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talevas (1160-72)

The form talabace is a cross reference to the following entry:

talevas (1160-72)

talavace,  talavas,  talavaz;  talevace,  talevaz,  talewaz;  talvas,  talvasse,  talvaz;  televaz  (talevasis ,  talabace  TLL ii 100 tolface)  
  FEW:  *talapacium 13/i,35b Gdf:  talevas 7,633b GdfC: TL: talevaz 10,64 DEAF:  talevaz  DMF:  talevas  TLF: OED:  talevace n.  MED:  talevace n.  DMLBS:  talevasium 3364b


1armourmil.large wooden shield (used as protection against arrows)
( 1160-72; MS: s.xvii )  As talevaz se sout e couvrir e moller  Rom de Rou wace i 74.1770
( MS: c.1250 )  Tunc de armis convenientibus ad domum [...] Hic cestus -tus -tui: talevaz  TLL i 413
( MS: s.xiii )  In civitate Tholose, nondum sedato tumultu belli, vidi antemuralia, licias, superfossata profunda, turres, propugnacula, tabula, et craticulata ex cratibus erecta, cestus (gloss: (L) talevas) (var. (C: s.xiiiex) talevaces;  (D*: s.xiii/xiv) talevace ), clipeos, targias, brachiola  TLL i 199 and ii 135.49
( 1265; MS: 1338-42 )  Ne vi tant de bone glenné [...] E bonez escuz e tolfaces  Kildare Poems 82.179
( a.1399; MS: a.1399 )  od arkes et od espeys et talvasses  Anon Chr1 41.6
armourmil. small fencing shield, varying in shape (round, oval or cressent-shaped)
( MS: s.xii/xiii )  peltas: (T) talavas (var. (D: s.xiii/xiv) talevasis;  (L: s.xiiiex) talewaz;  (C: s.xiiiex) talevaz, bouclers )  TLL ii 43.84
( MS: s.xii/xiii )  parmas habiles: (T) talavas  TLL ii 43.84
( s.xiii1/3; MS: s.xivin )  (during a fencing-bout) Uns nés le rei ki mult ert pruz E mult esteit amez de tuz Le talevaz ad enbracé E compaignon ad demandé  Brut Royal 2607
( MS: s.xiii/xiv )  ancile: talevas  TLL ii 147.49
2armourmil.boss of a shield
( MS: s.xiii2 )  umbo: talevas  TLL ii 25
3mil.textilepiece of thick cloth used to shield besieged towns' walls and military engines
( MS: s.xiii )  cilidis: (C) talevas  TLL ii 43.84
4sportsboxing glove, leather straps loaded with iron to protect the hands of a fighter
( MS: s.xiii )  arcoreres talevas hec cestibus  TLL i 38
( MS: s.xiii2 )  hic viget ariopagi eficacia, legem peritia, hippodromi confusa gloria, circi victoria, palaestrae potentia, cestus (gloss: de talvaz) fulminatio, missilium elatio  TLL i 160
( MS: s.xiii2 )  crudum quo Bebryca cestu (gloss: .j. par talevas) obruerit Pollux  TLL ii 8
sportspugilism, boxing
( MS: s.xiii2 )  cestu: eskyrmye, talevaz  TLL ii 4
( MS: s.xiii2 )  cestus genus ludi est .s. talevaz  TLL ii 4 note 10
boucle de talevas


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