bot.possibly selfheal (but used for a number of plants including navelwort):
MS: 1280-1310
unctuosa: (A8) uncterele
(var. (A9: 1280-1310) uncturol; (A12: 1280-1310) uncturole; (B3: s.xiv) oynterole; (C6: s.xv) uncturiol; (C8: s.xv) uncterol; (C23: s.xv) unterole)
Plant Names 256
MS: c.1300
A faire popelion: Plantain, jubarbe, oinzerole, ronce, lettue, olie de violet, morele, canellie, frazier et del poplier le plus et oint de porc masle freis
Pop Med 326
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