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ostriz1 (s.xiiiex)

The form osteriz is a cross reference to the following entry:

ostriz1 (s.xiiiex)

osteriz;  ostriche,  ostrige;  ostruce,  ostrus,  ostruse,  ostruz;  oustrich  (esterich,  ostriu,  ostur)  
  FEW:  struthio 12,309b Gdf: GdfC:  autruche 8,243c TL: ostruce 6,1397 / ostruz 6,1398 DEAF:  ostruce  DMF:  autruche  TLF:  autruche  OED:  ostrich n. and a.  / ostrich feather n.  / ostrich plume n.  MED:  ostrich(e. n.1  / ostriche fether n.  DMLBS:  ostrica 2067c

In Leviticus, the ostrich is listed among the unclean birds that should not be eaten. The TLL citations gloss this passage from the Bible. The gloss ostur is probably an error (see ostur1) – not uncommon in medieval times, cf. MED ostrich(e n.1, sense 4. On the difficulties of the taxonomy of medieval bird-names, see David Trotter, ‘Tote manere d’oiseaus: Les noms d’oiseaux en Anglo-Normand’, Cahiers de Lexocologie 103 (2013), 125-43.


orn.zool.ostrich, large flightless African bird with a long neck and long legs
( MS: s.xiiiex )  strutio: (A) ostriz (var. (B: s.xiii1) ostriu; (Ba: s.xiiiex) ostrus; (C: s.xiii/xiv) ostur; (E: s.xiii) ostruce; (H: s.xiiim) ostruz; (L: s.xiii) osteriz)  TLL i 237
( s.xiiiex; MS: 1307-15 )  Li ostriz [...] e ceus autres granz oisseaus e pessanz font grant semblant de voler e batent lur eles mes les pez les treent tut dis a la terre  Ancren2 224.31
( c.1300; MS: s.xivm )  Naam: ostruce, un oisel  Gloss Arab 356
( MS: s.xiv )  struccio: (C) ostruz (var. (G: s.xiiiex) ostriz)  TLL i 241
plume d'ostriz
decor.orn.anat.(representation of) an ostrich feather
( 1375 )  un hanap [...] ové un pomel esnamaillez de noir ové plumes d'esterych  GAUNT1 ii 278
( a.1382; MS: a.1382 )  les testes saunz bacynetz covertz od chaplets od plumes de ostriges et de tartres  Anon Chr1 37.5
( 1397 )  et en chescun pipe deux plumes d'oustrich blankes  Test Ebor i 227.6


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This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.