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porche1 (s.xii1)

The form porge is a cross reference to the following entry:

porche1 (s.xii1)

(pocche  TLL ii 40.80 porge  TLL ii 88.157 proce );
pl. porchis  
  FEW:  porticus 9,223b Gdf: GdfC:  porche 10,378b TL: porche 7,1493 DEAF:  porche  DMF:  porche 1  TLF:  porche  OED:  porch n.  MED:  porche n.  DMLBS:  porticus 2355a

Deviant forms like pocche or proce are dubious and may be nothing more than scribal or editorial errors.

AND1 defined porchis, as used in Court Bar, as ‘field path (?)’, based upon the translation provided in the edition, and treats it as a separate article. However, there does not seem to be any etymological ground for that.


archit.porch, (exterior) structure that covers the entrance of a building
( s.xii1; MS: 1155-60 )  Il siet aguetanz dejuste les porches en repostailles (Latin: Sedet insidians juxta vestibula in absconditis), que il ociet le nient nuisant  Camb Ps 13.IX.28
( c.1136-65; MS: c.1200 )  Joste les portes de cité E es proces ad molt crié (Latin: iuxta portas civitatis, in ipsis foribus loquitur)  Salemon 5030
( 1214-16; MS: s.xiv1/4 )  Ore vus diray les signes ke avindrunt devaunt sa mort: [...] ly porche ke estoyt countre soun paleys e la eglise cheyt par ly meymes  Turpin 1450
( MS: c.1250 )  De hiis que ad domum pertinent [...] Hoc vestibulum: porche  TLL i 422.153
( s.xiii3/3; MS: s.xiv1/3 )  Si purpresture soit fait ou en ville ou en champes, sicome fymer en la haut rue a noyaunce de pais ou mur levee par veisyn sur autre ou en la haut chemyn le Roy sicome sendis ou porchis, que seu jour soient abatuz  Court Bar 94
( 1384 )  a la porte de mesme la sale serra une porche voutee de braces et covert de pere hachee  Build salz 465
covered entrance of a tent
( 1423 )  Item, .ij. tentes de bloy carde, linez de toille linge, queux furent au seignur Herry d'Escrop', ovec .j. porche et .j. aley; pris de tout .vj. li. [...]  Rot Parl1 iv 240.1076


See also:

porcheiz  portice  porticés 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.