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stole et chesible ové lé corporas et une petite messale
Grocers 13
.iij. copes, […] un coperax, .ij. contins (l. cortins?), .ij. toualles
Test Ebor i 227
♦eccl.liturgicaltextilecorporal(-cloth), linen cloth upon which the consecrated elements are placed during the celebration of the mass:
c.1240; MS: c.1300
Kar le caliz od tut le vin Sur les corporals chet suvin
Mir N-D 122.36
c.1334; MS: s.xivm
qe nul femme ne nonaigne touchat les corporeus (var. (T: s.xiv3/4) corporalx) del autrer (var. (A: c.1375) auter) sacrez
TREVETCron1 174.6
un vestiment [...] c’est assavoir front et contrefrount [...].ij. fanouns, .ij. pilewes, un corporas [...]
Gloucester Inventory 292