Bibliography of Anglo-Norman Primary Sources

An annotated bibliography, organized alphabetically per AND siglum/abbreviation, of all known Anglo-Norman primary sources available to the AND. Press on a letter to view the sources beginning with the letter.

References are given to Ruth J. Dean and Maureen B.M Boulton, Anglo-Norman Literature: A Guide to Texts and Manuscripts, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 3, London, 1999, and links to the DEAF open on the Complément bibliographique of the Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français website.


Jerarchie, by John Pecham, addressed to Queen Eleanor, wife of Edward I (Paris, Ste. Geneviève, 2899)
M. Dominica Legge, ‘John Pecham’s Jerarchie’, Medium Ævum 11 (1942), 77-84.
c.1285; c.1297 (MS)
Dean: 631

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John Buckingham

Four A-N documents
IN: A. K. McHardy, Royal Writs Addressed to John Buckingham, Bishop of Lincoln, 1363-1398: Lincoln Register 12B, Canterbury and York Society 86, Woodbridge, 1997, pp. 97, 114 and 125-26.
1385-91 (A-N documents)
Dean: —

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Jongleurs Prologue

Prologue to the Passion des Jongleurs (Cambridge, Trinity College, B.14.39)
Bruce Burnam, ‘An Unedited Anglo-Norman Prologue to the Passion des Jongleurs and its Relation to the Passio Christi of Clermont-Ferrand’, Medium Ævum 60 (1991), 197-206.
s.xiii1; 1255-60 (MS)
DEAF: PassJonglProlTrB
Dean: 960
Notes: For excerpts, see also Rom 32 (B.14.39-40) (VII)
Replaced with A-N Piety (VII).

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La vie de Seint Josaphaz, a.k.a. Barlaam and Josaphat, by Chardri
IN: John Koch, Chardry’s ‘Josaphaz’, ‘Set Dormanz’ und ‘Petit Plet’, Altfranzösische Bibliothek 1, Heilbronn, 1879, pp. 1-75.
c.1200; s.xiii3/4 (MSS)
DEAF: BalJosChardK
Dean: 532
Details: Critical edition, based on BL, Cotton Caligula A.IX, with original MS readings and variants from Oxford, Jesus College 29 (i.e. MS ‘O’).
Notes: Previously Jos.
For a Modern English translation, see Neil Cartlidge, The Works of Chardri: Three Poems in the French of Thirteenth-Century England: ‘The Life of the Seven Sleepers’, ‘The Life of St. Josaphaz’, and ‘The Little Debate’, The French of England Translation Studies 9, Tempe, 2015, 71-115.

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La vie de Seint Josaphaz, a.k.a. Barlaam and Josaphat, by Chardri
Timothy J.S. Rutledge, A Critical Edition of ‘La Vie de seint Josaphaz’, a Thirteenth-Century Poem by the Anglo-Norman Poet Chardri, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Toronto, 1975.
c.1200; s.xiii3/4 (MSS)
DEAF: BalJosChardR
Dean: 532
Details: Critical edition, based on BL, Cotton Caligula A.IX, with original MS readings and variants from Oxford, Jesus College 29 (i.e. MS ‘O’).
Notes: Previously Jos2.
For the prologue in MS ‘O’, see Vernac Lit (XXX).
For a Modern English translation, see Neil Cartlidge, The Works of Chardri: Three Poems in the French of Thirteenth-Century England: ‘The Life of the Seven Sleepers’, ‘The Life of St. Josaphaz’, and ‘The Little Debate’, The French of England Translation Studies 9, Tempe, 2015, 71-115.
For a more accessible edition, together with a Modern French translation and glossary, see Baptiste Laïd, Chardri: 'Barlaam et Josaphat', 'Les Sept Dormants' et 'Le Petit Plet', Édition bilingue, établie, traduite, présentée et annotée, Champion Classiques, Paris, 2024, 65-235

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Joshua ANB

Book of Joshua in the Anglo-Norman Bible
Brent A. Pitts, The Anglo-Norman Bible’s Book of Joshua: A Critical Edition (BL Royal 1.C.III), Textes vernaculaires du moyen âge, 26, Turnhout, 2020.
s.xiv1; s.xivm (MS)
DEAF: BibleAgnIosP
Dean: 469
Details: Based on BL, Royal 1.C.III (i.e. MS ‘L’) [fols 142v-162r], with variants readings from Paris, BN, français 1 (i.e. MS ‘P’, c.1350).
Notes: See also Bible Royal and Bible hackett (MSS ‘A’ and ‘D’).

