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[pumerie] (1086)

The form pumeray is a cross reference to the following entry:

[pumerie] (1086)

pomerai,  pomeray,  pomerey,  pomereye,  pomerie;  pumeray  
  FEW:  pomum 9,154b Gdf:  pomeree 6,268b GdfC:  pomeroie 10,374a TL: pomeroie 7,1394 DEAF:  pon (pomeraie)  / pon (pomeree)  DMF:  pommeraie  / pommeree  TLF:  pommeraie  OED:  pomary n.  MED:  pomeri n.  DMLBS:  pomerium 2 2338a


1agriculturalorchard, garden or area for the cultivation of fruit trees
( 1343-44 )  Conue chose soit [...] Henri de Percy avoms [...] lessez a sire William Arnald de Naffreton, chapleyn, tout le gardyn de nostre pomerie de Naffreton, sauve a nous une rode de terre juxte nostre graunge devers le west  Percy Ch 193
2name(used as a surname)
( 1086 )  Ralph de Pomerai  Family Names Pomeroy
( 1219-19 )  Samsonis de la Pumeray  MED pomeri n.
( 1223 )  Samson de la Pomereye  MED pomeri n.


See also:

pomace  pomade  pomel1  pomelé  pume  pumer  pumete 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.