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teler1 (1174-75)

The form telier is a cross reference to the following entry:

teler1 (1174-75)

telere,  telier,  teller  (tellare)  
  FEW:  tela 13/i,160b Gdf: GdfC:  telier 10,748a TL: telier 1 10,163 DEAF:  toile (telier)  DMF:  telier 1  TLF: OED:  teler n.  MED:  teler n.2  DMLBS:  telarius 3382b


occupationtextilecloth maker, weaver
( 1174-75; MS: s.xiiex ) li plus furent telier: Ne sevent porter armes, a lei de chevalier  FANT OUP 996
( MS: s.xiii1 ) textor: (R) le teler (var. (D: s.xiii1) li tistur )  Gloss Nequam1 249.72
( c.1275; MS: c.1275 ) les telers ke uverent les bureaus deivent prendre [...] pur le uveré del drap .xviij. deners  Winchester2 28.13
(1300) et purveu est qe nul telere ne overe reie en andley, ne en nul drap  Lib Cust 125.xvii
( c.1320; MS: c.1320 ) s’il aveneit qe nul des teliers ou des fullouns, pur sa richesce, vousist hors de la cité aler pur marchaundise faire [...]  Lib Alb 119
(used as a surname)
(1193) Rogerus le Teler  MED teler n.2
(1243) Thomas le Teller  MED teler n.2
(1327) William le Tellare  MED teler n.2


See also:

teile1  teler2  telere1 
This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.