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Joshua Sermons

Five anonymous sermons on Joshua, adapted from Origen’s Homiles as transmitted by Rufinus
Tony Hunt, Sermons on Joshua, 2 vols, ANTS Plain Texts Series 12-13, London, 1998.
s.xiii1; xiiim (MS)
DEAF: SermJos1-5H
Dean: 595
Details: Based on Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 282, with selected variants from Cambridge, Trinity College, O.2.14 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiiim) and BN, fr. 19525 (i.e. MS ‘P’, c.1230-50).
Notes: Previously Joshua.
For a partial glossary to this edition, see Thomas Städtler’s review in Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 117 (2001), 317-22.
For excerpts from Sermons 4 and 5 from MS ‘P’, see Vernac Lit (XXIII).
For excerpts from MS 'C', see Rom 32 (O.2.14) (IV).

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Jousting Letters

Five Anglo-Norman letters in Edinburgh, University Library, 183
Philip E. Bennett, Sarah Carpenter and Louise Gardiner, ‘Chivalric Games at the Court of Edward III: The Jousting Letters of EUL MS 183’, Medium Aevum 87 (2018), 304-42.
s.xivm; 1390-1410 (MS)
Dean: —

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The Passion of Judas (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud. misc. 471)
IN: Nancy Iseley, De passione Judas, University of North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures 2, Chapel Hill, 1941, pp. 29-40.
c.1300 (MS)
Dean: 503

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First miracle in Miracles of the Virgin (not included in Mir N-D) (BL, Royal 20 B.XIV)
IN: Eugen Wolter, Der Judenknabe: 5 griechische, 14 lateinische und 8 französische Texte, Bibliotheca Normannica 2, Halle, 1879, pp. 115-22.
c.1240; c.1300 (MS)
DEAF: Juitel
Dean: 559
Details: Critical edition with original MS readings in the footnotes.
Notes: Replaces adgar1 pp. 20-27.

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Le petit sermon, a.k.a. Poem on the Day of Judgement (Cambridge, St. John’s College E.8)
Henry J. Chaytor, ‘Poem on the Day of Judgement’, in Cambridge Anglo-Norman Texts, Cambridge, 1924, pp. 27-33.
s.xiii1; xiiim (MS)
DEAF: JourJugAmurC
Dean: 636
Notes: For variant MSS, see boz Seven Poems (I) and Am Dieu.

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The Book of Judges
See Bible hackett.

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Judges ANB

Book of Judges in the Anglo-Norman Bible (BL, Royal 1.C.iii, 162r-183r)
Brent A. Pitts, The Anglo-Norman Bible’s Book of Judges (A Critical Edition BL Royal 1 C III), Textes vernaculaires du moyen âge, 30, Turnhout, 2022.
s.xiv1; xivm (MS)
Dean: 469
Details: Based on BL, Royal 1.C.III (i.e. MS ‘L’), with selected variant passages from Paris, BN, français 1 (i.e. MS ‘P’, c.1350) (pp. 129-34).
Notes: See also Bible Royal and Bible hackett (MSS ‘A’ and ‘D’).

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Judges Templars

Two fragment of an A-N prose translation of Judges (20:23-21:7), probably made for two London Templars
Gerald A. Bertin and Alfred Foulet, ‘The book of Judges in Old French prose: The Gardener A. Sage Library fragment’, Romania 90 (1969), 121-31.
1160-70; c.1200 (MS)
DEAF: JugesB
Dean: 444.1
Details: New Bunswick (N.J.), Theological Seminary, Gardner A. Sage Library, s.n.; MS ‘F’.
Notes: Provides a parallel edition with Continental versions (not used in the AND).

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Justice and Grace

Four A-N documents from Ancient Petitions (The National Archives SC 8)
IN: Gwilym Dodd, Justice and Grace. Private Petitioning and the English Parliament in the Late Middle Ages, Oxford, 2007, pp. 335-37.
Dean: —
Details: TNA SC 8/144/7185 (?1278-83)
TNA SC 8/88/4358 (?1320)
TNA SC 8/148/7364 (1376)
TNA SC 8/198/9880 (?c.1413-1440).

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