Bibliography of Anglo-Norman Primary Sources
An annotated bibliography, organized alphabetically per AND siglum/abbreviation, of all known Anglo-Norman primary sources available to the AND. Press on a letter to view the sources beginning with the letter.
References are given to Ruth J. Dean and Maureen B.M Boulton, Anglo-Norman Literature: A Guide to Texts and Manuscripts, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 3, London, 1999, and links to the DEAF open on the Complément bibliographique of the Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français website.
Fables eude
French version of the Parabolae of Odo of Cheriton
Pierre Ruelle, Recueil général des Isopets, Tome 4: Les ‘Fables’ d’Eude de Cheriton, SATF, Paris, 1999.
s.xiii2; xiii4/4 (MS)
Dean: 641
Notes: While the sole witness is Norman, the origin of this text may have been in England. The language retains Anglo-Norman features.
Collected fabliaux in Anglo-Norman
Ian Short and Roy Pearcy, Eighteen Anglo-Norman Fabliaux, ANTS Plain Texts Series 14, London, 2000.
(I) D’un vilein e de sa femme by Marie de France (p. 7); see marie Fables 192-94.
(II) D’un autre vilein e de sa femme by Marie de France (pp. 7-8); see marie Fables 194-98.
(III) D’un vilein e de sa femme cuntrariuse by Marie de France (p. 8); see marie Fables 342-44.
(IV) D’un riche humme e de sa fille by Marie de France (p. 9); see marie Fables 186-88.
(V) De un prodoume e de sa male feme, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86 (p. 9); see Chastoiement Pere1 (MS ‘D’).
(VI) De l’engin de femme, del velous, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86 (p. 10); see Chastoiement Pere1 (MS ‘D’).
(VII) De l’espee, autre engin de femme, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86 (pp. 10-11); see Chastoiement Pere1 (MS ‘D’).
(VIII) De une veille et de une lisette, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86 (pp. 11-12); see Chastoiement Pere1 (MS ‘D’).
(IX) De la gile de la pere el puiz, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86 (pp. 13-14); see Chastoiement Pere1 (MS ‘D’).
(X) De .ii. menestreus, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86 (pp. 14-15); see Chastoiement Pere1 (MS ‘D’).
(XI) Le cuvier, BL, Harley 527 (p. 15); see Chastoiement Pere2 146-47 and Cuvier.
(XII) Le chevalier e la corbeille; BL, Harley 2253; c.1335 (MS) (pp. 15-18); Dean: 186; see also Harley Complete (XXX).
(XIII) Un chevaler e sa dame e un clerk; Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 50; s.xiii2/3; xiii4/4 (MS) (pp. 18-25); DEAF: ChevDameClercM; Dean: 189; for a previous edition, see Rom 1.
(XIV) Le chyvaler qe sout fere le coun parler by Gwaryn; BL, Harley 2253; c.1335 (MS) (pp. 25-28); Dean: 188; see also Harley Complete (XXXIV).
(XV) Les trois dames qui troverent un vit; BL, Harley 2253; c.1335 (MS) (pp. 28-29); Dean: 185; see also Harley Complete (XXIV).
(XVI) La gageure; BL, Harley 2253; c.1335 (MS) (pp. 30-31); DEAF: GageureN; Dean: 187; see also Harley Complete (XXXII).
(XVII) see Fille mal gardee.
(XVIII) Les quatre souhés Saint Martin; Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86; 1272-82 (MS) (pp. 33-35); Dean: 192; for excerpts, see also Digby (XXVIII).
DEAF: ShortPearcyFabl
Family Names
Reference work on family names of the UK, covering English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Cornish and immigrant surnames
Patrick Hanks, Richard Coates and Peter McClure, The Oxford Dictionary of Family Names in Britain and Ireland, Oxford, 2016.
Dean: —
Chronicle of the Scottish wars of 1173-74, by Jordan Fantosme (Durham, Cathedral Library, C.IV.27)
IN: Richard Howlett, Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard II, vol. 3, Rolls Series 82.3, London, 1886, pp. 202-337.
1174-75; s.xiiex (MS)
DEAF: FantosmeH
Dean: 55
Details: Replaced in AND1 from D onwards and in AND2 with fant oup.
Chronicle of the Scottish wars of 1173-74, by Jordan Fantosme
Ronald C. Johnston, Jordan Fantosme’s ‘Chronicle’, Edited with Introduction, Translation and Notes, Oxford, 1981.
