1to bathe in steam:
MS: c.1325
etstuer (l. eçstuer) lé maynus ou lez pees en la fume
Receptaria 113.273
MS: s.xiv1
E metez le homme en un estu[v]e ne pas trop chaud e le
estuez checun jour
Receptaria 43.374
MS: c.1412
tout le corps me mange tres malement. Et pour ce je m’en vai demain pour estre
Man lang2 170
2to stew:
MS: c.1325
fett[e]z ben estamper en un morter e pus bien
etstuer en un poth
Receptaria 112.267
to take a steam bath:
MS: s.xiiim
Si vus en usez quant baignez U
estuvés, tant vaut meuz
Nov Chir ANTS 807
MS: s.xiv1
[…] e lessez le
(=patient) ben
estuer si chaud cum il le purra endurer
Receptaria 26.202
to make oneself perspire, take a steam bath:
MS: s.xiiex
Desuz se s’en
estuve feme, Ses natures li rent la gemme
Lapid 45.435
MS: c.1200
De la fum[e]e kin istrat [...] Si la deit l’en mediciner Cum hom qui se voille
Lapid 240.1130
MS: s.xiii2
Estuvez vus ene
sic] ces herbes: fumeterre, eble e lovesche, [...]
Pop Med 70.38
MS: s.xiii3/4
ainz qu(i)'il se voile
estuver (=by sitting over hot fumes to cure piles) , se (=si) li covient defumer
Pop Med 195.1491
This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by
Taylor & Francis for the
MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the
Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.