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  • aluchier v.trans.

    Semantic labels: agricultural
    Usage labels: prov.


    to cultivate
    prov.: (1171-74) Qui malvais arbre aluche, malvais fruit deit mangier (=as ye sow, so shall ye reap) 4820

  • anguille s.

    Semantic labels: ich., zool.
    Usage labels: prov.


    to hold an eel by the tail, i.e. not to have a proper hold on something
    prov.: (s.xiiiin) Ki de mun (=woman’s) semblant mult se lue, Cil tent l’anguille dreit par la cue 1374

  • aver 2 v.trans. v.intrans. v.refl. v.impers. as gerund p.p.

    Semantic labels: costume, emotion, finan., law, mil., time
    Usage labels: euph., exclam., fig., local, modal, prov., temporal


    (nominalized second person plural) 'you will have' (as part of the proverb: One 'hold' is worth more than two 'you will haves', or a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush)
    prov.: (c.1185) Meuz vaut un 'tien' que deus 'avraz' 1092

  • bacon s.

    Semantic labels: culin.
    Usage labels: fig., name, prov.


    flitch of bacon
    prov.: (s.xii4/4) (prov.) Ja n’iert trové bacon en lit de guaignon 239
    prov.: (c.1300) De chescun bacoun menee par miere ou par terre ii 2
    prov.: (1309) Treis centz quarters de feves e de pois, Deus centz bacons i 70

    to win the flitch (for living for a year and a day in complete marital harmony)
    prov.: (1260-70) (If there is marital strife) Meus vaudreint descuplé (=separated) , Car il ne paient Dampne Dé. Pur ceo, poi de gent a custum Lealment gaynent le bacon 2410

  • bargainer v.trans. v.intrans. sbst. inf.

    Semantic labels: finan., law, merch.
    Usage labels: prov.


    to bargain, haggle
    prov.: (s.xii4/4) (prov.) Fol marchant folement bargaigne 13.363
    prov.: (1280-1307) Le eveske de W. issi barganayt , Ki le ray R. pur argent ly feffait De deus bons maners ii 30

  • baston s.

    Semantic labels: cosmet., decor., domestic, eccl., herald., implement, law, livestock, mil., occupation, status, title, weapons
    Usage labels: fig., name, prov.


    to be hoist with one’s own petard
    prov.: (1212) ja miez ne me poet vengier De soi li envious felon Qe soi tuer de son baston 220

  • bel a. adv. s.

    Semantic labels: kinship, law, meteo.
    Usage labels: iron., name, politeness, prov.


    to do well, be helpful (to)
    prov.: (c.1165) Bele la me fai, bele la te ferai (‘scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours’) 213.87

  • blanc a. s.

    Semantic labels: anat., archit., astron., beverage, bot., chess, colour, condim., culin., curr., eccl., finan., fruit, games, herald., ich., med., metal, meteo., monastic, oenol., pharm., status, toponym, trees, zool.
    Usage labels: name, prov.


    to change things round
    prov.: (1160-74) S’il veent Richart auques de grant espoir Et la force le roi veissent dechaoir, Tost l’avroient torné et mis du blanc el noir i 106.2766

  • boef s.

    Semantic labels: bot., culin., herald., ich., livestock, mammals, zool.
    Usage labels: name, prov.


    God’s gifts have their drawbacks
    prov.: (s.xiiiin) Or me dirrez cum ciw u borne: Issi me dune Deu boef par la corne 910

  • bosoigne 1 s.

    Semantic labels: law, mil.
    Usage labels: euph., prov.


    necessity knows no law, needs must
    prov.: (1212) Mais veirement besoing n’a loi 8859

    a friend in need is a friend indeed
    prov.: (s.xii3/4) Amis al besoing se descuevre 13

  • busson s.

    Semantic labels: bot., geog., trees
    Usage labels: prov.


    (= 'Half a loaf is better than no bread')
    prov.: (s.xii4/4) Desoz petit boisson abri atent l’em 12.333

  • chef 1 s. a.

    Semantic labels: agricultural, anat., bot., geog., herald., law, med., mil., status, textile, title, weapons
    Usage labels: exclam., fig., prov., temporal


    to put the cart before the horse
    prov.: (s.xiiiin) Unc n’oi mes hoem si comencer Ki de la cue feist le chef 301
    prov.: (c.1270) […] kar ici (=thus) freit il del chief la cuwe 266.c9

  • coillour s.

    Semantic labels: occupation, sports, tax
    Usage labels: name, prov.


    one who catches a ball
    prov.: (s.xiv1/3) A bon coelleur vient sovent la pelote 423.10

  • covenant s.

    Semantic labels: emotion, games, law
    Usage labels: prov.


    a promise is sacred
    prov.: (c.1240) Cil respunt: ‘Covenant veint lei, Kant fere covent, jeo le otrei’ 29.73
    prov.: (1311) covenaunt lei enfreynt Ed II x 179

  • deinté s.

