1ship.bot.pitch, dark and resinous substance obtained from the distillation of wood tar or turpentine, hard when cold and semi-liquid when hot, typically used to caulk seams of wooden vessels or as a flammable material:
MS: s.xii3/3
Estupes e peiz prist E alumer les fist, Tut s’en envolupat
Comput ANTS 663
MS: s.xiv2
Grant pople i ad en Inde [...] E un i ad plus noir qe poiz ne resine
Rom Chev ANTS 4715
MS: c.1300
E vus al kaudrun ces buillez En peiz
(var. (F: s.xiv1/4) pys) [e] en suffre ensement
Lum Lais ANTS 13165
MS: s.xivm
si nul soit atteint de larcine, soit toundu [...] et pice boillante sur sa teste versé
Rich I 5.18
MS: s.xivm
fetez quire en piz tant que seit si [es]pesse cum past
Med Comp ANTS 268
MS: s.xiv1/3
De chescun baryl de pyz ou de jemme, .j.
Dom Gip 184
MS: c.1400
Franchement par le fu et lez picz ardantz
(Latin: per ignem et ardentem picem) passerent
Lichfield 59.6
2bot.resin or crude turpentine which exudes from some coniferous trees, typically aromatic:
MS: c.1300
Pur malveis aleine: Pernez le fust aloen, galingal, gilofre, vin blanc, pic. Quisez ensemble
Pop Med 321.63