1174-75; s.xiiex (MS)
DEAF: FantosmeJ
Dean: 55
Details: Based on Durham, Cathedral Library, C.IV.27, with variants from Lincoln, Cathedral Library, 104 (s.xiiiex).
Instruction in falconry in a versified dialogue (BL, Harley 978)
Gunnar Tilander, ‘Fragment d’un traité anglo-normand de fauconnerie en vers’, Studier i modern Språkvetenskap 15 (1943), 26-44.
s.xiii3/3 (text and MS)
Dean: 402
Notes: see also Rom 15 (Ff.6.13) (I)
Feast Menus
Three menus, written out on the last verso of a legal MS (Bibliotheca Schoenbergiensis 61)
Lisa Jefferson, ‘Neville, Babthorpe and the Serjeants: Three Fifteenth-Century Feast menus’, Oxoniensia 63 (1998), 241-49.
1427-28; s.xv (MS)
Dean: —
Notes: AND1 used Lisa Jefferson’s unpublished transcription of this text as Bibl Schoen.
Femina, a.k.a. Femina Nova (Cambridge, Trinity College B.14.40)
William A. Wright, Femina, Roxburghe Club 152, Cambridge, 1909.
s.xvin; xv1 (MS)
Dean: 286
Notes: This text consists of an abridged and inaccurate copy of bibb ants, followed by some further material from Urbain le Courtois (see Courtoisie (I) and (II) and Urb Court) and boz Prov.
Replaced in AND2 by Fem2.
Femina, a.k.a. Femina Nova (Cambridge, Trinity College B.14.40)
William Rothwell, Femina (Trinity College, Cambridge MS B.14.40), Edited with an Introduction and Notes, Anglo-Norman On-Line Hub, Swansea and Aberystwyth, 2005.
s.xvin; xv1 (MS)
Dean: 286
Notes: This text consists of an abridged and inaccurate copy of bibb ants, followed by some further material from Urbain le Courtois (see Courtoisie (I) and (II) and Urb Court) and boz Prov.
For excerpts, see also Rom 32 (B.14.39-40) (XI).
Female Religious
Ditiét, a.k.a. The Vocation of a Nun (BL, Egerton 613)
Tony Hunt, ‘An Anglo-Norman Treatise on Female Religious’, Medium Ævum 64 (1995), 205-31.
s.xiii1 (text and MS)
DEAF: DitiétDameH
Dean: 620
Femme enc
Le Miracle de la femme enceinte retirée de la mer (BL, Royal 20.B.XIV)
Appendix to Hilding Kjellman, Une version anglo-normande inédite du ‘Miracle de saint Théophile’, Studier i Modern Språkvetenskap 5, Uppsala, 1914.
c.1240; c.1300 (MS)
DEAF: MirAgn2FemK
Dean: 559
Notes: Third miracle in Miracles of the Virgin (omitted in Mir N-D).
Fet assaver
A-N Law tracts
George E. Woodbine, Four Thirteenth-Century Law Tracts, New Haven, 1910.
(I) (Summa) fet assaver, probably by Ralph of Hengham, c.1265 (pp. 53-115); DEAF: TrJurFetW.
(II) Exceptiones ad cassandum brevia, c.1290 (pp. 163-83); DEAF: TrJurExceptW.
Dean: —
Notes: The other two tracts are in Latin.
W. von Wartburg, Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch, Bonn Leipzig and Basel, 1922- .
Fierabras (BL, Egerton 3028)
IN: Louis Brandin, ‘La Destruction de Rome et Fierabras: MS Egerton 3028, Musée Britannique, Londres’, Romania 64 (1938), 18-100 (pp. 55-100).
c.1340 (MS)
Dean: 82.2
Notes: A-N redaction of a Continental text. Corrections in Marc Le Person, Fierabras: Chanson de geste du XIIe siècle, Paris, 2003, pp. 66-70.
Fifteen Joys BVM
Fifteen Joys of the Virgin, perhaps by Martin of Bury St. Edmunds (BL, Royal 11 B.III)
Josef Priebsch, ‘Zwei altfranzösische Mariengebete I’, Modern Language Review 4 (1908-09), 70-80 (esp. pp. 73-78).
s.xivin (MS)
Dean: 764
Fille mal gardee
Le heron (Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme), Archives départ., F.2)
Paul Meyer, ‘Le Fableau du Héron ou La Fille mal gardee’, Romania 26 (1897), 85-91.
s.xiiiex (text and MS)
DEAF: HeronM
Dean: 191
Notes: Also printed in Fabliaux (XVII).
