For discussion of terre des Ports as an erroneous designation for ‘Portugal’ (originating from a proposed misreading of terram Portugallorum in the original Latin source texts as terram Portu(gallor)um), see Ian Short, ‘A Note on the Pseudo-Turpin Translations of Nicolas de Senlis and William de Briane’, Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 86 (1970), 525-32 (p. 528).
The name of the mountain pass Ports Caspias/Caspiens in Rom Chev ANTS has alternatively been interpreted as porte1, i.e. the ‘Caspian Gates’, and one manuscript even has ponz (‘bridges’). The editor of Rom Chev ANTS suggests, however, that the correct reading is probably Porz (in the sense of ‘mountain pass’), ii 107.n6053.