pena (1422)

pena (1422)

[ gdw]

[ FEW: *9,114a poena; Gdf: ; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF: ; DMF: ; TLF: ; OED:  subpoena n.; MED:  sub-pena n.; DMLBS: 2329a poena ]
ls(loanword: Latin )

Sub pena is a Latin expression, listed in the DMLBS from 1482 but with earlier attestations in the vernacular: 1422 in Anglo-Norman and ‘before 1426’ in English. In addition, Anglo-Norman also uses a literal translation in bref de suz peine (cf. peine1), which can be dated between 1417 and 1424. Although the term became lexicalized in English (subpoena), these Anglo-Norman instances can still be seen as treating the expression as two separate words.


sub pena
1lawsubpoena, writ summoning a person to court subject to penalty for non-compliance
( 1422 )  qe null brief, ne lettre de privee seal, appellez brief ou lettre de sub pena, de nostre dit Seignur le Roi [...] ne issera ascunement envers nully  iv 189
( 1467-68 )  le feme dit al feffé qu'il fra astat aprés son decés a son baron pur term de vi et puis el devi: le baron en cel cas n'avera sub pena sur cel volunté  ii 13
peine#1  peiner#1  peinous  peinousement  peinur  penable  penablement  penal  penalté  penance  penancerie  penant  penible  peniblement  penibleté  penif  penil#3  penissement  penitance  penitancer  penitenciel 
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