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perceivable (c.1420-89)

perceivable (c.1420-89)

perceyvable,  perseviable  
  FEW:  percipere 8,217a Gdf:  percevable 6,92a GdfC: TL: percevable 7,708 DEAF:  perçoivre (percevable)  DMF:  percevable  TLF: OED:  perceivable adj.  MED:  perceivable adj.  DMLBS:  perceptibilis 2192a


finan.(of money) collectible, recoverable
( c.1420-89 )  le rent est perceyvable per auter maynes per reason de le tenir [...] assise ne gisoit pur ceo q'il est un [profit] apprendre per sa mayn demesne, scilicet, person couper et cariage demesne, et issint nient perseviable per auter mayn come rent est  Readings i 1.n1


See also:

perceivement  perceivre  perception 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.