The form resus is a cross reference to the following entry:
This entry combines three possible separate articles, derived from the same etymon, but producing different forms: resoudre, resolver and resoler.
Firstly, resolver is attested (albeit rarely) in Continental French (DMF: résolver; GDF: resolver 7,102c; TL: resolver 8,1026; DEAF: resoudre (resolver); FEW: resolvere 10,303b), and the form is borrowed into Middle English (OED: resolver n.; MED: resolven n.). In Anglo-Norman, the only trace of this a verb is the imp.5. form resolvez, as used repeatedly in Alchimie. However, this form also represents the imp.5. form of resoudre, and these attestations alone are not enough to support the creation of a separate entry for resolver.
Secondly, AND1 included a separate entry for resoler, based on the past participle form resolé, as attested in A-N Med. No such verb is attested in Continental French. As the conjugation of the verb resoudre produces forms with a resol- root, it is more likely that the form resolé represents an unusual variant of the standard past participle resolu. Consequently, the separate AND1 entry resoler has been incorporated here.