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burg (1139-50)

The form bourks is a cross reference to the following entry:

burg (1139-50)

borc,  borch,  borewe,  borgh,  borghe,  boroghe,  borough,  borthe,  borugh,  borwe;  bourc,  bourg,  bourgh,  bourk;  burc,  burche,  burg,  burge,  burgh,  burghe,  burke;  (bours  Mir Just 79 broc  S Marg York 332 bruc  Pet Phil 1099 buorc  Ancren2 173.20 purgum  vegetius2 132.12 );
pl. borc,  bors,  burchez,  burghz,  burgz,  burs  
  FEW:  burg- 15/ii,16b Gdf: GdfC:  burc 8,395b TL: borc 1,1063 DEAF:  borc  DMF:  bourg  TLF:  bourg  OED:  borough n.  MED:  burgh n.1  DMLBS:  burgus 3 227a
ls(loanword: M.E. (?))


town, borough
( 1139-50; MS: s.xiiex ) Des Merciens [...]; Citez i ot asez plusurs, Viles, chastels, riches burcs  Description Verse 40
( c.1170; MS: s.xiiiex )  N’i remaint a gaster burc, chastel ne cité  Horn 1758
( 1215; MS: 1226 )  totes les altres citez e li borc e les viles  Magna Carta 358.13
( MS: s.xiii ) urbana: (C*) de burg (var. (L: s.xiii) de cité )  TLL ii 127
( 1318 )  sount reseaunt deinz la borthe de Remesgate  YBB Ed II xxii 294
( c.1376 )  que vous ten[en]t ferme et estable la vile come cyté e ne mye come burgh  Oxford Med Arch 153
( 1317 )  burgh n’est qe mees a quei comune n’est apendaunt  YBB Ed II xxii 65
burg engleis
lawborough English
( 1311 )  Il y ad en Not’ ij burges, burge (var. burgage) engleis et burge (var. burgage) fraunceys  YBB Ed II x 62
( 1469 )  si le pere lessa terre de borough englishe a l’eigné fitz et devie  Readings i 93.8
franc burg
lawfree borough
( 1293 )  cé tenemens sunt en franc burche nostre seygnur le rey  YBB 21-22 Ed I 71
( 1340 )  Bristut et la suburbe sount fraunk burghe le roi, ou le roi [...] deit aveir eschet des touz les tenantz en cité  YBB 14-15 Ed III 187
vile de burg
lawvill where burgage tenure is the custom
( 1312-13 )  burgage n’est rien si noun mees en ville de burgh  YBB Ed II xiii 113
( 1314 )  en meynte vile de burgh sunt tenementz qe unqes ne feurent devisés  YBB Ed II xviii 73

See also:

This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by Taylor & Francis for the MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.