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transoun (c.1290)

The form traunson is a cross reference to the following entry:

transoun (c.1290)

transoum,  traunson;  trenchon,  trenchom,  trenchoun  
  FEW:  transtrum *13/ii,217a Gdf: GdfC: TL: DEAF: DMF: TLF: OED:  transom n.  MED:  traunsom n.  DMLBS:  transtrum 3487a
ls(loanword: M.E. (?))

The trench- forms have been alternatively interpreted as forms of trunçun; see, for example, DEAF trons (tronçon) or Bibb Roth (G) p.44 n.13 (which suggest a possible formal association with *trinicare, trencher). For the association with English transom, see William Rothwell, ‘The Place of Femina in Anglo-Norman Studies’, Studia Neophilologica 70 (1998), pp. 55-82 (pp. 77-78).


1build.transom, cross beam
( c.1290; MS: 1307-25 ) Vous ne devez ublier K’il encovent aver grenchouns E clous ficchez en vos mesouns. E trenchons (M.E. splentes) a la meisoun ausi (var. (C: s.xivin) E trenchouns a la pareye ausi )  BIBB ROTH (G) 971
( s.xivin; MS: 1382 ) Traches et trenchons (M.E. Sulle-trees and splentes) Et meynte autre gobons Piler desouz le poutre  Nominale 448
( s.xvin; MS: s.xv1 ) vous covient d'aver [...] trenchoms a la pareie auxci (M.E. stantyz to walle). Pur cele aprise jeo vous di, Qar il y ad trenchoms et trenchesoms, Dount discord ad de nouns. Qar trenchoms fount as measones, Et trenchesoms fount morer chivalez  Fem2 73.2
( 1450 ) pro factura .ij. formpeys, chaumeres, retournes, corbels, transoums [...] pro .ij. fenestris  Build salz 109
2transom nail, small nail
( 1399-1400 ) [...] sprig, traunson et rofnaill pur ceres et cliefs [...]  Mch Tayl Accs1 1 Henry IV
( 1407-08 ) [...] pur .xiij M. et demi de sprig a .x. d. - .xj. s. .iij. d. pur demi .M. traunson .v. d. ob. [...]  Mch Tayl Accs1 9 Henry IV
( 1409-10 ) pur diversis sortis de clowis, c’est a dire le .c. a .vj. d. [...], sprig, traunsoun et rofnaill pur ceres, cliefs, lacchis [...]  Mch Tayl Accs1 11 Henry IV


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