 (=Rot Parl1 iii 569).

Search AND Citations

Custumal Exeter

Custumal of Exeter
Jacob W. Schopp, The Anglo-Norman Custumal of Exeter, History of Exeter Research Group 2, Oxford, 1925.
Dean: —
Notes: Previously Custumal.
For a more recent edition of extracts, based on Schopp’s edition, see C. van de Kieft and G. van Herwijen, Elenchus Fontium Historiae Urbanae, Vol. 2.2, Leiden, 1988, pp. 116-21.

Search AND Citations


A-N documents, mainly from The National Archives, relating to the Cutlers’ Company of London
Charles Welch, History of the Cutlers’ Company of London of the Minor Cutlery Crafts, vol. 1: From Early Times to 1500, London, 1916.
c.1290-1413 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: A-N on pp. 232 (1290-1320), 234-35 (1326-27), 237-38 (1344), 239-40 (1350), 247-48 (1364), 249-51 (1370), 254-55 (1375), 257 (1376), 258-60 (1379-80), 263-67 (1386), 271 (1388), 271-73 (1402), 273-74 (1403-04), 274-76 (1403-04) [=Rot Parl1 iii 536], 278 [=Rot Parl1 iii 536-37], 280 (1400-10), 284 (1409), 285-86 (1408) and 287-88 (1413).

Search AND Citations


A-N version of the fabliau of Le Cuvier, included in a copy of the Chastoiement d’un père a son fils (BL, Harley 527)
Roy J. Pearcy, ‘A Neglected Anglo-Norman Version of Le Cuvier’, Mediaeval Studies 58 (1996), 243-72.
s.xiii1 (MS)
DEAF: CuvierHP
Dean: 184; 263
Notes: For editions of the same, see Fabliaux (XI) and Chastoiement Pere2 146-47.

Search AND Citations