Some A-N among Latin documents
T. F. Tout, ‘Firearms in England in the Fourteenth Century’, English Historical Review 26 (1911), 666-702.
Dean: —
Fitzwilliam Capt
A-N captions to two series of illustrations, depicting Old Testament history and Miracles of BVM (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, 48)
IN: M. R. James, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 1895, pp. 101-20.
Dean: 464
Five Med MSS
A-N medical texts
Elizabeth Anne Valentine, An Edition of the Anglo-Norman Content of Five Medical Manuscripts of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, 2 vols, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Exeter, 1990.
(I) (MS 'C') Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 388; includes versions of the Lettre d’Hippocrate and Sampson’s Secreta Medicine; c.1325 (MS) (pp. 26-54); DEAF: RecMédCCV; Dean: 408; 412; published more recently (but incompletely) in Receptaria (II); excerpts discussed in Medical Codeswitching.
(II) (MS 'W') London, Wellcome Institute, WMS 544; s.xiv (MS) (pp. 58-66); DEAF: RecMédCyrV; RecMédGarryV; Dean: 439; see also Med Recs 199-221 (for additional material from the central part of this MS) and 221-28 (for the same material as pp. 62-66 (W33-W108), see also Medical Codeswitching.
(III) (MS 'T') London, BL, Sloane 3564; a collection of medical recipes and charms; c.1400 (MS) (pp. 69-75); DEAF: RecMédBonezV; Dean: —.
(IV) (MS 'S') London, BL, Sloane 962; s.xv (MS) (pp. 79-111); DEAF: RecMédArdezV; Dean: 439.
(V) (MS 'E') Exeter, Cathedral Library 3519; includes versions of the Lettre d’Hippocrate; s.xv (MS) (pp. 117-79); DEAF: RecMédGreceV; Dean: 406; AND1 refers to this text as Med Pres5;
for excerpts of a different MS, see Rom 32 (O.1.20) (IIIb) and (V).
A-N medical prayer ‘pur le fivire’ (Stockholm, Royal Library, X.90)
IN: George Stephens, ‘Extracts in Prose and Verse from an Old English Medical Manuscript Preserved in the Royal Library at Stockholm’, Archaeologia 30 (1844), 349-418 (p. 403).
s.xv? (MS)
Dean: 440
Flemish complaint
Excerpt from an A-N document from The National Archives (E30/1281)
Stephen P. Pistono, ‘Flanders and the Hundred Years War: The Quest for the Trêve Marchande’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 49 (1976), 185-97 (p. 190).
Dean: —
Floire et Blancheflor, a continental composition, a fragmentary copy of which is extant in one A-N MS (Vatican City, Bibl. Apost. Vatic., Palat. lat. 1971, i.e. MS ‘V’)
IN: Margaret M. Pelan, Floire et Blancheflor, Publications de la Faculté des Lettres de l’Université de Strasbourg, Textes d’Étude 7, Paris, 1937, Appendix pp. 181-217.
s.xii4/4 (MS)
DEAF: FloreaA; FloreV
Dean: 164
Notes: In Pelan’s second edition, MS ‘V’ has been incorporated in the critical apparatus, using the different line-numbering of Paris, BN, franç. 1447 (a continental MS).
Floire ants
Floire et Blancheflor, a continental composition, a fragmentary copy of which is extant in one A-N MS (Vatican City, Bibl. Apost. Vatic., Palat. lat. 1971, i.e. MS ‘V’)
Ian Short, Floire et Blancheflur (Vatican Fragment), Anglo-Norman Text Society, Plain Texts Series 22, Oxford, 2020.
s.xii4/4 (MS)
DEAF: FloreV
Dean: 164
Thomas Rymer and Robert Sanderson, Fœdera, conventiones, litterae, et cujuscunque generis acta publica inter reges Angliae et alios quosvis imperatores, reges, pontifices, principes, vel communitates, 7 vols, London, 1816-69, vols 1-4.
(i) 1256-1307; (ii) 1307-1343; (iii) 1344-77; (iv) 1377-83
DEAF: FoederaC
Dean: —
Details: Fourth and incomplete edition by Adam Clarke, John Caley and Frederick Holbrooke; publication was suspended in 1830, bringing the work to 1383.
Notes: Previously Foedera.
Contains Latin, A-N and M.E. documents.
Thomas Rymer and Robert Sanderson, Fœdera, conventiones, litterae, et cujuscunque generis acta publica inter reges Angliae et alios quosvis imperatores, reges, pontifices, principes, vel communitates, Third edition by John Neaulme, 10 vols, The Hague, 1737-45, vols 1-5.