    Semantic labels: culin., emotion
    Usage labels: prov.


    plenty is no dainty
    prov.: (1354) en grante deyntee le deveroit hom tenir, car hom dist qe plenté n’est pas deynté 133

  • essaim s.

    Semantic labels: insects, zool.
    Usage labels: prov.


    swarm (of bees)
    prov.: (s.xii4/4) De bone rusche bon essaim 9.201

  • esveiller v.trans. v.intrans. v.refl. p.p. as a.

    Usage labels: fig., prov.


    to let sleeping dogs lie
    prov.: (s.xii1/3) nous ne vouldrons esveiller le chien que dort 64.80

  • faillir v.trans. v.intrans. v.refl. v.impers. as a. as s. p.p. as a. p.p. as s. sbst. inf.

    Semantic labels: agricultural, finan., law, livestock, meteo.
    Usage labels: also_fig., prov.


    to slip between one's fingers (?)
    prov.: (1267) Dunt c'est pitié e grant dolur, Ke si ordeinent lur amur Ke, mes ke l'en chante utre eus la saume, Deu lur faudra enmi la paume 7724
    prov.: (1267) Mes le siecle si est tut lur saume Dunt chantent, ki faudra enmi la paume 12708

  • faucon s.

    Semantic labels: decor., falc., herald., mil., orn., weapons, zool.
    Usage labels: name, prov.


    very quickly, suddenly
    prov.: (1280-1307) Ly roys Edward l'oÿt dire, se atyre vistement Aprocher a la dame cum falcoun a vent 400.1868

  • faus 1 a. s.

    Semantic labels: herald., heresy, lang., law, med., theol., unit, weight, zool.
    Usage labels: prov.


    it is worthless
    prov.: (1267) Jo vus cum ma femme tendrai Geske une plus riche aver purai: Teu manere d'espusaile Ne vaut mie une fause maile 11552

  • ferir v.trans. v.intrans. v.refl. as a. p.p. as a. sbst. inf.

    Semantic labels: curr., emotion, equit., finan., law, med., meteo., mil., music, pathol., ship.
    Usage labels: fig., prov.


    those who live by the sword shall die by the sword
    prov.: (1415-17) Cil quy coveite a fereire ovesque le espeie, par le espeie il serra feru (D) 25.307

    one who cannot see will stumble
    prov.: (1212) Danz Piere, einsi fiert qui ne veit 18846
    prov.: (c.1235) Cist se fert ki ne veit 1315

  • festu 1 s.

    Usage labels: fig., prov.


    to see the mote in one’s neighbour’s eye (but not the beam in one’s own)
    prov.: (s.xiii2/4) Ke deit ke tu veis la festue En l’oil a tun frere [...]? 128vb23
    prov.: (1323-25) Mais il est veir dit (qe multz des gentz scievent) mielz voir un festu en l’oil d’un autre qe un baston travers lor oilz demeisne 74

  • fil 1 s.

    Semantic labels: geog., jewel., metal, textile
    Usage labels: fig., prov.


    to be tongue-tied, not very talkative
    prov.: (c.1360-79) Et s’il voit l’autry vilainye, Tout coy se tient, n’en parle mye, N’ad pas la langue au fil pendant 12780

  • force 2 s. sg. and pl.

    Semantic labels: implement, med.
    Usage labels: prov.


    needs must when the devil drives
    prov.: (s.xiii1/3) Sovent ad esté reprové, Ço dient, que force pest le pré 284
    prov.: (c.1240) Ke volez vus, force pest le pré; Baudwin en fu desbaraté, Ke le champ gwerpi a grant meschef 233.41
    prov.: (1280-1307) Mais tut enviz se rendent, car “force paist le pré”, Ceo dit hom en proverbe de veille antiquité 302.879

  • frestel s.

    Semantic labels: music
    Usage labels: fig., prov.


    to wet the whistle, have a drink
    prov.: (c.1360-79) Forsq'au matin primer s'adresce A la taverne, et se professe Tout droit au bout de la tonelle [...] ainçois moille sa frestelle 8132

  • gorge 1 s.

    Semantic labels: anat., fishing, human, zool.
    Usage labels: prov.


    to lie in one's teeth
    prov.: (1396) Tu mens fausement parmy la gorge. Je sçai bien que tu y fus 19.14

  • margarite s.

    Semantic labels: bot., lapid.
    Usage labels: prov.


    to cast one’s pearls before the swine
    prov.: (c.1200) Ne donez pas la seinte chose as chiens, ne les margarites as pors 47.201

  • margerie s.

    Semantic labels: lapid.
    Usage labels: prov.


    to cast pearls before swine
    prov.: (c.1136-65) Ne volt geter les margeries Entre porcs, cleres e polies, Ne doner as chiens saintuaire K'il heent e unt a contraire 7625

  • molin s.

