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quinzeine1 (1121-25)

The form quinzine is a cross reference to the following entry:

quinzeine1 (1121-25)

qinzeine,  qinzeyne;  quinceine,  quinceyne,  quincine;  quindeceyne,  quindedeyne,  quindeisne,  quindeszain,  quindeszein,  quindeszeine,  quindezeine,  quindezeisne,  quindeszeyn,  quindezeyne,  quindizeine;  quinezeine;  quinsaine,  quinseigne,  quinseine,  quinseyne,  quinszaine,  quinszeine,  quinszene,  quinszeyne,  quinzaine,  quinzeigne,  quinzeine,  quinzeisne,  quinzene,  quinzenie,  quinzeyne,  quinzine,  quinzseyne,  quynsaine,  quynseine,  quynseyne,  quynzeisne,  quynzeyne  (quindszeme (l. quindszeine)  GAUNT1 i 47 quinseme (l. quinseine)  YBB Ed II v 75 quinteyne (l. quinceyne)  Five Med MSS 141.E276 quinzaimie  Foedera1 i 937 quinzainne  Foedera1 i 937 quinzame (l. quinzaine?)  Foedera1 i 389 quinzaume  Foedera1 iii 262 quinzeime  Foedera1 iii 262 quinzeme (l. quinzeine?)  Nov Narr 49 quinzesme  Rot Parl1 ii 97 and 99)  
  FEW:  quindecim 2/ii,1479a Gdf:  quinzaine 6,519c GdfC:  quinzaine 10,463a TL: quinzaine 8,103 DEAF:  quinze (quinzaine)  DMF:  quinzaine  TLF:  quinzaine  OED:  quinzaine n.  / quinzine n.  MED: DMLBS:  quindecimus 2632b

Although word gender often cannot be reliably determined in Anglo-Norman, there seems to have been a feminine substantive, derived from Latin quindecima, which was separate from the substantival use of quindecimus (see quinzein), and which was also found in Continental French.

The deviants quinzaimie and quinzainne, both attested in the same Foedera document might be alternative interpretations of the same number of minims in the manuscript.



1timethe fifteenth day, i.e. two weeks from a given day (counted inclusively)
( 1131-55 )  qui avoec lui jurgent a quinceine al meins  Bor Cust i 37
( c.1285; MS: c.1312 )  de votre bercherie chescune qinzeyne fetes le eyre marler de terre arcillouse  HENLEY2 326.c64
timequindene, quinzaine, the fifteenth day, i.e. two weeks after a church festival (counted inclusively)
( 1121-25; MS: s.xiv1 ) del Noel la quinzeine  S Brend mup 1307
( 1259 )  sera la paie fait au Temple a Paris, chascun an, a la quinzaine de l'Ascension la moité, e a la quinzaine de la Touz-Sainz l'autre  Foedera1 i 389
( 1323-25 )  [...] taunqe a la quinzeigne aprés la Pentecouste  St Sard 166
( 1379 )  parentre cy et le quindeceyne de Seint Hiller prochein avenir  GAUNT2 i 37
( 1397 )  ore a la quynsaine de la Trinité [...] nous avoms examiné [...]  King’s Bench vii.lxv
( a.1399; MS: a.1399 )  tanqe une quindeszein avaunt le fest de seint Peir  Anon Chr1 77.32
2timeperiod of fifteen days, fortnight (with the fifteenth day being counted inclusively)
( 1121-25; MS: s.xiv1 ) Puis q'unt curut (=travelled by boat) .iij. quinzeines, Freidur lur curt par les veines  S Brend mup 897
( c.1136-37; MS: s.xiiex )  Unze en i ot el champ ocis. E aprés ço une quinzeine Rasemblerent la gent grifaine  GAIMAR1 3001
( s.xiiex; MS: s.xiv2 )  En lyt se teent un quinzaine  Amis (C) 236
( s.xiii1; MS: s.xiii1 )  Kant la quinzenie aveit juné  Purg S Pat first anon 1780
( 1258-59 )  en essoines del derein presentement [...] doinst l'em jur de quinzaine en quinzaine, ou de treis semaines en tres semaines  Ann Burt 473


See also:

quinze  quinzein  quinzime 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.