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soneiz (1155)

The form soniz is a cross reference to the following entry:

soneiz (1155)

sonez,  soniz;  souniz;  suneiz  
  FEW:  sonare 12,98b Gdf:  soneis 7,473c / sonois 7,475b GdfC: TL: soneiz 9,835 DEAF:  son 3 (sonois)  / soner (soneiz)  DMF:  sonnois  TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:  sonitium 3132a / sonitus 3132b

The form soniz in Rom Chev ants may also be interpreted as a plural of son1 or sonet1.


1music soundsounding, blowing of trumpets (etc.)
( 1155; MS: s.xiiex ) Dunc oissiez grant corneiz E de greilles granz suneiz  Brut WACE 12540
( s.xiii1; MS: s.xiiim ) [s]ulement par les suneiz des busines as pruveres furent li mur reversé (in Jericho)  Joshua Sermons ii 20
( c.1270; MS: c.1270-75 ) Sicum il comprent desus brefment le jur de juyse par le soneiz de la tube del setime aungele  Apoc Abingdon 172
2musicsong, tune
( s.xii3/4; MS: s.xiv2 ) Cil chevaler [...] Vont chantant lur soniz, meinent lur deduit  Rom Chev ANTS 1652
3eccl. soundpeal, ringing of church bells
( 1150-70; MS: 1225-1300 ) Ot les granz plaintes en la rue, Les seinz as musters, as chapeles, Demande as humes quels noveles, Pur quei il funt tel soneiz, E de quei seit li plureiz  Trist thomas2 3054
( c.1270; MS: s.xiii4/4 ) Endementiers ke l’en le porteit Par viles e eglises ensement Ou sunez ke il ot solempnement, I acurent gent  S Rich ANTS 1653
soneiz des oreilles
med. pathol.ringing in the ears, tinnitus
( 1266-13; MS: c.1300 ) Decoction faites de fighes et de mostarde vaut encontre souniz et noise d'oreilhes  Waterford busby 294.S117.30
( 1300; MS: s.xivin ) aloyne [...] assuage soniz des orayles  A-N Med ii 154


See also:

son1  sonable  sonail  sonement  soner1  sonet1  sonet2  sonur  sonure 
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