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rastuer (c.1290)

The form ratuer is a cross reference to the following entry:

rastuer (c.1290)

rastouer,  rastuher,  rastuwer;  rasture;  ratuer   (retuer)  
  FEW:  *rasitoria *10,90a Gdf: GdfC: TL: DEAF:  rastoire (*)  DMF: TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:

While this rare word’s etymon is probably *rasitoria (‘streichmass’, i.e. ‘levelled measure’), there may have been some influence, semantically rather than formally, from rastellus (cf. rastel: ‘rake’).


( c.1290; MS: s.xivin )  De un rastuwer  (M.E. trowhryb) le auge  (M.E. the trowh) moundez  (M.E. clanse)  bibb MS (C) 6va
( c.1290; MS: s.xiv1/4 )  De un rasture la auge mondez  bibb MS (5) 145v
( c.1290; MS: s.xivin )  Le rastel  (M.E. rake) e le rastuer  (M.E. dourib) Sount divers en lur mester. [...] Kaunt le past al auge aherd, Le rastuher (M.E. þe dourib) dounkes lour serd  BIBB ROTH (T) 306 and 311
( c.1290; MS: s.xv1 )  quant le paste a l’auge se prent, De rastouer grater la comment  bibb MS (O) 344rb
( MS: s.xiii-xiv )  costa: (D) un grater de pest ou le retuer  TLL ii 131.33


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