(i and ii) 1256-1359; (iii) 1360-1400; (iv) 1401-32; (v) 1432-78
DEAF: FoederaR3
Dean: —
Details: Third edition with corrections and additional material. Also includes material later than 1383.
Fol Trist
La folie Tristan d’Oxford (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce d.6)
Joseph Bédier, Les deux Poèmes de la Folie Tristan, SATF, Paris, 1907.
s.xiiex; xiii3/3 (MS)
DEAF: FolTristOxfB
Dean: 159
Notes: Replaced in AND2 with Fol Trist ants.
Fol Trist ANTS
La folie Tristan d’Oxford (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce d.6)
Ian Short, The Anglo-Norman ‘Folie Tristan’, ANTS Plain Texts Series 10, London, 1993.
s.xiiex; xiii3/3 (MS)
DEAF: FolTristOxfS
Dean: 159
Notes: For a Modern English translation, see Judith Weiss, The Birth of Romance in England: The ‘Romance of Horn’, the ‘Folie Tristan’, the ‘Lai of Haveloc’, and ‘Amis and Amilun’, Four Twelfth-Century Romances in the French of England, The French of England Translation Series 4, Tempe, 2009, 139-153.
Folie Trist Berne
Fragment of La folie Tristan de Berne (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, 302)
Ruth J. Dean and Elspeth Kennedy, ‘Un fragment anglo-normand de la Folie Tristan de Berne’, Le Moyen Age 79 (1973), 57-72.
s.xiiiex (MS)
DEAF: FolTristBernCD
Dean: 160
Notes: Sixty-one line fragment of an A-N copy of a Continental text.
Proverbial Follies
Tony Hunt, ‘The Anglo-Norman ‘Folies’ Poems’, Pluteus 3 (1985), 14-32 (esp. pp. 24-31).
Dean: 266
Details: Parallel edition of nine versions of this poem.
Group A consists of BL, Harley 4657 (i.e. MS ‘H’, s.xiv1 (MS)); Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 450 (i.e. MS ‘ C’, s.xiv (MS)); Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Pluteus XVIII dextr. 7 (i.e. MS ‘F’, s.xiii (MS)); Cambridge, University Library, Gg 1.1 (i.e. MS ‘Ga’, s.xiii (MS)); Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 408 (i.e. MS ‘G’, s.xiii (MS)); and BL, Harley 957 (i.e. MS ‘Ha’, s.xiv (MS)).
Group B consists of Cambridge, University Library, Hh.3.11 (i.e. MS ‘U’, s.xiv1 (MS)); and Oxford, Bodleian Library, Selden Supra 74 (i.e. MS ‘O’, s.xiii2 (MS)).
Group C consists of BL Arundel 507 (i.e. MS ‘A’, s.xiv (MS)).
In addition, Appendix A (p. 31) provides an edition of excerpts from Les Enseignements Trebor, which reproduces Trebor1, and Appendix B (p. 32) of proverbial verses found in Cambridge, University Library Gg.1.1 (Dean: 270); see also Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (II).
For excerpts from MS 'Ga', see Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (XLIII).
Foreign Accounts
A-N documents from the Exchequer Memoranda Rolls: King’s Remembrancer
Dorothy M. Broome, ‘Auditors of the Foreign Accounts of the Exchequer 1310-27’, English Historical Review 38 (1923), 63-71 and 39 (1924), 482.
1326 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Forest Pleas
A-N grievances against the Charter of the Forest
IN: George J. Turner, Select Pleas of the Forest, Selden Society 13, London, 1901, pp. 125-28.
Dean: —
Notes: One A-N text in a collection of Latin documents.
A-N material on pp. cxiv and cxv are, respectively, from YBB 21-22 Ed I and twiti2.
Forfeitures Agincourt
A-N material in inventories
C. L. Kingsford, ‘Two Forfeitures in the Year of Agincourt’, Archaeologia 70 (1918-20), 71-100.
Dean: —
Notes: Also contains Latin material.
A-N documents
H. G. Richardson and G. O. Sayles, 'Parliamentary Documents from Formularies', Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 11 (1933-34), 147-62 (pp. 154-60).
Dean: —
Fouke le fitz Waryn (BL, Royal 12 C.XII)
Louis Brandin, Fouke Fitz Warin, Roman du XIVe siècle, CFMA 63, Paris, 1930.
s.xivin; 1312-40 (MS)
DEAF: FoukeB
Dean: 156
Details: Replaced in AND1 from D onwards and in AND2 with Fouke ants.
