pointer1 (c.1170)

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pointer1 (c.1170)

[ gdw]

  FEW:  puncta 9,578b / punctum 9,589a Gdf:  pointier 1 6,255a GdfC:  pointer 1 10,368b / pointer 2 10,368b TL: pointier 1 7,564 DEAF:  point (pointer)  / point (pointier 1)  / point (pointir)  DMF:  pointer 1   / pointer 3  TLF:  pointer 1  OED:  point v.1  MED:  pointen v.1  DMLBS:  punctare 2575a
ponter,  poynter,  puncter,  punter, 
p.p. pointtu  

The past participle, pointé, may also be interpreted as pointe, the feminine form of the past participle of the related verb poindre1. As grammatical gender was often fluid in Anglo-Norman, it is virtually impossible to distinguish pointe from pointé in prose. However, poindre1 is by far the most common verb of the two.


1to prick, pierce, stab with a sharp object
( s.xiiiex; MS: 1307-15 )  corounement des espines ke li ponirerent (var. (BN: s.xivin) pointerunt) si asprement en la seinte preciouse teste  262.17
( MS: c.1325 )  si humme soy ponté d’etspyne (l. eçspyne) [...]  126.435
zool.insectsrept.(of insect, snake, scorpion etc.) to sting or bite
( MS: c.1325 )  pur ponture de serpent [...]. Celuy ou cele que lé novelus vous portera que le beste est poynté, dites louy que ele querge si [...]  151.694
2gramm.to punctuate, insert stops or pauses
( 1310 ) Cant.: ‘Le bref est faus [...]’. Ing.: ‘Vous le poyntez malement [...]’  Ed II iv 149


1to punch, prick with a pointed instrument (in the preparation of manuscript or text)
( MS: s.xiii )  Cedula sive appendice tam in superori parte quam in inferiori folia habeat coniuncta, et registrum et punctorium de quo dicere possit ‘punxi (gloss: pointai) non pupugi  i 188-89.167 and ii 117.167
2gramm.to punctuate, insert stops or pauses
( s.xiii2/4; MS: s.xivin )  [...] K’il sachent tres bien accenter [...] Et lire bien et destincter Et bien pointer et bien metrer  780


1 pointed, furnished with a point
( 1423 )  Item, .i. crois d'or [...] ovec .i. crucifix garniz en la plaie a coste d'un rubie pris .cc. li. en la mayn senestre d'un diamande poynté  iv 217.105
( 1428-32 )  Item, une aultre couppe d'or, coverte, au façon d'Angleterre, a long martillis sans esmail, ouveree a l'entour du pee et du covercle de longues fueilles et pointtues  215.C4
2pointed, prickly
( s.xiii2/4; MS: s.xiii2 )  Cum rose [...] Ki de tant fleire plus suef Cum ele seit pointé plus gref  6916
3costumetextilequilted (by stitching together two pieces of cloth with a layer of padding
( 1303-04 )  [...] dount il ne rendist puis qu’il avoit son argent receu qe un aketon, un gaumbesoun, unes trappes, quisseaux e greves pointés, e retint devers li un aketoun, .ij. gaumbesons, unes trappes, .i. bacinet, quisseaux e greves pointés, e une sele a summe  87
( MS: s.xiii/xiv )  Hanc cooperiat culcitra punctata (gloss: (D) pointé) (var. (L: s.xiii/xiv) puncté ) vel vestis stragulata  i 182.64 and ii 68.64
coilte pointee
1domestictextilecounterpane, quilted mattress or bed-cover
( c.1170; MS: s.xiiiex )  Pus si veit Haderof sur la coilte pointee Seeir [...]  866
poignanment  poignant  poigné#1  poindre#1  point#1  pointeié  pointel#1  pointel#2  pointelé  pointement  pointerole  pointet  pointing  pointur#1  pointure  purpoint  purpointé 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.