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soil2 (c.1136-65)

The form sooil is a cross reference to the following entry:

soil2 (c.1136-65)

pl. souce,  sous,  souz,  souze;  sus  
  FEW:  solium 12,61b Gdf:  souil 7,508a GdfC: TL: souil 9,768 / souz 9,1023 DEAF:  soil  DMF:  souil  TLF:  souille  OED:  soil n.3  MED:  soile n.  DMLBS:  solium 3120a


1mess, impropriety
( c.1240; MS: c.1300 )  Pur ceo ke a cristiens failir ne voil A lur bosoigne, ne fere nul soil  Mir N-D 38.214
fig.filth, vice
( c.1136-65; MS: c.1200 )  (the whore:) de gesir en tel ordure Se delitet a desmesure; Od dolce parole qu'el  (ms. quele) feint Quiert k'a sun soil altres ameint  Salemon 4690
( c.1136-65; MS: c.1200 )  (the woman, symbol of heresy:) Sa bealté ordeie e despit Par le soil de mondain delit  Salemon 6922
2dung heap, manure pile
( c.1290; MS: s.xivin )  Les feens estrez de puaunt souze (var. (G: 1307-25) souz;  (C: s.xivin) sous )  BIBB ROTH (T) 796


See also:

soillable  soiller  soilleure  soillurous  solivur  suel 
This is an AND2 Phase 5 (R-S) entry. © 2018-21 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.