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chaucer3 (c.1136-65)

The form chalcer is a cross reference to the following entry:

chaucer3 (c.1136-65)

calcer;  chalcer,  chaucir,  chauscer,  chauser,  chausir;  (chachier)  
  FEW:  calceare 2/i,68a Gdf:  cauchier 1 2,3a GdfC:  chalcier 9,27c TL: chaucier 1 2,323 DEAF:  chaucier  DMF:  chausser 1  TLF:  chausser  OED: MED: DMLBS:  calceare 241c


1footwearcostumeto put on (shoes or leggings)
( 1160-74; MS: s.xiiiin )  Esté esteit, grant chaut faiseit, Lez l’esturmen Maugier seeit, Sor ses piez ses braies liés,N’aveit mie chauces chauciés  Rom de Rou wace ii 58.4602
( c.1185 )  Donc veissez […] chachier tantes genulleres  Proth ANTS 11617
( c.1290; MS: s.xv1 )  Chauscez (M.E. hose) voz brais, (M.E. brech), soulers (M.E. schoos) et gans (M.E. gloves)  bibb MS (O) 332va
( c.1270; MS: s.xiii4/4 )  par les botes ke chaucé out […]  S Rich ANTS 994
to attach (spurs) to the feet
( s.xii3/4; MS: s.xiv2 )  Esperons d’or [li] chauce li bon gomfanonners  Rom Chev ANTS 543
( c.1200; MS: c.1220-40 )  bone chançun Del meillur rei qui calçast esperun  Anc Test (E) 12262
( s.xiiiin; MS: c.1300 )  Roi H. li chause les esporouns deorrez  Boeve 537
2footwearcostumeto dress, provide with shoes or leggings
( 1155; MS: s.xiiex )  pur les fiz faire entramer Furent li fiz ensemble mis, Ensemble nurri e apris; D’une guise furent chalcié E d’une guise apparaillié  Brut WACE 14015
( s.xiii1/3; MS: s.xiiim )  D’unes chalces de paille chalcees esteit  Gui War 4587
( c.1136-65; MS: c.1200 )  Del garnement qu’aveit plus chier L’enorat, pus le fist chalcer  Salemon 2632
( s.xiii2/4; MS: s.xiiim )  […] pur nus vestir e chaucer  Mirour Egl 18.38


footwearcostumeto put on one’s shoes or leggings
( s.xiiiex; MS: s.xivin )  Aprés ceo in vestant et chauçant vous dirrez Pater noster  Ancren1 12.26


footwearcostumeto put on one’s shoes or leggings
( 1160-74; MS: s.xiiiin )  (young Gui) Desque [...] il se sout peistre e chaucier en Normendie fu portez  Rom de Rou wace ii 20.3602
( s.xii3/4; MS: s.xiv2 )  li uns l’aprent sey chaucer e vestir  Rom Chev ANTS 430
( s.xiv1; MS: c.1361 )  Toy ceintes, et chauces toi tes chauceures  Actes (A) 367c

sbst. inf.

footwearoccupationcostumemaking of shoes or leggings
( 1363 )  drapers a draperie, chauçours a chaucer, tailours au taillourie  Rot Parl1 ii 278

p.p. as a.

footwearcostume(of a person) dressed, shod (with shoes or leggings)
( 1160-74; MS: s.xiiiin )  Une pucele ad trovee Dedenz le bois, pres de l’entree, Bien iert vestue e bien chaucié  Rom de Rou wace i 182.575
( s.xiii1/3; MS: s.xivin )  Vestu erent mult richement E chaucé mult corteisement  Brut Royal 3872
( MS: s.xiii/xiv )  caligatus: (T) chaucis  TLL ii 33
eccl.footwearmonasticcostume(of a friar) calced, wearing footwear
( s.xiiiex; MS: 1307-15 )  frere […] ou blanc, ou bis, ou chaucez ou nupiez  Ancren2 263.22

See also:

This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by Taylor & Francis for the MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.