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bauçan (1160-74)

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The form balçan is a cross reference to the following entry:

bauçan (1160-74)

balçan ,  balzun;  bauçant,  baucen,  baucent,  bauchan,  bausande,  bausant,  bausent,  baussan,  bauson,  bausun,  bauzan  (bachant  Dest Rome1 816 baucyn  Prov Egerton 406)  
  FEW:  balteus 1,226b Gdf:  baucent 1,602a GdfC: TL: baucenc 1,884 DEAF:  baucenc  DMF:  baucenc  TLF: OED:  bauson n. and a.  / bausond a.  MED:  bausand a.  / bausene n.  DMLBS:  balzanus 178c


horseszool.piebald, with black and white patches
( 1160-74; MS: s.xvii )  chevauls ont gaaingniés blans et baucens et sors  Rom de Rou wace i 123.3294
( c.1170; MS: s.xiiiex )  [...] sur un destrier bauçan  Horn 3331
( s.xiiiin; MS: s.xiii2 )  deus chivaus [...] ly un estoit bausent, l’altre pomelez  Boeve 2476
( s.xiii1/4; MS: s.xiiim )  ‘Ha, balçan, bon destrier, tant mar fustes’  Ch Guill 1942


( MS: s.xiii )  taxi .i.brocvel bausande  TLL i 51
( s.xiii2; MS: c.1400 )  Item taxus animal est gallice baussan, anglice brok  Alph 183
( MS: s.xv )  Pernetz suette de bausun bone partye  Five Med MSS 155.E409
2 name (used as a surname)
( 1169-70 )  Willelmus Balzun  Pipe Roll xv 98

See also:

This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by Taylor & Francis for the MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.