Fouke ANTS
Fouke le fitz Waryn (BL, Royal 12 C.XII)
Ernest J. Hathaway, Peter T. Ricketts, Charles A. Robson and A. D. Wilshere, Fouke le fitz Waryn, ANTS 26-28, Oxford, 1975.
s.xivin; 1312-40 (MS)
DEAF: FoukeH
Dean: 156
Notes: A-N prose redaction of a late-thirteenth-century octosyllabic French romance.
For the prologue, see Vernac Lit (XXXI).
Four Daughters
The Four Daughters of God
Tony Hunt, ‘The Four Daughters of God: A Textual Contribution’, Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge 48 (1981), 287-316.
s.xiiiin; xiiiex (base MS)
DEAF: QuatreFilles6H
Dean: 685
Details: Based on Cambridge, University Library Mm.6.4 (i.e. MS ‘K’), with variants from BL, Arundel 292 (i.e. MS ‘A’, s.xiiim); BL, Harley 1801 (i.e. MS ‘H’, s. xiiiex); BL, Add. 45103 (i.e. MS ‘Ad’, s.xiii4/4); and Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 50 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiii4/4).
Fr Voc
A Latin and A-N Nominale followed by a Maniere de langage from a fifteenth-century book in private possession of Prof. A. W. B. Simpson
J. H. Baker, ‘A French Vocabulary and Conversation-Guide in a Fifteenth-Century Legal Notebook’, Medium Ævum 58 (1989), 79-102.
s.xvm (MS)
Dean: —
Notes: In AND1 Baker’s as yet unpublished transcription is incorporated for the letters P-S, using the siglum Nom & Manere.
French Bible
A-N document from The National Archives, Ancient Petitions 5794
R. L. Atkinson, 'A French Bible in England about the Year 1322', English Historical Review 38 (1923), 248-49.
Dean: —
La diffinision de amurs, a.k.a. Rules of Friendship
Tony Hunt, ‘Anglo-Norman Rules of Friendship’, French Studies Bulletin, 30 (Spring 1989), 9-11.
s.xiii (?); xivin (base MS)
Dean: 246
Details: Based on BL, Harley 273, with selected variants from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86 (i.e. MS ‘D’, 1272-82) and Warminster, Longleat House, Marquess of Bath’s Library, 26 (i.e. MS ‘L’, s.xiv2/4).
Notes: For a separate edition of MS ‘D’, see Digby (LXXVIII).
AND1 uses the siglum Friendship to refer to Tony Hunt’s (at that time) unpublished transcription of the text in Harley 273 and Friendship2 to refer to the above edition.
FSB 49
A-N document about Philippa of Hainault
David A. Trotter, ‘Walter of Stapeldon and the pre-marital inspection of Philippa of Hainault’, French Studies Bulletin, 49 (Winter 1993), 1-4
Dean: —
Notes: Reproduces stapeldon 169.
Anglo-Norman prediction texts
Tony Hunt, Writing the Future: Prognostic Texts of Medieval England, Textes littéraires du Moyen Âge 24, Paris, 2013
(I) Songerie, Oxford, Bodl. Library, Digby 86; 1272-82 (MS) (pp. 37-48); DEAF: LunaireDigbyH; Dean: 367; replaces Pronostics (III) and (VII) and Digby (XII).
(II) Songerie, New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library 395,182ra-83rb; s.xiii2 (MS) (pp. 49-55); DEAF: LunaireCh2H; Dean: 367.
(III) Songerie, New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library 395, 180ra-81vb; s.xiii2 (MS) (pp. 56-63); DEAF: LunaireCh1H; Dean: 367; replaces Pronostics (X).
(IV) Signs of the Zodiac, Cambridge, Trinity College, O.2.5; s.xivm (MS) (p. 67); DEAF: —; Dean: 364.
(V) Lunary, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmole 342; s.xiv1 (MS) (pp. 68-70); DEAF: LunaireAshmH; Dean: —.
(VI) Lunarie de Salemon, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson Poetry 241; s.xiv1/4 (MS) (pp. 85-109); DEAF: LunaireSal1OH; Dean: 366; continental redaction of an Anglo-Norman text, preserved in an Anglo-Norman manuscript; replaces Pronostics (IX), for a variant MS, see Calendar (II).
