opposicioun (s.xiiiin)

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opposicioun (s.xiiiin)

[ gdw]

[ FEW: 7,376a opponere; Gdf: ; GdfC: 10,236a opposition; TL: 6,1156 oposicïon; DEAF:  oposer (oposicïon); DMF:  opposition; TLF:  opposition; OED:  opposition n.; MED:  opposicioun n.; DMLBS: 2036b oppositio ]
opposicion,  opposiciun,  opposition  

The OED oppose v. distinguishes two semantic branches for the oppos- group of words, both derived from Latin opponere: Branch I has the senses relating to ‘examination or interrogation’, and Branch II those relating to ‘opposition or opponency’. The former is considered the medieval sense of the word (as a synonym for apposer1), whereas the latter (despite being closer to the Latin core sense) is said to be ‘rare in English before the late 16th century’. The MED supports this statement, with all of the senses of ​opposen v. falling into the Branch I category. The limited material available in Anglo-Norman, on the other hand, suggests not only that both senses seem to have been attested in medieval times, but also that they cannot be easily separated, with many instances expressing an idea of ‘questioning through objection’ or ‘objecting through questioning’.

For the problematic medical sense (defined on the basis of the Latin source-text), see the note in A-N Med i 265.78.


1opposition, objection
( 1360 )  Et a ce faire nous obligeons nous, noz heirs, et tout noz biens; tout opposicion et contredit cessant  iii 521
( 1372 )  semblablement ad promys le dit roi [...] affaire autielle descharge pur sa partie le pluis tost qu’il purra [...], et a ce il s’ad obligé tout opposition ou contredit cessant  i 17
med.pharm.antispastic, i.e. diverting or counteracting, treatment
( s.xiii2/4; MS: s.xiii3/4 )  Donques de la comencement de la maladie, si li malades est de l'age et de la force, se li doit l'en seigner per opposicion (Latin: minutio per anti[s]pasim) et meimement en pleuresie  i 202.78
2probing, questioning
( s.xiiiin; MS: s.xiii2/4 )  Li vieillard a tant respundi: 'A ceo que jeo ai de vus oi Ne est mestier de opposiciun, Ne de muver grant questiun'  8515
lawprobing, questioning (in interrogation)
( 1317 )  Scrope: 'Ou fut il avant en la vie Robert?' Denham: 'C'est un opposicioun. Jeo n'ay mester a respoundre a ceo mes a meyntenir moun brief'  Ed II xxii 15
( 1321 )  Hervi enquist de la femme, par opposicion, de touz les articles avauntdit dont la bille fust defective, et puis fist la partie a ceo respoundre  Ed II xxvi.ii 108
( 1340 )  si est assentuz qe desore en avant nul justice errant ne mette en article, n’en opposicion, presentement d’englescherie, devers les communes des countees ne devers nul de eux  i 282
( 1376 )  que toutes les choses susescriptez serront bien et pleinement fait et de bon foy, sanz nulle plee, opposicion, avocacie, processe, ou aucun autre contredit et delay  iii 1068
opposaille  opposement  opposer  opposite  opposour 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.