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[possiblement] (1308-09)

The form posiblement is a cross reference to the following entry:

[possiblement] (1308-09)

  FEW:  possibilis 9,239a Gdf:  possiblement 6,332c GdfC: TL: possible (possiblement) 7,1641 DEAF:  possible (possiblement)  DMF:  possiblement  TLF:  possible (possiblement)  OED:  possibly adv. and n.  MED:  possibli adv.  DMLBS:  possibiliter 2361b


possibly, in any conceivable way
( 1308-09 )  Le Viscunte [...] les fet amercier pur concelement si les dites choses devant ly ne seyent presentez, issi qe yl ne pur les profiz as ditz hundrez appendauns aver, ne posiblement joyer, dunt il prie remedie  Rot Parl1 i 279


See also:

poable  poance  poant  poantment  podestat  poer1  poer2  poeros  poeste  poesté  poestif  poestivement  possible  possibleté  potence  potent  potestat  potestatem  pouaille  pussablement  pussance  pussant  pussantment  pussaument 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.