(VII) Lunarie de Salemon, Cambridge, Trinity College O.5.32; s.xivm-2 (pp. 110-22); DEAF: —; Dean: 366; replaces Pronostics (VI) and Rom 32 (O.5.32) (III), for a variant MS, see Calendar (II).
(VIII) Les Tables de la Lune, BL, Addit. 15236; s.xiv1 (MS) (pp. 132-49); DEAF: PrognZodLuneH; Dean: 362; replaces Pronostics (I).
(IX) Les Tables de la Lune, BL, Cotton Cleopatra B.IX; s.xiii2 (MS) (pp. 149-51); DEAF: —; Dean: 362; replaces Tables Lune.
(X) Zodiac Predictions; s.xiv1 (MS) (pp. 152-65); DEAF: PrognZodH; Dean: 376; replaces Zodiac.
(XI) Constellationes Probate; s.xivm (MS) (pp. 178-86); DEAF: PrognZodConstellH; Dean: 363.
(XII) Signs of the Zodiac, Cambridge, Trinity College, O.2.5; s.xivm (MS) (p. 187); DEAF: PrognZodBiblH; Dean: 364; repeats (IV).
(XIII) Days of the week and birth predictions, Cambridge, Trinity College, O.2.5; s.xivm (MS) (pp. 196-97); DEAF: —; Dean: 374.
(XIV) Months of the year and birth predictions, Cambridge, Trinity College, O.2.5 (s.xivm) with variants from Cambridge, University Library, Gg. 1.1 (s.xiv1) (pp. 198-204); Dean: 374; replaces Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (XXX) and Rom 32 (O.2.5) (VI).
(XV) Predictions according to Christmas, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86; 1272-82 (MS) (pp. 207-09); Dean: 370; replaces Pronostics (VIII) and Digby (XI).
(XVI) Predictions according to Christmas, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmole 342; s.xiv1 (MS) (pp. 211-12); Dean: —; replaces Pronostics (II).
(XVII) Predictions according to Christmas, Oxford, Corpus Christi College, 59; s.xiiiex (MS) (pp. 212-15); Dean: 369; for a variants MS, see Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (XXIII).
(XVIII) Predictions according to Christmas, New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library, 395; s.xiii2 (MS) (pp. 216-17); Dean: 370.
(XIX) Predictions according to Christmas, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmole 342; s.xiv1 (MS) (pp. 216-17); Dean: —.
(XX) Perilous Days, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86; 1272-82 (MS) (pp. 232-33); Dean: 379; replaces Digby (XVIII).
(XXI) Perilous Days, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson C.814; s.xiv (MS) (p. 234); Dean: —; replaces Pronostics (V).
(XXII) Perilous Days, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson C.939; s.xiii (MS) (pp. 238-39); Dean: —; replaces Pronostics (IV).
(XXIII) Perilous Days, BL, Sloane 3550; c.1300 (MS) (p. 239); Dean: 379.
(XXIV) Perilous Days, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 9; s.xv (MS) (pp. 239-40); Dean: 379.
(XXV) Perilous Days, New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library, 395; s.xiii2 (MS) (pp. 240-41); Dean: 379.
(XXVI) Medical Predictions, New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library, 395; s.xiii2 (MS) (pp. 244-46); Dean: 38.
(XXVII) Interpretation of Dreams, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86; 1272-82 (MS) (pp. 256-57); Dean: 385; replaces Pronostics (XII) and Digby (XIII); use Mantic Alphabets.
(XXVIII) Interpretation of Dreams, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 405; s.xiv1/4 (MS) (pp. 257-58); Dean: 385; replaces Mantic Alphabets (I).
(XXIX) Pronosticon, BL, Addit. 15236 (c.1300 (MS)), with variants and additional material from Cambridge, Trinity College, O.5.32 (s.xivm-2 (MS)) (pp. 373-80); Dean: 223.
(XXX) The Sphere of Pythagoras, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Fairfax 27; s.xiv2/4 (MS) (pp. 287-88); Dean: 438.
(XXXI) Geomancy, based on Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 104 and Cambridge, Trinity College, O.2.5; s.xivm (MSS) (pp. 297-314); DEAF: GeomancieGravelH; Dean: 382; see also Nouvelles Choses (VI); Pronostics (XV) and Rom 32 (O.2.5) (I).
(XXXII) Geomancy, BL, Addit. 18210; s.xiii2 (MS) (pp. 315- 32); DEAF: GeomancieSignesH; Dean: 382.
s.xiii-xv (MSS)
DEAF: HuntProgn
Notes: Also contains some Latin and M.E. material and a very small amount of Continental French (pp. 84-85).