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timon (s.xii3/4)

timon (s.xii3/4)

temon,  temoun,  temun;  themon,  themun,  thimon;  timun,  tymon  
  FEW:  temo 13/i,167a Gdf:  timon 7,719c GdfC:  timon 10,767 TL: timon 10,309 DEAF:  timon  DMF:  timon  TLF:  timon  OED:  timon n.2  MED:  timon n.  DMLBS:  temo 3385b


1agriculturaldraughtpole, shaft by which a cart or plough is attached to the animal drawing it
( s.xii3/4; MS: s.xiv2 ) (The stars in the constellation of the Plough:) Quatre sunt come roes e troys al temon  Rom Chev ANTS 4676
( MS: s.xiii ) themones: themuns, anglice þilles  TLL ii 150.46
( MS: s.xiii2 ) temonis: (C) temoun (var. (D: s.xiii/xiv) temun;  (L: s.xiii/xiv) de timun )  TLL ii 74.155
( s.xivin; MS: 1382 ) L’apparayle pur charue: Chief et penoun [...] Trecters et temoun (M.E. Plowestryngges and tem)  Nominale 858
2ship.rudder of a ship
( 1324 ) Pro duobus lignis voc' tymon  MED timon n.
( 1392-93 ) Item pro reparacione .j. tymon per le scriuen  OED timon n.2
a dreit timon
in a straight line
( s.xiii1; MS: s.xvex ) Et de cest Ynde est devisee nostre terre a droit thimon envers Orient  Pr Jean3 301.D43


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