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ostensour (1407)

ostensour (1407)

  FEW:  ostendere *7,435 Gdf: GdfC: TL: DEAF:  *ostendre  DMF:  ostenseur  / ostenteur  TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:  ostensor 2065a

A rare word in Anglo-Norman, thus far only found in this early fifteenth-century attestation. Surprisingly, no other derivatives of the Latin etymon ostendere (cf. also DMF ostendre, ostensif, ostension and ostentation) are attested in Anglo-Norman. In Middle English, the word family seems to appear over the course of the fifteenth century (cf. OED ostend v. (c.1429) and ostension n. (1474) – however, ostensor n. is attested in English from 1804, with the religious sense ‘monstrance’).


one who shows, displays for inspection (?)
( 1407 )  as quillez vos reverentes et puissantes seignouries plese entendre que nous avons escript a nostre treschier et tresbien amé, Jehan Pickring, ostensour de ces presentes, la maniere et estate en quoy le fait de la seurté d'entre le royalme d'Engleterre et le pays de Flandres a esté gouverné  Roy Lett Hen IV ii 176


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