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pagent (1386-87)

pagent (1386-87)

pagant,  pagaunt  
  FEW:  pagina *7,472b Gdf: GdfC: TL: DEAF:  pageant  DMF: TLF: OED:  pageant n. and adj.  MED:  pagent n.  DMLBS:  pagenta 2081a
ls(loanword: M.E. (?))

The semantic development of ME pageant from the CL pagina 'page', has long puzzled etymologists. L. Spitzer, in 'Pagent = Lat. Pagina,' The American Journal of Philology, 64.3 (1943), pp. 327-330 outlines this theory. W. Rothwell, in “Anglo-Norman Lexis,” Medieval French Textual Studies In Memory of T.B.W. Reid. London: Anglo-Norman Text Society, 1984, p.175, further comments on the development of pagine and pagent. The DMLBS attests the use of pagina in the sense of 'pageant, play' from 1376, as well as the form pagenta from 1390, thus preceding the use of the AN and ME forms by only a few years. The attestations in YMB are largely from undated material, but the term seems to have been used from about 1388 in AN and 1403 in ME. Forms with and without -t are included in the MED / OED articles.



dramapageant, play (especially in reference to the York Mystery Plays)
( 1386-87 )  expendront en la coillet de la moneie de lour pagant [...]  YMB i 100
( s.xiv-xv )  les pagentz suisditz soient jueez en les lieux quelles furent limitez et assignez [...] les quelles lieux sount annexis a ceste bille en une cedulle  YMB i 51


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This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.