portice (s.xii1/3)

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portice (s.xii1/3)

[ gdw]

  FEW:  porticus 9,224a Gdf:  postic (portice) 6,336a GdfC:  portique 10,383a TL: DEAF:  porte (portique)  / porte (portiz)  DMF:  portique 2  TLF:  portique  OED:  portic n.  MED: DMLBS:  porticus 2355a
portic,  portis,  portiz  

Some confusion with porte1 (‘door, gate’) and postiz1 (‘postern, wicket, gate’) seems possible, especially in case of the Purg S Pat2 citation. Gdf includes portice solely as a variant spelling of postic (‘poterne et aussi arcade ou portique à front de rue donnant accès à une avant-cour’, 6,336a) which seems unlikely, as the word derives from a different etymon.


1archit.porch, (exterior) structure that covers the entrance of a building
( MS: s.xii1/3 )  porticus: portic  i 26
( MS: s.xii/xiii )  Corpus aule vestibulo muniatur, iuxta quod porticus gloss: portice honeste sit disposita  i 185.157 and ii 88.157
( c.1200; MS: s.xiii3/4 )  La maistre porte .xx. teises halt esteit, Coverte de plates d'or, ovree esteit, E de .xx. teises esteit li portiz E dis de lee de memes l'ovre asis  (B) 12735
( s.xiii2/4; MS: s.xiv1 )  La fosse fit bien cloyre de haut mur et festiz; De serraure, de clef, fu fermez li portiz  (T) 82
( MS: s.xiii )  Valve bifbres iuxta porticum (gloss: portis) colloce[n]tur et cardinibus debito modo muniantur  i 186.158 and ii 115.158
portice de Salomon
1archit.Bibl.toponymtheol.Gate of Solomon, gate of the Temple of Herod, overlooking the valley of Cedron (cf. 1 Chronicles 9:18)
( s.xiv1; MS: c.1361 )  touz estoient ensemble el temple el portiz de Salomon  (A) 363d
porche#1  porcheiz  portal  porte#1  porter#1  porterage  portere#1  porterie  porticés  portlatin 
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