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esmarir (1120-40)

esmarir (1120-40)

  FEW:  *marrjan 16,535b Gdf:  esmarir 3,492a GdfC: TL: esmarrir 3,1112 DEAF: DMF:  esmarrir  TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:


emotionto be vexed
( c.1136-37; MS: s.xiiex )  Li reis, quant l’ot, mult s’esmarit, Sur un cheval est tost saillit  GAIMAR1 5817

p.p. as a.

emotionput out, depressed
( MS: 1120-40 )  Il la volt prendra, cil ne li volt guerpir, A l’apostolie revint tuz esmeriz  S Alexis1 352
( c.1170; MS: s.xiiiex )  Ne sai si est pur amur que sui si esmarie  Horn 713
( c.1200; MS: s.xiii1 )  Atant se veit li angle, il esmist esbaiz: Ne poet neen parler, de ço fud esmeriz  S Jean-B 44
This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by Taylor & Francis for the MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.