    Semantic labels: archit., horses, implement, toponym, zool.
    Usage labels: prov.


    to be led to water but refuse to drink
    prov.: (c.1136-65) par desdeing murir se laisse. De cels est dunc, si cum jeo crei, Ki al mulin muerent de sei 8

  • noef 2 a. adv.

    Semantic labels: Bibl.
    Usage labels: prov.


    to worsen a situation
    prov.: (1280-1307) Venuz sunt au roys de sa pees prier, Ly roys sur la demaunde les fet ajourner; Dount durement me doute qe curtaysye de qoer Nous fra la nove sause pire du prime 413.2195

  • paille 1 s. s. pl.

    Semantic labels: agricultural, bot.
    Usage labels: fig., prov.


    to fly away like dust on the wind
    prov.: (1273-82) L'odour de li la mort travaile E l'enchace cum vent la paile 896
    prov.: (1280-1307) s'envole al vent cum fet la paylle ii 246

  • pescher 2 v.trans. v.intrans. sbst. inf.

    Semantic labels: fishing
    Usage labels: prov.


    to attempt to catch the fish before the nets are drawn, jump the gun, act prematurely
    prov.: (1305) Vous peschez avant la reye; uncore ne avient pas le temps a desclamer; attendez tant q'il viegne e donqes par resomons poez faire la partie venir cienz 33-35 Ed I 75

    to have it both ways
    prov.: (s.xiv1/3) Il pesche a deus ryves 428.26

  • pessun 1 s.

    Semantic labels: astron., culin., decor., eccl., fishing, ich., liturgical, merch., time, zool.
    Usage labels: coll., prov.


    healthy as a horse, completely healthy
    prov.: (s.xiiex) Si il les dous enfanz tuast E Amilun el sanc baignast, Si sein devendreit com pessun 1083
    prov.: (c.1230) Quant ot finé sa ureisun E mis al cors sa beneisun, Sein devint cum nul peisun 2036
    prov.: (c.1240) Tantost avereit sa garisun, Si s'en parteint sein cum pessun 239.LVII.62

  • porc s.

    Semantic labels: culin., livestock, mammals, med., pharm., zool.
    Usage labels: prov.


    to cast one’s pearls before the swine
    prov.: (1171-74) Cil qui laissent le munt e se tienent el val Bous d'or en gruing de porc sunt, e del tut jaal 2844

  • porcel 1 s.

    Semantic labels: culin., livestock, mammals, med., mil., pharm., zool.
    Usage labels: prov.


    whatever one gives to one’s children, one keeps
    prov.: (1311) Le fet voet qe Johan purchacea le terme a lui et ces heirs; et W. est heir Jon; et il ne perd mie aumoigne qe la doune a ses purcelles Ed II ix 30
    prov.: (s.xiv1/3) Il ne pert pas sa aumone qy a son porceu le doune 428.6

  • pot 1 s.

    Semantic labels: astron., condim., culin., decor., domestic, eccl., liturgical, unit, volume
    Usage labels: fig., prov.


    to reveal a secret, let the cat out of the bag
    prov.: (c.1185) Bien nus ad le pot descovert. Ore sai jo ben [...] 2358

  • pudre s.

    Semantic labels: alchem., Bibl., colour, condim., culin., med., mil., pharm., theol., weapons
    Usage labels: name, prov.


    to labour in vain
    prov.: (s.xiiiex) ki est entur de coiller ensemble bones vertuz sanz humilité i porte ausi com poudre au vent quasi pulverem in vento portat 4.1

    to deceive, fool
    prov.: (c.1185) suffrerat sufflera D s.xiv m la pudre as oilz E as jofnes e as plus veulz 2143

  • temprure s.

    Semantic labels: emotion, med., meteo., music
    Usage labels: prov.


    (to do, act) as circumstances require
    prov.: (c.1165) Solone tens temprure 208.70
    prov.: (s.xiiiin) Pur ceo dient asez bien Li proverbe ancien Que de tut est mesure E sulung tens temprure 2818
    prov.: (1212) E por tant coite al cointe mire, Einsi com l’en selt jadis dire, Si estre voelt tenu a sage E qe ne face trop damage, Qe toz jors face par mesure Segon le tens sa tempreure 7734

  • usage s.

    Semantic labels: law, occupation
    Usage labels: euph., prov.


    practice makes perfect
    prov.: (1354) homme dist qe usage fait mestier fait le mestre C s.xiv ex 78

    practice makes perfect (?)
    prov.: (s.xiiim) Le escole dais haunter Pur tai ben excercer, En arte tut seez sage; Kar exercice pur veir Te fra bon sen aveir, Cum overain fet usage sicut manus adiuvat usum 908