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This -(i)er alternative of trace3 is found only in the Bibbesworth manuscript tradition and seems to be without any etymological grounds.
agriculturaltraces, pair of ropes, chains or straps by which a harnessed draught animal pulls its load:
c.1290; MS: s.xv1
) le traiser (var.
(5: s.xiv1/4) tracer;
(B: s.xv1) traicier;
(C: s.xivin) traycer
)(M.E. traishors) ad la brascerole (M.E. traishose or the nesill)bibb MS (O) 344va
s.xvin; MS: s.xv1
) Le traser od le braserole (M.E. þe trays wyþ þe brasyng eye)Fem2 66.9