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prolix (1329-30)

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prolix (1329-30)

(prolinxt,  prolux)  
  FEW:  prolixus 9,440b Gdf: GdfC:  prolixe 10,429b TL: prolis 7,1964 DEAF:  prolixe  DMF:  prolixe  TLF:  prolixe  OED:  prolix adj.  MED:  prolix(e adj.  DMLBS:  prolixus 2502a


lengthy, long-winded, protracted
( 1329-30 )  Mes la ou plusours cleyment [...] il serroit trope prolix  (ms. prolux) e anueyuz  (ms. ameyuz) d'aver un Quo warranto [...] devers plusours  YBB 3-4 Ed III 40
( 1329-50 )  les choses sont si prolixes si me fut vis q'eles ne poeyent mie bien aver esté mises en arrai en lettre souz le privé seal saunz trop longge demoere  Chancery Ed III 79
( 1355-64; MS: s.xivex )  trop prolinxt matir serroit a tout countier  Scalacronica 182


See also:

prolixement  prolixité 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.