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solerne (s.xii1)

The form salerne is a cross reference to the following entry:

solerne (s.xii1)

salerne;  solaire,  soleire,  sollerne  
  FEW:  solaris 12,35b Gdf:  soleire 7,454b / soloirre 7,460a GdfC: TL: soleire 9,796 DEAF:  soleire  / solerne  DMF:  solerne  TLF: OED: MED:  solerne n.  DMLBS:  subsolanus 3260a

There is considerable overlap between entries for soleire and solerne in the dictionaries. The DMF defines soleire as a south wind and solerne as an east wind, though both entries also make reference to a wind from the other cardinal point. DEAF defines both as 'east wind'. No related entry is found in the OED, and the MED contains a single entry for solerne (defined as 'an east wind'), pointing to its etymon as both soleire and solerne. Latin subsolanus refers solely to an east wind according to the DMBLS.


1 geog. East
( s.xii3/4; MS: s.xiv2 )  En Solerne devers Perse ad mult meillur entrée  Rom Chev ANTS 5166
( s.xivin; MS: 1382 )  Vent de biz et vent solerne (M.E. Estwynde)  Nominale 564
( MS: s.xv1 )  Vent du bise  (M.E. north), vent du salerne  (M.E. est), Vent du mydy  (M.E. south), vent du galerne (M.E. west)  bibb MS (O) 342
2meteo.east wind
( c.1230; MS: 1275-85 )  Li secund Subsolan ad nun, Ke nus Solaire renomum  Pet Phil 1692
( 1266-1300; MS: c.1300 )  les poisons qui sunt en bise et en l'orient abitant sunt milhor quant tez vens vente, c'est a dire de bise et de solerne que se il ventast de galerne et de plogol  Waterford busby 286.S99.31
( c.1325; MS: c.1325 )  Jhesu Cryst venra dever sollerne e se moustra gekes en galerne  Bible Holkham 66.4
( s.xii1; MS: c.1145 )  Deus del soleire  (Latin: ab austro) vendra, e li sainz del mont Faran  Oxf Ps ANTS 135.V.4


See also:

sol1  solail  solailer  soler4  Subsolan 
This is an AND2 Phase 5 (R-S) entry. © 2018-21 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.