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brais1 (1140-1160)

The form brese3 is a cross reference to the following entry:

brais1 (1140-1160)

bras,  breis;  brece,  brees,  breez,  breise,  brese,  bres,  brez,  bretz  (berese  BIBB owen (5) 147r brasse  BIBB owen (O) 335rb)  
  FEW:  brace 1,483a Gdf: GdfC:  brais 8,365a TL: brais 1,1115 DEAF:  brais  DMF:  brai 2  TLF:  brai 3  OED: MED: DMLBS:  braisis 214a


( 1140-1160; MS: 1140-1160 )  duze sceppes de furment et de brais des eirs Hardewin des Eschalieres  Ely Arch 270.4.57
( s.xiii2/4; MS: c.1245 )  boillez en cerveise de brais en un noef pot  Pop Med 122.146
( c.1290; MS: 1307-25 )  de cele houre (=in brewing process) apeleras Breez (M.E. malt) qe einz blé nomaz  BIBB ROTH (G) 476
( s.xivin; MS: s.xiv1/3 )  Ensement est ordené des braceresses, qe aprés le moys de Seynt Michel, quant hom peot aver bon brays de novel greyn, [...]  Dom Gip 174
( 1390-1412; MS: s.xv1 )  Et gardez que vous eiez de brees bien et finement brasez, dont faitz bracier une bracerie de x ou xij quarter bien [...] brasez  Lett & Pet 407.33
( MS: s.xiii/xiv )  pandocinium: bres  TLL ii 84
This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by Taylor & Francis for the MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.