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parun1 (s.xiiiin)

The form parrun is a cross reference to the following entry:

parun1 (s.xiiiin)

parrun,  perone  
  FEW:  parare 7,629a Gdf:  paronne 5,785a GdfC: TL: parone 7,339 DEAF:  parun  DMF:  paronne 1  TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:  paro 2 2119c

The editor of Winchester notes the following about the use of parun and parunele in the text (p.52): “[...] the meaning of these words is very uncertain. They obviously denote parts of harness. Du Cange, s.v. paronus, which he defines as a stake, or bar, of wood, adds ‘nostris vero Paronne, Parronne et Peronne, aratri palanga tractoria, Palonneau ubi de curribus sermo est’. H. Noisy, Dictionnaire du patois normand (Caen, 1885), says: ‘Paronne s.f., collier pour les bêtes de trait. Le sens du mot a varié, Paronne s’est dit pour palennier, pièce de bois à laquelle on attache l’extrémité postérieure des traits de chevaus, attelés a une charrue, une herse etc.,’ i.e. the whipple-tree or ‘spreader’ of a plough, and the splinter-bar, or drawing-bar, of vehicles. I think we must regard as less probable the meaning of ‘collar’; it is only known in Norman, and it does not readily suggest a meaning for the diminutive, parunele. In the other meaning paronne is of wider use, and the two words may well denote the different sizes of drawing-bar used in cart and in plough harness.”



horsesequit.drawing bar on a harness
( s.xiiiin )  hoc epiphium collarium equorum et dicitur ab epy, quod est supra, et phanes, quod est apparens, quia supra apparent in collo equi et vocant gallice perones  Vernac Glosses 13.47
( MS: s.xiii2 )  epiphium: paruns  TLL i 297
( c.1275; MS: c.1275 )  chescune carecte ke porte neues seles a carectes, parruns u paruneles, cordes u trez, doit de custume .ij. d. e summe de chival .j. d.  Winchester2 40.50
( MS: s.xiii/xiv ) epifia: (D) paruns (var. (C: s.xiii) harneis )  TLL ii 134.47


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