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purchaçur (c.1292)

The form porchasour is a cross reference to the following entry:

purchaçur (c.1292)

porchaceor,  porchasour,  pourchacier,  pourchaçour,  purchaceour,  purchacer,  purchaciour,  purchaçour,  purchaser,  purchasere,  purchasor,  purchasour,  purchassour,  purchasur,  purchazour,  purchesour  (purcharceour  BRITT i 220 (var.))  
  FEW:  *captiare 2/i,324b Gdf:  porchaceor 6,284c GdfC: TL: porchaceor 7,1484 DEAF:  chacier 1 (porchaceor)  DMF:  pourchasseur  TLF:  pourchasser (pourchasseur)  OED:  purchaser n.  MED:  purchasour n.  DMLBS:


1lawfinan.purchaser, buyer, acquirer of goods or property by means other than inheritance
( c.1292; MS: c.1300 )  le purchaceour (var. (G: s.xiv1/3) purchasour; (M: s.xivin) purchasur; (F: s.xiv3/3) porchasours; (W: s.xiv) porchaceor) si li soint [chateus] emblés  BRITT i 263
( 1346 )  ele fut purchaceour de cele, et ne mye tenante en dowere  YBB 20 i Ed III 465
( 1347-48 )  talliages soient levez [...] des foreins purchasours  Rot Parl1 ii 212
( c.1360-79; MS: s.xivex )  Nul chivaler, s’il est parfit, Serra marchant ne pourchaçour  GOWER Mirour 23751
2instigator, inciter
( 1327 )  le faux purchasour de cele prohibicion  Rot Parl2 106
joint purchaçur
lawfinan.joint purchaser, buyer, acquirer of goods or property by means other than inheritance, jointly with another
( 1310 )  si jeo relesse moun joint purchaz a moun joint purchasour deinz age, il aliene tut entier jeo deinz age, et soy ousté, jeo n'avera qe la moieté par assise  YBB Ed II iv 140


See also:

chaceur  purchacement  purchacer1  purchaceresse  purchas  purchasere 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.