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reisol (c.1180)

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The form resauz is a cross reference to the following entry:

reisol (c.1180)

resel  (reinsol  (ms. reisol) );
pl. resauz  
  FEW:  retiolum 10,37a Gdf:  reseuil 7,95b GdfC:  resel 10,555a TL: roisel 8,1420 DEAF:  roi 3 (roisel)  DMF:  réseul  / réseau  TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:  retiolum 2814c

As Morawski notes in Romania 50 (1924) p.511, Stengel corrects the reading in Prov Vil to rei[n]sol without explanation. This emendation is unnecessary and the added [n] unetymological.


net, snare
( c.1180; MS: s.xiii2 )  (a mouse proposes to help a lion:) pur mei aider As cordes, que ci sunt, detrencher, E as resels ki sunt tenduz Ne serez mie si retenuz  MARIE Fables 106.39
( MS: s.xii4/4 )  Ki de reisol  (ed. rei[n]sol) se covre, de lius en lius ad freit  Prov vil 6.81
( s.xiii1/4; MS: s.xiiiex )  Mes les sodaus Jhesu Crist tendent lur resauz, E pernent ces petiz gupiz  Chant Chanz 1107


See also:

This is an AND2 Phase 5 (R-S) entry. © 2018-21 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.