pentis (s.xii/xiii)

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pentis (s.xii/xiii)

[ gdw]

[ FEW: *25/i,33a appendere; Gdf: ; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF:  pentiz; DMF: ; TLF: ; OED:  penthouse n.; MED:  pentis n.; DMLBS: 2183b penticium ]
pentesse,  pentice,  pentise,  pentiz;  pentthous;  pentys,  pentyz  

According to the OED’s etymological discussion, the form pentthous is a spelling that reflects a folk-etymological re-interpretation of the word as pent (‘slope’, possibly referring to a sloping roof, cf. the much later word pent n.2) and house. This suggests that Anglo-Norman pentthous is presumably a borrowing from English (where this type of spelling would become prevalent), even though its use in gaunt1 antedates the first English attestation by well over a century (the OED’s earliest attestation is from 1530).

Continental French only has the non-aphetic forms appentis (DMF) and appendis (DMF) with the same sense; cf. Anglo-Norman apentiz.


1archit.penthouse, structure appended to the wall of a building (in the form of a shelter, extended eaves or sloping roof) creating a covered gallery
( MS: s.xiii/xiv )  sima: gallice pentiz  ii 148.74
( 1416-17 )  pur .ij. okenbordes as .ij. pentises en l'ostell ové les petitz stuples - .vj. d.  4 Henry V
( MS: 1419 )  Et qe les pentyz et getiz des measouns soient autresi hautz qe gentz as chivalx puissent par desouthe chivacher  271
( MS: 1419 )  Qe pentys qi sount trop bas soyent abatuz  584
( 1509-10 )  pro .iiijxx. bordnalis pro le pentesse et fenestris in eadem  i 105
archit.porch, shelter
( MS: s.xiv )  porticus: gallice pentise vel porche  ii 61
2archit.subsidiary building, annexe
( MS: s.xii/xiii )  appodentio: (O) pentiz(var. (T: s.xii/xiii) a la lavendrie; (C: s,xiiiex) a la lavenderie)  ii 45.86
( 1321 )  le dit Johan fra un mur de pere e de chaux a sesse pees du but de la sale de trentesis [pees] de loung e dis pees de haut pur receivre un pentis qe serra outre la panetrie e botelerie  427
( 1372 )  Ceste endenture [...] tesmoigne que nostre dit seignur ad baillez et lessez a ferme al dit Thomas toute sa pescherie deinz l'eawe de Severne, ovesque pentthous et touz autres appurtinances  i 9
apentiz  pendable  pendant  pendement  penderol  pendre#1  pendur  pendure  pentishoke 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.